August 3, 2023
As Globalists Push 'Extended Lockdowns' To Fight The 'Climate Change' THEY Created via Weather Modification, These Are America's 'Death Zones' In The REAL 'Hunger Games' Ahead

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While Democrats, RINO's and the globalists love to scare the American people and people around the world by continuously babbling on about 'global warming' and 'climate change,' as Dane Wigington has proven over and over again through the years on his GeoEngineering website, it is THEY THEMSELVES who've created any 'climate change' we're witnessing with their 'weather modification' programs that stretch back well over 100 years, proven by their 'weather modification' patents.
With Wigington proving that beyond a shadow of a doubt by his 'extensive list of weather modification patents' that are all linked to, such as this one dating all the way back to 1891, 0462795 July 16, 1891 Method Of Producing Rain-Fall,they are using this 'global warming boogeyman' they created in the public's mind to further 'cull the herd' as we'd briefly mentioned in this August 1st ANP story.
Reporting within that story that'Nicole Schwab,' Klaus Schwab's daughter and a so-called 'contributor' to the World Economic Forum Agenda,had given a talk about 'the urgency of a global Green Transition' as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, note that Schwab's language hinted at using 'the increased levers' of power that 'policymakers have today' that 'was not possible before to create a change that IS NOT 'INCREMENTAL,' hence the explosion of madness we're witnessing from politicians all across the planet, and totally in lockstep with each other, today.
And as this story over at the Burning Platformtitled "Schwabs Daughter Confirms COVID was a Precursor to Climate Lockdowns" reports, according to Schwab of the WEF, "COVID proved the world could strongly shift once people felt an extreme threat to their livelihoods." Her remarks are directly below.:
So I see it as a tremendous opportunity to really have this Great Reset and to use this huge flows of money to use the increased levers that policymakers have today in a way that was not possible before to create a change that is not incremental but that we can look back and we can say this is the moment where we really started to position nature at the core of the economy. And there are plenty of opportunities and this is again a mindset of actually innovation technology and a business growth can happen with a positive impact of nature and kind of laying out some of these examples. Regenerative agriculture is, of course, a huge part of that as well.
And with globalists such as Obama buddyRahm Emanuel long statinga'crisis is an opportunity' and 'you never want to let a good crisis go to waste,'we'd warned on Tuesday within this ANP story that following the disastrous COVID lockdowns in the globalists never-ending attempts to completely control the population that they won't let all of our current crisis, which they created, 'go to waste'.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

And while some reading this story might argue that 'chemtrails' and 'weather modification' are a 'crazy conspiracy theory' and that, 'of courseglobal warming exists because we've been told so all of our lives', as we'd reported on ANP on July 21st in this story titled "'Dystopian Fantasy' Coming True Before Our Eyes As Nobel Prize Winner's Dire Warning About 'Global Warming Hoax' Hints Of Massive 'Depopulation' As Warned Of In Deagel 2025 Forecast,"according to 2022 Nobel Physics Prize winner Dr. John Clauser, one the worlds leading authorities on quantum mechanics, what the globalist/left love to call a climate emergency is actually a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the worlds economy and the well-being of billions of people.
As the website The People's Voice reported of Dr. Clauser's remarks in this recent story:
Claims of a climate crisis are being promoted around the world by governments and the mainstream media in an effort to comply with the green agenda goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other unelected globalist organizations.
Meeting these goals typically involved plans to slash the quality of life for most of the general public while ramping up taxes to fight climate change.
Meanwhile, the handful of powerful elites promoting the green agenda continue to justify their lavish lifestyles including using private jets and eat meat, not crickets and insects because they are part of the solution.
And sure enough, it only took a matter of moments before the bat-sh*t crazy left went ahead and 'canceled' him because he dared to 'speak truth to power' and called out their lies that they've been pushing now for decades, using those lies to grab more power and control over 'the masses.'
As this story at The Daily Signal reports, even proven globalists,The International Monetary Fund, canceled a talk with physicist John Clauser after he said, Climate change is not a crisis.
The IMF had invited Clauser, the recipient of a Nobel Prize in Physics, to deliver a Webex speech on July 25. Five days before the event, Clauser was informed his speech had been postponed. The lecture has yet to be rescheduled.
According to the educational climate organization CO2 Coalition, where Clauser serves on the board, Pablo Moreno, director of the IMFs Independent Evaluation Office, read the flyer for Clausers lecture and immediately canceled, or technically postponed, the event.
So the globalists keep pushing the human race to 'eat bugs' to 'fight climate change,' while pushing for humanity to stop driving cars and to stop using gas stoves, while they themselves continue to do everything they're telling everyone else to stop doing. And we're being herded towards something MUCH worse!
As we hear in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, the globalists are quite literally using the entire 'global warming' lie they've been pushing for years and years as a 'depopulation scheme'. With our videographer referencing numerous news articles while directly quoting Dr. John Clauser, who has slammed the 'green agenda' being pushed by many of his former colleagues in the WEF asa dangerous corruption of science that threatens the worlds economy and the well-being of billions of people, Clauser claimsthat the climate emergency being touted by Klaus Schwab, John Kerry, Al Gore, Joe Biden and others simply doesnt exist.From that video and Dr. John Clauser.:
The goal of globalists is to depopulate the planet and to drastically decrease the quality of life for those who remain.
In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis, Clauser said.
There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the worlds largest population and an associated energy crisis.
The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.
And while the mainstream media will never tell us about Dr. Clauser's remarks or how they tie into the "15 minute cities" scam that the globalists are now pushing upon 'the masses,' Alan Barton had reported all about them in this February 25th of 2023 story on ANP titled "Future Americans Will Be 'Prisoners Of The State' Living In 'Open Air Jails,' Full Government Control Of Everything, No Privacy Or Freedom To Move About, Literally Becoming Techno Zombies!"
And as Susan Duclos had also reported in this May 19th story about '15 Minute Cities,'titled "Food Tyranny Is Here As Government To Track 'Household Food Consumption' And 'Capping' Red Meat - Endgame Exposed: Biotech To 'Take Over' Food Production," they're quickly pushing us towards a 'real Hunger Games' scenariohere in America.
With the map on the top of this story showing us exactly why the population-heavy areas in red will turn into immediate disaster zones once SHTF, with the heavier the population crammed into tiny areas once TEOTWAWKI arrives a disaster in the making with the globalists clearly seeking to control what we eat and phasing out red meat while what appear to be very real 'attacks' upon our food infrastructure continue from coast to coast as pointed out in this story by Rob Pue at Wisconsin Christian News, we've already seen the devastation 'lockdowns' can bring to our food supply via COVID, think about the shortages and devastation to come once they fully shut down farms for 'climate change'!
And as is pointed out alarmingly inthis Burning Platform story, our younger generations are being brainwashed into accepting all of this utter nonsense all across the planet so they'll have near total 'compliance' with the globalists 'depopulation' agenda in the future if we don't put a stop to all of this madness right now.
Nicole Schwab stated that the youth would be the easiest to brainwash into accepting this new reality. And one of the key reflection points here is also around engaging youth, and for me, its again, I come back to this shift in the mindset of the restoration generation can we conceive of ourselves as humans? she stated. Hence, they are confusing children in schools about their identity and disrupting their sense of self at the core. They are teaching the youth the (made up) facts when they have no other point of reference.
Schwabs daughter knows that lockdowns and power grabs may happen instantaneously. They studied the masses during the extended plandemic to see how well everyone would obey. The masses gave into the fear-mongering, permitted their own children to be injected with an experimental drug, covered their faces for years, and placed themselves on house arrest. The fringe minority, as Trudeau put it, was small enough to control and punish. The push toward 15-minute cities will enable the globalists to keep us in place at whim.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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Please see Dane Wigington's extensive list of Weather Modification Patents dating all the way back to 1891 containing source links for each patentlocated here.
Weather Modification Patent... by All News Pipeline