April 18, 2024
The Covid-19 Psych-Op, The Invasion, Drugs & Radical Environmentalism: In The Long Run, It's All About The Globalists Taking Our Land By Any & Every Means Necessary
-The Tsunami Of Death And Chaos Has Arrived, From Maui To Our Backyards
By Anthony Emmanuelli and All News Pipeline
There are many ways the government can hijack, seize, appropriate, and subsequently take control of land:
- utilize eminent domain to take private property (and even personal and intellectual property), allegedly for public use and for public benefit;
- give the green light to the CDC to enact "eviction moratoriums" in the name of protecting the public from Covid-19 so that the private property rights of landlords are nullified and destroyed;
- expand existing national monuments, and even create new ones, with the result that the land earmarked for "protection" becomes off limits to the recreational pursuits of Americans as well as becoming off limits to drilling, mining, and exploration;
- create and enforce environmental and operational regulations on American farmers and ranchers which increase their compliance costs and the number of permits required to stay in business, with the objective of bankrupting them so that they become motivated to abandon their land;
- if that doesn't work, introduce diseases (such as Bird Flu) that infect even one animal, thereby forcing ranchers to cull their entire herds and flocks so that shortages of animal-based protein occur (to be replaced by bugs, according to the WEF);
- if the first two don't work, simply set on fire large swaths of land in the Texas Panhandle as revenge and have the Texas Forest Service bulldoze surrounding land that wasn't even burned by the fires (and yes, this actually happened, according to the ranchers);
- invent "Carbon Capture" technology for the purpose of blazing a pipeline right through miles and miles of open land, with the result that the landowners along the proposed pipeline (mainly in South Dakota) are being threatened by greedy Carbon Capture companies (and all of this, allegedly, to save Mother Earth);
- raise taxes on the transfer of home and business assets in America so that the heirs of the home or business may have no other choice than to sell their assets in order to pay the taxes;
- empower multi-trillion dollar asset management firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, to snatch up single-family homes once they are available for sale, so that those homes become out of reach for American families;
- develop ESG policies which designate nitrogen oxide, nitrous oxide, and ammonia as "pollutants" in the name of reducing carbon emissions when the actual goal is to regulate farm animals out of existence and put thousands of farmers out of work (this has been happening for quite some time in the Netherlands, most of Western Europe, and India, and has already led to starvation conditions in Sri Lanka);
- inform tenants and property owners that their homes are "too large" and they must sacrifice their abodes in order to make way for illegal aliens (this is happening right now in Great Britain);
- allow illegal aliens to camp out in parks, tennis courts, recreational centers, former military installations, golf courses, and any open land that was formerly utilized (and enjoyed) by the American public;
- permit vultures like Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party to buy up all the acreage of American farmland that they want (for their own nefarious purposes);
- pass laws that encourage squatters to occupy residences, while simultaneously making it extremely difficult if not impossible for the owners to evict them.
The next three involve murder:
- load up the so-called Covid "vaccines" with spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, and graphene oxide which, in due time, will incapacitate their recipients (if they haven't already), leaving their homes and their land vacant (due to the fact that they're either dead or in the hospital) and hopefully without vaccine-free occupants;
- incinerate Lahaina on the island of Maui and instruct the cops to block all exit routes from the fire, leaving the owners of the land and their prospective heirs to burn to death. As governor Josh Green said to a reporter on television: Im already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land, when it was never the states land to begin with: it belongs to any and all survivors of the fire in Lahaina (I think the proximity of Lanai to Lahaina has a lot to do with why that city was selected to be burned to the ground, and everything about Lanai as well as Mauis Smart City conference in January of 2023 is worth looking into);
- arm criminal illegal alien males with guns for the purpose of killing Americans who own or occupy land in this country with the result that the land and the property of innocent American men, women, and children is taken by force. This operation will begin over the next few months, probably sometime in the summer. The main target will be the Midwest, the Heartland: areas where there is lots of wide open space which has been inhabited by American families for generations. I am absolutely sure that this is going to happen and that this is Americas future. This is why a compromised and insane federal judge in Illinois recently ruled that it is within the Second Amendment rights of illegal aliens to carry guns. This ruling was specifically made at this point in time to facilitate the takeover of American land and the murder of American families.
The globalist elites, mainly those who are members of the World Economic Forum (or WEF), have made no bones about the fact that they think there are too many people on planet Earth. They have said so publicly on several occasions (while being filmed, with all pride and bravado). They see us humans as cockroaches: pests who have no inherent value and need to be swept off the planet. They see themselves as part of another race, superior to us, while we who inhabit the Earth are some version of subhuman. They want control of the land, and in order to do so, they have to get the people off of it. But how to accelerate the process?
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There are many doctors and scientists around the world who have risked their reputations, their licenses, and indeed their very lives, to step out and tell the truth about Covid and the Covid-19 vaccines. Two quotes stand out in my mind that were said by one or more of these people some time ago. They are:
"Covid-19 was put into play in order to accomplish certain social, economic, and political objectives. It never had anything to do with public health or public welfare. It never has and it never will."
"The vaccines weren't designed to treat Covid. Covid was designed for the vaccines."
I tend to view the Covid-19 vaccines and their function as being similar to that of a neutron bomb: it will eventually maim and kill all those who received at least two doses of the authentic mRNA while leaving the resources under the earth and the land itself perfectly intact. After all, there's no way that the owners and the heirs of the land can lay claim to it if they're already dead. But what is the trick? What is the catch? People all over the world need to be convinced that they absolutely need it: for their health, for the health of others, for their jobs, to survive, to feel a part of society. This is where the despicable "mainstream" news media, the politicians, the Hollywood celebrities, the Big Tech and Social Media companies, and the unelected government health bureaucrats, come into play. The real question is the timeline: how long does it take for the vaccines to maim and kill all of those who have taken it (two doses or more)?
Some doctors and scientists believe that it can take as long as ten years for the vaccinated to show any symptoms of disease (such as autoimmune). Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, in the article published on Slay News dated April 2nd, 2024, warns that a massive tsunami of chaos and death is about to decimate the global Covid mRNA-vaccinated population. He is one of the top virologists in the world, and is so well-known, that he was quoted in another article put out by Children's Health Defense, also dated April 2nd, where Moderna is seeking to profit from "solutions for diseases its products are causing", and that they intend to exploit what they view as a "potential $52 billion dollar market" for its "new vaccines". Can you believe this? They consider us to be morons, exploitable, stupid, and that we have no capacity to think for ourselves.
If Dr. Vanden Bossche is right, and I'm right, then the illegal invasion takeover of the United States will begin during the same time period that an overwhelming number of people who are vaccinated start to get sick and die. This is slated to happen sometime this summer: the summer of 2024. In other words, the globalist elites have been playing "the long game" against us the whole time. All of this was pre-planned, years ago. It would be naive and gullible on our part to assume that they are not capable of executing their evil, villainous plans (with all of their money and power, while we as average, ordinary people, struggle to survive every day).
This movement is related to the Covid-19 Psych-Op in the sense that it is all about: restrictions, restrictions, and more restrictions. Environmentalists seek to restrict human consumption and human progress, just as the Covid-19 Psych-Op sought to restrict human activity and human freedom. The movement grants a platform for climate change psychotics who pretend to care about the health and well-being of their fellow man, when they really dont. Their real objective is power, control, and imposing their own sickness and mental illness on others, in hopes that it will be normalized. And the entire movement has been conjured up to produce what: cleaner air? Ive often wondered what the United Nations and the Environmental Protection Agency have up their sleeves so as to prevent fires and volcanoes from occurring. How do they plan to stop fires from burning, and the pollution that results? The eruption of a single volcano can produce more so-called greenhouse gases than all of the industries in the United States can produce in an entire year (and more). How does the UN and the EPA plan to stop volcanoes around the world from erupting? In other words:
- The environmental movement has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the environment, just as:
- Gun control has absolutely nothing whatever to do with public safety, just as:
- The lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and vaccines associated with Covid-19 had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with public health and public welfare.
The environmental movement, in the end, is all about controlling humans, and above all, controlling land (and its usage).
The United States government doesnt care how much cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and fentanyl pours across the southern border: in fact, they want the drugs here. They know damn well that the ones taking these drugs will spend every last dollar on them until: they are broke, maxed out on their credit cards, unable to pay their bills, with everything in their home turned off, facing eviction. In short, narcotics are being used by our own government as a weapon against Americans so that more and more people (who are foolish enough to even start taking these drugs) become homeless, destitute, desperate. In the meantime, the Covid-19 lockdowns have forever changed the inner cities: where companies used to occupy offices in skyscrapers, where employees used to physically show up at work to make a living. Those office spaces now sit vacant, empty.
Below the skyscrapers, homeless people on dope and on dole steal goods from those businesses that choose to remain, until they can't any longer. They eventually close, thereby creating more empty storefronts and more vacant land. And the politicians are delighted.
If this sounds something like what's going on in San Francisco, that's because it is. Incredibly, the United States government wants every single major city in America to look exactly like San Francisco, and they couldn't care less about the people who live there.
Its to the governments advantage for Americans to become addicted: addicted to narcotics, addicted to pornography, addicted to video games, addicted to advanced technology and social media, unmotivated to find a job, or relegated to whatever job they can find because they are unable to pass drug tests (practically guaranteeing poverty). Criminals and homeless people on drugs are now, inadvertently, the foot soldiers for the politicians: those who want more and more vacant land to be created so that the land can be re-purposed and re-distributed. This drug-fueled phenomenon also serves as an added benefit for the "powers that be": homeless people lose all their property rights by default for the simplest of reasons: they have no property!
I recently read an article, dated December 13, 2023 in the Daily Mail (a British news outfit) which highlighted the fact that 125 Venezuelan "migrants" arrived in Carbondale, Colorado, under the impression that there were "plenty of jobs to be offered" there. Stories like these are a diversion, a distraction. The job of lying, diverting, and distracting, is something the "mainstream" news media specializes at. They've had years . . . and years . . . and years . . . of practice (at your expense) . . . so that their craft has been perfected to the finest degree.
The real questions to ask are: Where are all the millions of other illegal aliens going? Where are they now? What are they doing? Where is their money coming from? How did they even get here in the first place (from practically every continent in the world)?
The United States, in the very near future, is going to come under enormous pressure: more pressure than any other country in the world will experience. This is because our country has what no other country in the world has: acres and acres of wide open space with fertile, arable land and stunningly beautiful national parks, coupled with minerals and resources underneath our feet that stagger the imagination: resources that our own federal government has purposely forbidden to be extracted for the benefit of Americans (and the world). The globalists and the Chinese Communists want to take control of this land by any means necessary.
This is why military age males (preferably criminals and terrorists) from foreign countries are being solicited and practically recruited to come here: to take the country by force and to get all the residents off the land. The bulk of these military age males, I believe, are being armed and trained on military bases across the country right now. The vast number of three-letter government agencies in play, who regard the American people as their enemies, makes this entirely plausible. This is also why our military, in the name of wokeness, is being deliberately depleted: to make way for illegal alien mercenaries.
The other illegal alien military age males are being released into the country to commit all types of crime. I just became aware of the fact that criminals stole bronze light poles off the street in my own neighborhood a few days ago, with each light pole valued at $2,000 dollars. Bizarre crimes are coming to your neighborhood, too. And the politicians are delighted.
If I could ever relay a message to those around the world who have been victimized: by the lockdowns, by the restrictions, by government regulations, by deliberately manufactured inflation, by high taxes, and by crime, it would read something like this:
Your government doesn't have the right, and never had the right, to kill you.Your government doesn't have the right, and never had the right, to destroy your life. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to retain possession of your property, your valuables, and your belongings. Contrary to what the globalist elites believe, you have inherent value. All of us have the opportunity of bringing value to our families, our friends, and our loved ones, by our very existence.
These issues have nothing whatsoever to do with race! The issue of race is merely a distraction, a diversion. It is a method employed by the "powers that be" to divide and conquer. Regardless of the race with which you identify, if you are a current tenant, a property owner, or a business owner, your own government is coming after you. They want everything you have, but the question is: will they succeed in taking it?
Those who have power and authority really don't care about race or (fabricated) racial matters. They pretend that they do, but they don't. It's all about money ($$$). It's always been about the money. It's always been about money, property, and above all else, land (namely, your land).
Personally, I value my physical, mental, and emotional well-being to a great extent because I know that without those things, I have nothing. Good physical health, tranquility, and peace of mind is more valuable to me than anything else. One of the techniques that I utilize in order to make that happen is that I try my very best to keep anyone or anything from renting space in my head for free.
We as individuals can begin to improve our lives immediately by making good decisions, better decisions. As an example, drug addicts can start making the hard decisions that are required to get off drugs: by refusing to play the drug game any longer, by developing more respect for themselves, by putting into motion a new vision for their lives, by refusing to live as government slaves. Better decisions naturally lead to better circumstances. These days, bad decisions can cause you to die or get you killed. In this day and age, there is no room or latitude for making bad decisions, not anymore. Things are way too intense out there.
In the meantime, we have to do whatever is within our power to protect what we have with all care, foresight, and consideration. Our lives, and the lives of our loved ones and family members, depend on it.
In my next piece (if I ever get to write it), I'm going to expose the powerful ideology behind all of this as well as who is directly responsible.
Anthony Emmanuelli is currently an unemployed U.S. citizen residing in Pasadena, California, who is concerned about the direction of the country, and happens to have fairly decent writing chops.
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