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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

August 1, 2023

With Congress Out Of DC As Globalists 'Groom' Americans For WW3, Nuclear Armageddon And Coming 'Climate Lockdowns,' They've Got A Perfect Opportunity To Bring It All Crashing Down

- OF COURSE Govt Would Carry Out Terrorism Upon Americans, We've Got Absolute Proof

Anyone who STILL believes that VERY REAL terrorists would never masquerade as the 'government' and carry out terrorist attacks upon their own people, quite literally carrying out mass murder and genocide, to accomplish 'hard to reach' political goals, has never heard of 'Operation Northwoods.'

Explained via wikipedia asa proposed false flag operation that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962,as wikipedia points out, "the proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba."

Also calling for ACTUALUS government CIA operatives to BLOW UP US NAVAL SHIPS, SHOOT DOWN US AIR FORCE FIGHTER JETS AND ORCHESTRATE VIOLENT ACTS OF TERRORISM UPON AMERICAN CITIZENS WITHIN US CITIES, as wikipedia also pointed out, these proposals were, thankfully, rejected by President John F. Kennedy.

But it's NOT just 'a coincidence' that President John F. Kennedy was DEAD soon afterwards!

With America's President, John F. Kennedy, who shot down those DEVILISH and SATANIC proposals, ASSASSINATED BY THOSE SAME CIA OPERATIVES according to current Democrat Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., most likely along with his own father years later, then-Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, as what is now the 'nameless, faceless deep state' carried out their 'coup' against America, we've long believed that before the globalists can officially and completely bring in their 'New World Order,' they'll have to 'take out' what still (though just barely) 'remains of the old.' So as long as Washington DC is still standing, they'll be unable to do that.

But with that 'government' now 'grooming' the American people for nuclear Armageddon as was reported in this new News Target story, at a time when the daughter of globalist stooge Klaus Schwab has been pushing future 'climate lockdowns,' following the COVID lockdowns, according to Nicole Schwab as was reported in this Burning Platform story, just more hints of what they're planning for us, as we warned just days ago on ANP, all of this madness happening now leads many to believe they'll simply burn it all down before the American people ever have a chance to bring these govt. satanists to justice for their massive crimes upon society, the American people and the world.

So with the entire world now falling all apart around Democrats, RINO's and the 'biden crime family' at a time when more and more Americans are finally awakening to exactly what these devils in Washington DC will do to illegally hold on to power, including quite literally murdering the American people if they stand in their way, they'll have to 'take down Washington DC,' the 'old,' before they can completely 'bring in the new.'

With such a 'take down' also allowing them to wipe away any evidence and proof of what remains of those long-standing crimes upon the American people and the world while bringing their global government crime base to the underground bunkers of the Denver International Airport, even Ukraine's terrorist President Volodymyr Zelensky recently hinted at such 'acts of terror' when he warned of "war returning to Russia" and striking "its symbolic centers" and "military bases," and Washington DC is still the 'symbolic center' of 'freedom' in America, as well as still the 'home' of the US government, no matter how much the globalists attempt to tear things down.

So with Operation Northwoods, and all of the 'false flag terrorist attacks' upon America that have followed since, giving the American people absolute proof that those 'masquerading' as 'goodness' in Washington and the Pentagon are more than happy to carry out terror upon Americans if it helps them accomplish their political goals, including holding on to the power that they SHOULD NEVER HAVE, are we about to witness 'a final HUGE false flag' in the days ahead, allowing them to crush the old to 'bring in the new'? Sadly, after what we've seen now for decades, we wouldn't put ANYTHING past them!

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

And with Congress now out of town as they go on their Summer recess (reminding us of grade school children going on their summer breaks,) but Republicans calling for their members to come back into the Nation's capitol to further investigate the 'biden crime family' and the fact that Democrats have 'weaponized' the 'Department of Injustice,' which is now delivering ANYTHING BUT JUSTICE to the American people, who'd put it past these devils to carry out the worst possible acts of terrorism upon their own 'political enemies' if it allowed them to hold on to power at a time when they should all be in prison?

The mere fact alone that they MURDERED America's LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT back in 1963,because he wouldn't go along with their false flag terrorism schemes and their insane love of war, really tells us much that we need to know, especially in this day and age of manufactured terrorism.

So while we'd love to find out that we are wrong, and that nuclear weapons are just another 'fear factor' being pushed by the globalists to scare the American people into submission, these satanists have proven to the American people over and over and over again that the people living in the large cities all across America mean nothing at all to them, hence why Democrat-run cities all across the country are being destroyed and the people being transformed into mindless, drug-addicted zombies.

Think they wouldn't go ahead and drop a few nukes, or chemical/bioweapons, upon their own cities, blaming those attacks upon Russia, China or even their perceived 'political enemies,' Conservatives, President Trump supporters or even 'Libertarians'? Read this Zero Hedge story if you think they wouldn't.

So if you haven't heard about 'Operation Northwoods,' or need more ammunition to use to prove just how REAL it was, to educate your friends, families or co-workers, the 1st video at the bottom of this story from 'End Times Productions' gives us a great break down of this diabolical evil and why, since we have ABSOLUTE PROOF that our OWN GOVERNMENT planned on using FALSE FLAG TERRORISM upon the American people previously, it can definitely happen again.

And with the 'mainstream media apparatus' going along with this devilish schemes every step of the way, leading Steve Quayle to label them as the 'MSATM,' "mainstream accessories to murder,"it's not the least bit of a coincidence that those devils are COMPLETELY CONTROLLED by the God-hating Luciferian globalists, yet they continue to push their endless lies as 'the truth'. Do they REALLY think they can continue to get away with it, with more and more Americans finally 'awakening'? The ONLY way they'd be able to do so is by taking it all down, once and for all.

So with Ukraine's Zelensky, not only a very real war criminal but a sick twisted malfeasant who steals US taxpayer money, being completely supported by the American taxpayer and not only by the 'biden crime cabal' but by government's before him according to former President Trump administration official Dr. Pat Alexander, all using Ukraine across decades as a slush fund ponzi scheme, andnow Zelensky, biden, Democrats and Neocons now pushing heavily for WW3, watch out.

As Zelenskyrecently warned, 'war is returning to Russia' after recent drone attacks on Moscow. Think Russia wouldn't 'return the favor' if things continue to unfold? With these satanists long pushing for massive 'depopulation' as seen in the Deagel Report, but unable to accomplish their goals through the 'COVID clot shot,' they soon may have no other choice but WW3. We sure hope we're wrong, but would YOU put it past them?

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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