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December 5, 2023

Globalists Unveil The 'Mark Of The Beast' For Our Children Through The Freemason's 'MyChip' Program - There Are Clearly Concealed And Sinister Objectives Beneath The Surface

- Freemasons are collecting the DNA of our Children

By The Expose and All News Pipeline

The Freemasons have long stood at the epicenter of numerous conspiracy theories, their secretive nature adding fuel to the fire of speculation.

Now the introduction of the MYCHIP (MasoniCHIP) program, dressed up as a benevolent child protection tool, has provoked further debate.

But could there be concealed objectives beyond the surface?

The MYCHIP program refers to the MasoniCHIP program. MasoniCHIP stands for Masonic Child Identification Program.

Its a community service initiative sponsored by North American Masonic lodges to allegedly aid in the identification and recovery of missing children.

The program involves creating a package of items for parents which allegedly helps to identify their child quickly.

This package usually includes:

- Fingerprints of the child

- A dental impression or cheek swab for DNA

- A video, still photo, and a general description

- Other pertinent information about the child

The goal, as stated by the Freemasons is to give parents a tool they can hand over to law enforcement quickly in the case of an emergency.

But could there be concealed and sinister objectives beneath the surface?

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1. The Microchipping Agenda:

The Intricacies:

The subtle semblance between the names MYCHIP and microchip cant be dismissed as a mere coincidence.

Some theorists argue that this program is a soft introduction to a society where microchipping becomes the norm. They point to the progression of technological surveillancefrom simple ID cards to biometric passports and now to potential microchippingas evidence of this trajectory.


If society becomes accustomed to the idea of microchipping for safety, its a small leap to expand this to other areas of life. A world where every citizen is chipped could mean:

Total Surveillance: Beyond mere location tracking, chips could monitor health, financial transactions, and personal interactions, creating a profile of each individuals life in real-time.

Controlled Behavior: With surveillance comes control. With penalties for behaviors not sanctioned by those in power, freedom could become an antiquated concept.

Data Vulnerability: Every technology can be hacked. Imagine the chaos if personal data from microchips fell into the wrong hands.

2. Genetic Data Collection for the Elite:

The Intricacies:

The MYCHIP program collects DNA samples.

Why would a simple identification program require genetic material unless there was another agenda?

Speculators posit that this DNA collection is less about immediate identification and more about long-term genetic data accumulation. This would be an invaluable tool for those wishing to maintain control and exert power.


With a global DNA database:

Selective Breeding: If those in power have access to genetic data, they could promote or discourage procreation between certain groups, leading to a sort of controlled evolution.

Genetic Manipulation: With the rapid advancements in CRISPR technology, having access to a vast DNA database might allow for mass genetic modifications.

Targeted Bio-Attacks: A less palatable theory suggests that having genetic data on a large scale could allow for the creation of bio-weapons designed to target specific genetic markers.

3. Power Play within Law Enforcement:

The Intricacies:

Through the MYCHIP program, the Freemasons could be infiltrating the very fabric of our protective agencies. By positioning themselves as allies in child protection, they potentially weave their influence deep within law enforcement structures, allowing them to manipulate from the inside.


With leverage over law enforcement:

Selective Prosecution: Cases might be pursued or dismissed based on the whims and interests of the order, rather than justice.

Controlled Narrative: The information that reaches the public could be controlled and manipulated, creating a society based on crafted truths.

Infiltration of Other Institutions: Success within law enforcement could be a blueprint for infiltrating other institutionsmilitary, judiciary, or even educational.


In the vast labyrinth of societal institutions, the Freemasons stand as one of the most enigmatic, their influence threading through centuries of history.

The MYCHIP initiative, on the surface, seems like a benevolent endeavor to protect your most precious asset: your children.

However, when considering the deep-rooted secrecy and the intricate web of connections that characterize the Freemasons, one must pause and ponder.

Does MYCHIP genuinely serve only as a safety net for the vulnerable, or is it a gateway into a more profound, unseen agenda?

While its tempting to get lost in the myriad of conjectures and theories, its paramount that we always tread the line between healthy skepticism and discernible fact. The truth, as they say, often lies somewhere in between, hidden in the shadows, waiting to be unveiled.

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