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August 10, 2022
It Is The Government Against America First Patriots: The Second Civil War Is About To Go Hot And It Is Already Gotten Ugly - Prepare To Defend Yourself
While the MSM has shown disdain for half of America, the conservative half, for decades, with their credibility tanking as the pattern of polling since the 1970s show citizens of the United States losing more and more trust in them, in 2016 the hatred for Republican supporters became open and blatant, and Americans' confidence in the media dropping to historic lows.
Whether we reference the deep state, the NWO, illuminati, or whatever name you wish to name the so-called "elitists", along with the government Alphabet agencies, led by the extremely corrupt FBI on behalf of democrats, has officially declared war on conservative Americans.
The original declaration of war was the coordinated attack against Donald Trump begun by the Hillary Clinton campaign to falsely claim Trump was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election. The media jumped on the bandwagon, crooked FBI agents (many no longer with the FBI) cooked up "evidence," and the collusion hoax lasted for years before a special counsel found "no collusion" with Russia on the part of any American, including the Trump campaign.
Jump forward to present day and the actions on the part of the Biden regime, via the FBI raid on President Trump's home, and we see that even the moderate Republicans, NeverTrumpers, and even some Democrats see it as a declaration of war.
NeverTrumper Joe Walsh, put out a statement describing what his more moderate Republican friends and Republican donors were saying:
Republican insiders, donors, & elected officials are seriously bumming out tonight because this FBI raid pretty much locked up the 2024 nomination for Trump. No pun intended.
Ive heard from so many GOP voters tonight who were cooling a bit these past few months on Trump but who are so pissed off about this raid and are back to completely & enthusiastically all in with their support for him.
"DOJ must immediately explain the reason for its raid & it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future credible investigation & legitimacy of January 6 investigations
Im no Trump fan. I want him as far away from the White House as possible. But a fundamental part of his appeal has been that its him against a corrupt government establishment. This raid strengthens that case for millions of Americans who will see this as unjust persecution
It seems like this was authorized by a local judge and a particular FBI office without buy-in or notification of higher levels of government. But literally no one will believe that or make a distinction. Its probably bureaucratic but it seems political.
If they raided his home just to find classified documents he took from The White House, one legal expert noted, he will be re-elected president in 2024, hands down. It will prove to be the greatest law enforcement mistake in history.
It looks increasingly like the FBI raid was to find mishandled classified documents and not some other DOJ investigation which was my first thought. Mishandling documents doesnt seem like raid material. It does however seem like excellent campaign material for Trump.
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While allies, the MSM, and high profile liberal politicians all agree this raid was perhaps one of the biggest mistakes of the Biden regime's FBI, Trump supporters, along with many "moderates," see it for what it was: An open declaration of war against half of America.
Business Insider headlines with "Trump supporters protest FBI raid on a bridge outside Mar-a-Lago: 'It is us against the government'."
Liberal outlets like HuffPo formerly known as Huffington Post, claim that "Maga world" wants "war," without acknowledging the years-long attacks against those supporters by the media, corrupt government agencies, and democrat politicians, which were the original declarations of war.
It is extremely interesting that they continue to expect conservatives to restrain themselves, while screaming insurrection about the DC Jan. 6 protest, yet the images of towns burning were because of conservative protests, but rather from Antifa/BLM as the paramilitary arm of the democrat party.
Right now, one thing, perhaps the only thing, keeping America from devolving into civil war is the refusal of conservatives to emulate the city-burning violence of the ANTIFA cells in Washington, DC, Portland, Oregon and Seattle and the BLM organizers across the country.
What it will take to release that cork from the bottled-up rage on the Right is unknown, but we must assume that conservative tolerance for injustice and oppression is not infinite and that the unjust arrest of former President Donald Trump would certainly be an incitement to violence from his supporters.
Emphasis mine.
The question is, will this build into a "straw that broke the camel's back" type scenario, where patriotic Americans finally say "enough?"
Notice the ones pushing the "civil war" terminology above are Vanity Fair, Slate, Daily Beast, and Salon, with the Australia outlet just saying supporters are "galvanized."
The ones talking civil war, above are left-wing outlets, because as evidenced by Cuomo, Yang,and Walsh's statements, even liberals and NeverTrumpers understand the severity of what the FBI did in declaring outright war against conservatives, especially this close to the midterms.
So, is it only the left talking civil war? No, and that is where we see that this might have been the attack that sparks more conflict than the FBI, Biden regime, MSM, and Democrats have been pushing for over the course of the last 6 years.
"It's us against the government" is a rallying cry, and more and more "moderates" are understanding the truth of that statement.
While the Antifa/BLM riots, causing billions in damages, occurred in liberal cities where law enforcement was forced to stand down, if conservatives, many Second Amendment supporters, decide to start fighting fire with fire, they may decide to take down the entire tyrannical and corrupt regime, which would take the cold civil war we have been fighting to an entirely new level.
If they think pissed off, patriotic, and armed Americans "won't" shut down this country in justified protest, they are seriously miscalculating conservatives patience levels.
This could get very ugly depending on what happens next.
With that said, not all conservatives are gun owners, and we have seen the violent nature of our enemies within Antifa, BLM and our corrupt Alphabet government agencies, so self-defense is something everyone should be thinking about. If for whatever reason one is not comfortable with guns, then there are a variety of other options.
Another semi-related topic was mentioned in the comment section on Tuesday by an ANP reader, which applies to a number of scenarios. Stefan Stanford's piece on "clusters of mysterious doctors' deaths," brought about the following comment as readers were discussing the article:
Everyone needs a combat trauma kit, and any life sustaining meds that they need stocked up.
That comment resonated, not just because of the doctors' deaths, but the potential food riots if our food chain supply issues continue to spiral downwards, the attacks against homesteaders, preppers and the Amish by the government, the ongoing price hikes on meats, specifically beef now, and other issues, all of which could cause mass riots and shutting down portions of the country.
They say nine meals until anarchy for a reason.
All that aside, it seems only smart to be prepared to care for yourself or your family in case you cannot get to a doctor, so first aid, learning to deal with broken bones, stitches, or other possible injuries, should be part of prepping anyway.
As always, books, physical not E-books (in case of an event where you cannot read your E-reader), are the first recommendation.
There is a lot going on right now, from the Biden regime declaring war on conservatives in America, to potential food riots, all of which can lead to violent uprisings and total anarchy.
People are angry, and getting angrier by the day.
"It is us against the government," is perhaps not the correct rallying cry, but more accurately, "the government is against America First Patriots."
America is one big powder keg at this point and it will take only one match, a spark even to blow it all up.
Be prepared.
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