April 17, 2023
A Horrific New Form Of Mind Control Never Before Seen Is Being Unveiled As Human Bodies Are Transformed Into Antennas And The 'Internet Of Bodies' Means The End Game For Humanity
By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline
An eye-opening interview hosted by Harry Blazer with Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon, Clifford Carnicom, and Elana Freeland was published on April 11, 2023. This article picks up from the authors previous article at ANP, which broached the subject of Morgellons with a possible link to COVID-19.
Mr. Carnicom has a reputation for being a meticulous and impeccable researcher with the highest integrity and a vast body of work that he has done on chemtrails and Morgellons for the past 25- 30 years.
At approximately the 18:56-minute mark on the interview, Mr. Carnicom begins his comments by updating the term geoengineering, which may have been previously viewed as dealing primarily with the geophysical aspects of the earth. He is now firmly convinced that the geoengineering and global chemical spraying that began years ago and continues to this day is the platform being used to modify the biology of the whole earth.
No pun intended, but this is an earth-shattering revelation that Mr. Carnicom presents! To sum up his hypothesis: Around thirty years ago, it was decided by persons unknown, but obviously in positions of power, to start changing the biology of the whole earth incrementally through the use of geoengineering and the dumping of heavy metals from the skies as chemtrails. One of the elements being ostensibly seeded in our skies for climate intervention is graphene.
Weve heard about graphene being found in the blood of the vaccinated because it has also been found in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vials. But, it has been something of a mystery of how the graphene got in the blood of the unvaccinated. Well, maybe not so much of a mystery anymore. With graphene, barium, copper, manganese, Ecoli and fluoride found in chemtrails, and the chemicals Mike Adams found in a non-blood clot from a deceased COVID-19 vaccinated person, there must be a reason and purpose behind these inorganic substances being present in human bodies.
So, the questions remain: why the many years of dumping chemicals upon the whole earth resulting in Morgellons for some people presenting with fibers coming out of their bodies; why poison our water and food supplies with these chemicals; why are inorganic chemicals being found in the bodies of the vaccinated and now even the unvaccinated; was the COVID-19 shot program spurned by so many people that the orchestrators of the kill program had to up the frequency, amount, or type of chemicals being sprayed on us? And that brings us to the Internet of Bodies or IoB.
If it is true that the evil cabal behind the depopulation effort (which in all honesty, cannot be called anything else), has as its demented goal to kill off as many people as possible through poisoning by chemtrails, COVID-19 or another kill shot, or some other method, this would satisfy their eugenicist goals. But, apparently a reduced global population is not their end game. Is what they really want is to enslave humanity and use our bodies like antennas to capture an endless energy source? Does that sound far-fetched?
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Does anyone really want to use humans as efficient antennas? Yep here, here, here, here. Actually, this human-body antenna technology has been in the works for some time. In 2017, The Institution of Engineering and Technology published an article titled, The hantenna:experimental assessment of the human hand as an antenna. This experiment was done using the human hand as an FM antenna. For the geeks among us, the hantenna experiment research paper provides specifics with photos and diagrams. The National Center for Biotechnology Information has scores of articles on the subject of using the human body as an antenna.
With all the hype of how this antenna technology can make life easier to navigate, what about the impact to the body itself being used in such a way? Mistral is a company that addresses the issue. While it is a very technical assessment, their summation and conclusion are easy to understand:
The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) introduced Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits for wireless devices to ensure acceptable radiations level in human body. The SAR limit is set to 1.6 W/kg averaged over 1g of actual tissue, while the limit is set to 2W/kg averaged over 10g of actual tissue by the Council of European Union. SAR is a parameter that is used to measure the rate at which RF (radiofrequency) energy is absorbed by human tissues. SAR values ensure that any wearable device or wireless smart gadget does not exceed the maximum permissible exposure levels
Wearable Antenna is among the key emerging technologies, aiding several applications in health care, military, navigation, and entertainment. WBAN technologies, especially wearable antennas provide cost effective solutions for remote sensing and monitoring of several physiological parameters of human body. While considering the advantages of WBAN and wearable antennas, one should also be aware of its impact on a human body. Antenna designers should consider an appropriate RF technology for wearable designs, while ensuring least effect on the efficiency and gain due to electromagnetic immersion in human tissue
An article by Andrea M. Matwyshyn in a William and Mary Law Review article titled, The Internet of Bodies, she discusses the progression of the Internet of Things (IoT) to the Internet of Bodies (IoB). In particular, she highlights the harm and challenges that IoB will inflict on humans from a legal standpoint by its impact on human autonomy and human rights.
In viewing the readily available information on the subject of using Ai on human bodies, it moves the Internet of Bodies here, here, here,from the sci-fi realm to up close and personal for all of humanity to either embrace or resist. This article from The Liberty Beacon/Europe Reloaded sums up the result of IoB takeover:
The nanotech andnanobot invasionis well underway. If you allow your genes to be altered via embedded nanotechnology, it could affect you in at least 4 key ways: firstly, it will shut you off from your connection to God, a Creator or a higher spiritual source (depending upon your beliefs); secondly, your perceptive range will be reduced (thus making you more docile and less aware of the conspiracy); thirdly, it will reduce your capacity to access and utilize your higher abilities; and fourthly, it will allow you to be directly programmed via transmissions beamed directly to the nanotech inside of you, representing a new horrible kind of mind control never before known in human history. (Authors note: This bears re-reading until it gets into your mind, soul, and spirit!)
TheCOVID op has many connections to the Internet of Bodies or transhumanism. Here are just some examples:
COVID anal swab tests COVID nasal swab tests COVID mRNA non-vaccines:the COVID vaccine is definitely not what you think. There are many COVID vaccines on the market, but 2 Big Pharma companies Pfizer and Moderna have constructed a new kind of vaccine called anmRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine. Actually, thats not completely true: what they have made does not fit the medical and legal definition of a vaccine. It does not stop transmission, it does not protect you against moderate or severe COVID symptoms and it does not directly elicit an immune response via a weakened virus. These mRNA vaccines are gene therapy or gene editing tools! They literally re-program your genes to produce antibodies. In other words, they are operating systems and chemical devices not vaccines that alter your DNA and RNA by genetically modifying you.
Additionally, there is information that some of these non-vaccines may contain substances likeluciferaseandhydrogelwhich arebiosensors.
As this Technocracy News and Trends article points out, even your most private bodily functions can be monitored if one is connected to the IoB. If that doesnt alarm and disgust people, they may already be captive to the IoB and is firmly in Ai territory. What about a birth control microchip? That might generate more excitement than the potty peek, no? The article states,
Bill Gates has also funded the development of a birth control microchip that can be turned on and off by remote control. The National Post writes:
The birth control microchip would hold nearly two decades worth of a hormone commonly used in contraceptives and dispense 30 micrograms a day The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has given more than $4.5 million to MicroCHIPS, Inc., to develop personal system that enables women to regulate their fertility
So for twenty years a woman can put off having a baby. What if she decides she wants a child after being on the chip for only two years? Is the chip just another ploy to stop reproduction all together? Is it actually permanent?
Remember, with Gates, Schwab, Harari, and a whole host of others, we are not dealing with normal human beings who believe in God, His creation or His very existence. These deranged, lying, and deceitful individuals, who are pushing Ai technology to get it into our bodies, are only doing it to control humanity at any cost.
Anyone who finds pleasure in such sadistic and sick behavior as the eugenicists, mad scientists, perverted philanthropists, and twisted academics are slaves of Lucifer, the Archangel, also called Satan. He is a created, fallen angel who rebelled against God and has been on track to destroy humanity, which was created in Gods image, from the very beginning of time.
There truly is nothing new under the sun, and if the spiritual drive behind Ai, IoT, IoB and the intended capture of the human race is not seen for what it truly is, that is a very dangerous place to be and can only lead to slavery like the world has never seen.
To sum up, there is ample justification to believe that both the ongoing geoengineering and bioengineering of the earth and her inhabitants, along with COVID-19 or other kill shot or a new methodology, plus the reality of the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies, are all intended to bring humanity into slavery to Satan.
What the evil cabal is missing in their demonic quest to usurp God as creator and recreate humanity in their own demented image is that they will soon enough find themselves caught in the very net they laid for us.
If one cannot see the spiritual forces behind the ongoing carnage that has been inflicted upon the whole earth for way too long, it is time to wake up now before it is too late.
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