December 8, 2023
Horrible Things Happened At An Animal Sanctuary In Maui After High Tech Killing Tech Was Forced Upon Endangered Birds - Pets And Other Animals Dropping Dead After Being Hit By EMF's
- Deterioration in the health of all the animals with each advance in wireless communication
By Rhoda Wilson and All News Pipeline
In a letter to Arthur Firstenberg, custodian of an animal sanctuary in the Rocky Mountains described how animals in the sanctuary are falling sick and dying after most people in the area installed a Starlink satellite dish.
This is not the first time the health impacts of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) on animals and humans have been noted.
Claire Edwards, former United Nations editor and trainer in Intercultural Writing who warned the UN Secretary-General about the dangers of 5G in 2018, said that everyone who hears the truth about 5G shuns it and for good reason. What corporate media fails to tell the public is that thousands of scientists and physicians have expressed their concerns about the rollout of 5G in at least 60 appeals.
Excessive exposure to cell phones and Wi-Fi networks has been linked to chronic diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimers and infertility.
Last month, a case study published in the Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health reported that within a week of a 5G cell tower being activated 20 metres from his apartment, a 49-year-old Swedish man developed severe heart symptoms. This case is the fifth scientific report by Dr. Lennart Hardell, a world-leading scientist on cancer risks from radiation, and Mona Nilsson on the human health effects of real-life 5G radiofrequency (RF) radiation.
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Its not only fifth-generation technology (5G) that poses risks. For many years, published peer-reviewed studies have already indicated that the current wireless technologies of 2G, 3G and 4G in use today with our cell or mobile phones, computers and wearable tech create RF exposures which pose a serious health risk to humans, animals and the environment.
Earlier this year, president of Cellular Phone Task Force Arthur Firstenberg wrote that it wasnt bird flu that killed wild birds in Europe last spring, it was radiation sickness. We previously published an article which listed 94 incidences in 2022 when vast numbers of animals died suddenly. Although no link to EMFs has been made, perhaps we should, at least, ask the question.
The Cellular Phone Task Forces newsletter at the end of last month discussed the possibility that very high frequency (VHF) transmitters attached to kiwikiu by the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project killed all but three of the 10 birds released in just over two weeks. Kiwikiu, or Maui parrotbill, are critically endangered birds only found in Maui, Hawaii, with fewer than 150 remaining. The three birds that survived managed to disable or remove their radio transmitter shortly after their release into the forest.
In response to the 28 November newsletter, Dont irradiate the birds!, readers sent Firstenberg accounts from far and wide of what has been happening not only to the insects, birds, plants etc., but also to their pets from being irradiated. He published these accounts in Cellular Phone Task Forces latest newsletter. Below is one of those accounts. You can read the latest newsletter HERE.
The Effects of Starlink Dishes
Mary from Guffey, Colorado, who has an animal sanctuary at 9,000 feet in the Rockies, tells a story very similar to the one Mark Broomhall told UNESCO (see previous newsletter Dont irradiate the birds!) a deterioration in the health of all the animals has accompanied each advance in wireless communication.
A cell tower provided the first cell phone service in that remote location 10 years ago. The tower was upgraded about 2 years ago. And most people in Guffey got a Starlink satellite dish this past summer. Just about everyone in Guffey has one, says Mary.
Mary wrote the following on 6 November 2023:
I live at 9000 feet in Guffey, Colorado. Have for 24 years. Starting about 10 years ago I noticed strange things happening in our animal sanctuary. I would find a cat dead, not killed by an animal, not sickly. About 2 years ago it became even worse. Because we have an animal sanctuary, we need to keep good care of these animals, not because of legal ramifications but because that is how it should be.
This past year and a half has been worse. My vets believe me because we have so many animals that they have treated seeing no natural reasons for their injuries. This past month while walking 2 dogs, one was on leash and one can run around and have fun. That night I noticed the dog on a leash was walking strangely, but my husband had no idea why. The next morning when I went to the cat condo to feed the cats. I found one lying in a corner in a pool of urine. When I went to pick her up her skin felt like it was detached from her body. Another cat was making loops around the condo. Round and round. I hurried back to the house to call the vets and told my husband I think the animals have been hit by EMFs. He asked me what I meant. I said like someone hitting you on the back. His reply was Is that what happened? I asked him what he meant and he said while walking the dog he felt like someone had hit him but when he looked around there was nothing there.
By then the dog who was on the leash was walking round and round chasing her tail. I then hurried to the chicken coop to see if they were all right. I found a lovely hen lying dead on the ground in the enclosed run. It looked like she had been dropped from up high but there was nothing there to fall from. The rooster seemed in a daze. I took the cat who was critically injured to the vet and had to be put down, was told to get CBD from a Vet CBD company as they formulate the meds specifically for animals, and was told that the dog was suffering from neurological problems, had developed eye problem and a massive ear infection. We will probably have to euthanize her before the end of the year. The rest of the hens are no longer laying eggs except one a day, down from 10 to 12 per day. All of this in a matter of one day and continuing onward.
Now in addition to our problem, a friend in Divide, which is also at 9000 feet, said while out playing with their dog and three of their neighborsand their dogs, the dogs got sick and the other people took their dogs to the vet, could find nothing physically wrong and they put the dogs down. My friend is still treating her dog with holistic methods. As an after-note, I have taken 8 cats into the vet due to weight loss and just not looking right. All cats lost from 1 to 2 pounds; blood work found no problems other than stress. We will have to probably put a couple of the cats down if I cannot get them better.
We allow another non-profit to graze some horses on our 250-acre sanctuary and one of her old horses had to be put down due to cancer. I was talking with the gravedigger while waiting for the lady to come to put her horse down and told him about the problems we had with the animals. He just looked at me and said his chickens were doing the same as mine. If they laid an egg, they were soft shell and few eggs. I asked him how long and he said it started about 3 weeks ago.
If I were a pet owner with one or two pets it would be dismissed but not when for 23 years we have run a perfect pet sanctuary and all of a sudden many injuries, it is obvious something is wrong in the skies. We are off the grid, no cell phones and the router is turned off at night. We survived without cell phones and all of this high-tech killing technology.
Starlink is a 5G phased array technology from the sky. When a Starlink dish is online, that means a satellite is aiming a narrow beam at it. But by the time the beam reaches Earth from a few hundred miles up in space, the beam can be 8 miles in diameter or more. The dish also aims a beam of radiation directly at the satellite and scatters radiation around it. If there are a lot of dishes in a 10-mile radius, as there are in Guffey, radiation from Earth and space is scattered far and wide.
The above was taken from Cellular Phone Task Forces newsletter dated 5 December 2023. You can read the full newsletter HERE.
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