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April 23, 2016
'Not So Sure We Are Going To Get To October' - Bill Holter: This Is The Endgame - A 'Big Enough Failure Somewhere And You'll See The Entire System Close Within 48 Hours'
"You get a big enough failure somewhere and you'll see the entire system close within 48 hours." - Bill Holter
The quote above comes at approximately the 18:20 minute mark in the wide-ranging interview below where Dave from X22 Report is joined by finanical writer Bill Holter of JS MineSetas they discuss the current news economic news which includes quite a few bombshells indicating to Holter that "This is the end game," stating the "these are the end days of the current system," and that he is "not so sure we are going to get to October" before the entire system closes.
Dave and Bill start off talking about the recent Deutsche Bank settlement where for the first time it is admitted that they and other institutions have been deliberately manipulating Gold and Silver markets, as well as basically turning states evidence and agreeing to name others that have been doing the same thing, as Holter details exactly what this means in the overall scheme of things.
Remarkably, on April 14 Deutsche Bank admitted the fact that it had been involved in the conspiracy together with other members of a "cartel" and agreed to name the names in the US federal court.
The do return to the issue of precious metals later in the interview as Holter explains, in terms those of us that are not financial gurus can easily understand, the importance that gold and silver are going to play once the current economic system collapses around us and specifically what it means for every American holding on to the dollar.
Before that, Holter speaks about the stock market manipulation, global economies including the U.S. softening, and highlighting the recent threat by the Saudi's where they said if the U.S. releases the 28 pages of the 9/11 report that allegedly implicates them in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in America, they would dump $750 billion in U.S. assets.
Holter states that what the Saudis are saying is the "Petro-Dollar is dead" and the Saudis will no longer use it for oil, stating that other countries will follow suit, leading to the full collapse of the dollar.
Another point specifically detailed in the interview below is the Fed emergency meetings held by the White House, which Holter believes stems from not only the topics discussed above, but included what emergency steps could be taken from keeping the "time bomb" from blowing up.
The topic turns to the retail GDP, corporate earning reports and how they don't look good and when Holter is asked "what the Fed can do" he responds "nothing the Fed can do... but print." Holter continues on to say "Low rates, negative rates and print, print, print," before explaining that "The Fed cannot support the dollar" any longer.
This is where we get to the highlighted quote at the top of this article, when Dave wonders if the system will last until October and Holter states he is "not so sure we are going to get to October," as he adds, a failure, a "big enough failure somewhere and you'll see the entire system close within 48 hours."
Holter then explains the difference between real money versus fake money, stating the fiat currenncy, whether the Dollar, Euro or Pound is fake, nothing backing it while precious metals he described as real, stating "real capital" that takes "real labor and real machinery" to dig gold and silver out of the ground, while paper money costs nothing, just a keystroke to continue printing, which he calls worthless.