September 23, 2022
This Is How Quickly Things Could Completely Explode Across The Planet: We're Now In A Two-Month Window Where 'Predictions Ought To Be Even Darker' For A 'Great World Conflict'
- As Putin Prepares The 'Nuclear Option,' We Should Be Prepared For Everything
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
With global war rhetoric heating up to a fever pitch both here in America and around the world now that Vladimir Putin has announced a partial mobilization in the Ukraine war escalation; a retired US Army General has announced 'America will hit Russia's military with a devastating strike' if Putin uses nukes in Ukraine; and, Russia has arrived at the point where they truly believe their very existence is at stake with one Russian warning, it's "time to drop our illusions, the West is waging a war to destroy Russia," we've got to take a look back at how Russia's military capabilities have changed over the past decade+ compared to the US's before looking at our possible futures.
With the President of Serbia days agogravely warning our planet is entering into a great world conflict that could take place within the next two months,with Aleksandar Vucic making those alarming comments during the first day of the UN General Assembly session in New York, Vucic's words put a timetable to just how quickly things could explode across the planet.:
You see a crisis in every part of the world, Vucic told the Serbian state broadcaster RTS.
I think realistic predictions ought to be even darker, he added.
Our position is even worse, since the UN has been weakened and the great powers have taken over and practically destroyed the UN order over the past several decades.
The Serbian leader cautioned that the war between Russia and Ukraine had moved on to a far deadlier phase.
I assume that were leaving the phase of the special military operation and approaching a major armed conflict, and now the question becomes where is the line, and whether after a certain time maybe a month or two, even we will enter a great world conflict not seen since the Second World War, he said.
But as Michael Snyder points out in this new story republished over at Uncanceled News, with Russia truly believing their country is in an existential fight for survival, the odds of this turning into a 'nuclear affair' are much greater. And while we here in the USA would love to believe we are the most powerfully armed nation in the world, when it comes to nuclear weapons, we've got proof that isn't the case.
So while the top-voted comment on this Daily Mail story reporting on one Russian propagandist saying Putin should have nuked Queen Elizabeth's funeral, taking out countless globalist leaders at once, was "And then Russia would have been turned into Molten Glass," that commenter obviously had no clue about Russia's 'Dead Hand System' that would launch a devastating nuclear strike against the West, even if Russia's entire chain of command had been killed.
And as Steve Quayle had mentioned in an SQnote on his website when linking to this new story over at Yahoo News reporting Russian TV is warning their viewers nuclear war is likely, Russia has a very in depth Civil Defense program, the US doesn't, with Time reporting all the way back in 1961 that Russia's Civil Defense program was #1 in the world while we learn in this story over at Nuke FAS that protecting their people in event of a nuclear war has long been a key strategy of Russian civil defense.
With all of these things just more reasons why we should all pray that cooler heads prevail in the days, weeks and months ahead, how many people reading this are prepared to live their lives should nuclear war break out here in America and across the world and mushroom clouds are rising in our futures? Certainly Serbian President Vucic's warning of a one to two month window before a devastating global war is alarming.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

And with NATO and the US building military bases over decades which completely surround Russia as seen in both of the maps/memes seen above and at this June of 2018 story link over at Defense News in their story titled "Poking the bear: US Air Force builds in Russias backyard," can we blame Russia if they're feeling an 'existential threat' in 2022 when they've been so demonized over the years according to this new story over at, while Americans have been totally brainwashed for war with Russia.
With that 'demonization' almost like Biden's Democrats are attempting to do to Conservative Americans this year simply because we stand against many of their totally insane political positions, let's take a look at the memes/maps above and then read the opening to this previously mentioned Michael Snyder story.:
If heavily armed intruders were trying to break through the door of your home, would you shoot them if they actually succeeded in getting inside? Most westerners do not realize this, but that is actually how the Russians view the conflict in Ukraine. They are entirely convinced that this is a life or death struggle with NATO, and almost nightly there is discussion about the possibility of nuclear war on television. The Russians are deeply scared, and they truly believe that the future of their nation hangs in the balance. In an existential fight for national survival, there are no limits. The Russians will do whatever is necessary to ensure the survival of Russia, even if that means causing a global cataclysm.
You may be reading this and thinking that all of this sounds quite silly to you.
But it doesnt matter what you believe.
What matters is what the Russians believe.
When the Soviet Union broke up, NATO promised that they would not expand eastward and gobble up former Warsaw Pact countries.
But that is exactly what happened.
Seen and described perfectly in the two meme/maps seen above and at the top of this story, we'll agree with Michael completely in that, if bandits or criminals were trying to get into our home uninvited, it'd be the very last thing that they ever did. And with that analogy of Snyder's perfectly summing up how Russia must feel completely surrounded by NATO military bases, while NATO is continually pushing for more, anyone who still believes that the US is 'more mighty' than Russia when it comes to nuclear weaponry hasn't been paying attention to the last many years.
We've reported numerous times on ANP about Russia's rapidly advancing nuclear weaponry over the past decade so for those who may have missed those reports, let's go ahead back in time a bit to bring anyone who may have missed our previous reports up to speed.
As the late Dr. Peter Vincent Pry had reported on ANP back on January 26th of 2021, Russia's EMP threat against the United States is now more lethal than ever, and with the huge majority of America running off of the electrical grid, estimates are 90% or more of the US population will die should Russia simply launch a nuclear weapon that explodes far above the Earth in the upper-atmosphere, taking down our entire electrical grid for a year to 18 months or more.
Leading to nothing less than what Dr. Pry called 'cybergeddon' which would see massive amounts of crime as 'the masses' realize the power isn't coming back on and the resulting meltdown of society and mass starvation, as Dr. Pry has warned numerous times, Russia could quickly send America back to the dark ages via one EMP strike high up in the atmosphere and there is virtually nothing the US military could do to stop it.
Because we can't forget Russia's unstoppable 'Satan 2 Nuclear Missiles' which this Business Insider story reports are 'invincible,' with nothing existing missile defense systems can do to stop it. Also known as the RS-28 Sarmat, the weapon which Russia had been working on since 2009, the weapon has 'startling capabilities'.
Putin announced an "unstoppable" nuclear-powered "global cruise missile" that has "practically unlimited" range, then showed an animation of the device bobbing and weaving around the globe. He also played a computer animation of a high-speed, nuke-armed submarine drone blowing up ships and coastal targets.
What makes ICBMs so threatening
Intercontinental ballistic missiles are similar to rockets that shoot satellites and people into orbit, but ICBMs carry warheads and hit targets on Earth.
The missiles travel in a wide arc over Earth, enabling them to strike halfway around the world within an hour. (North Korea recently launched its new ICBM in a high, compact arc to avoid rocketing it over US allies.)
Satan 2, which Putin claimed is already deployed in some missile silos, is a replacement for a 1970s-era Satan ICBM. The new version is slated to reach full service in 50 silos around 2020, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
According to the Center's Missile Defense Project, the Satan 2 "is reported by Russian media as being able to carry 10 large warheads, 16 smaller ones, a combination of warheads and countermeasures, or up to 24 YU-74 hypersonic boost-glide vehicles."
So while we'd love to believe that of all the 10's of billions of taxpayer dollars that get invested in the US military, they would have come up with a few inventions that could put a stop to such a threat to America, with many military experts warning there is nothing we can do to stop such an attack, do we really want to provoke them into using those unstoppable, invincible weapons?
There is no doubt that 100's of millions of Americans lives are on the line if this all unfolds along a 'worst case scenario' in the days, weeks and months ahead so as always, we serve our families and loved ones best by being prepared for any such scenario.
We including plenty of nuclear war prepping ideas and links in this March 1st of 2022 ANP story titled "As FEMA Updates Their Nuclear War Prep Guide, Looking Back At His Track Record, When Joe Biden Says You Don't Need To Worry About Nuclear War, You BETTER PREPARE For Nuclear War!" as well as this April 28th ANP story titled "As Signs Of A Nuclear War Ahead Explode, Former POTUS Warns 'America Is Being Run By Stupid People' And Because Of That, 'The World Is Going To Be Blown To Pieces'."
All of the videos below take looks at this unfolding mess coming at a time when our world is already facing a total breakdown of our society as Susan Duclos had reported in this September 22nd ANP story which implored us to get ready for the days ahead, days which one world leader believes will come to a fiery head within the next two months.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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