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January 13, 2024

The Eugenicists In The CIA, WHO, Pentagon & Big Pharma Who Devised Bioweapons To Kill People, Hoping To Get Away With Mass Murder, Should Be Executed For Crimes Upon Humanity

- Globalists Have Rolled Out The Next Phase Of This Psyop & Genocide

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

As more and more young and previously healthy Americans keep dropping dead 'mysteriously' and 'unexpectedly,' with even the Wall Street Journal tackling this 'growing problem' in this recent story titled "Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled," the genocidal terrorists in Washington DC, the Pentagon and 'big pharma' are clearly growing more and more anxious every day.

Using their completely 'owned' mainstream media to put out one story after another with their reasons 'why' cancers and 'sudden deaths' are exploding in young people, giving excuses such as 'climate change,'Americans not getting vaxxed for the new COVID strainsand now, as this new Daily Mail story reporting a "startling new report finds hormone-warping chemicals in 99 PERCENT of food sold in American stores - which may raise risk of cancer, autism and infertility,"why is it just now that, all of a sudden, foods that Americans have been eating for decades and decades are suddenly 'causing cancers'?

Just the latest attempts by the genocidal crooks in Washington DC, the Pentagon, 'global government' and throughout the 'big pharma terrorist organizations' to avoid their 'just deserts,' their 'eugenicist' heads dangling at the end of long ropes for carrying out a grand psyop upon the American peoplethat has led to the murders of millions, with likely billions more to come in the years ahead as warned in the final video below featuring Ed Dowd, take note that the Wall Street Journal story, nor none of the stories coming out in the mainstream media, bring up even the 'possibility' that all of these cancers and mysterious deaths were caused by 'the vax'.

And seemingly right on time, with the US government terror cabal and their talking head mainstream media propaganda outlets ramping up the COVID fear once again, as Dr. William Makis MD warns us in this new Substack story, the new 'variant propaganda' is ramping up once again, with USA Today reporting this is the 2nd biggest COVID surge ever, talking of 'overwhelmed hospitals' and the need for new 'mask mandates,' Dr. Makis warns this is 'phase 2' of the globalists psyop upon the American people and people all around the world, medical tyrants giving us the latest reasons why they all themselves deserve 'sudden and unexpected' death sentences for their crimes of genocide.

Because as this new Substack entry over at the blog of Dr. Joseph Sansone titled "DOD ran Warp Speed from its inception, sidelining the FDA and drug companies"clearly points out, "The DODs unprecedented role in running Warp Speed as a military operation--the military framework and leadership of Operation Warp Speed" means the entire VAX operation was created to KILL Americans and people around the world as we all know that the DOD's 'job' is to kill people, not save them.

And as we'll explore in the next section of this story below, the US military and US government have a LONG HISTORY of 'experimenting' upon Americans, using their 'medical concoctions' to kill them, so why would COVID be any different? The next time you think about Joe Biden or any of the murderous scumbags in Washington DC remember this, they devised a bioweapon to kill Americans - yes, they want us dead, and all of this is being done in clear violation of the Nuremberg Code.

(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)

As the new story over at the Daily Mail that Steve Quayle linked to on his website a couple of days ago had reported as its' title, "US scientists held secret talks with Covid 'Batwoman' amid drive to make coronaviruses more deadly... just before pandemic."Proving that those US scientists and researchers clearly didn't have the best of intentions in mind, and that they, too, were working on 'coronaviruses,' as we'd reported just days ago on ANP, these eugenicists have long been working on 'gain of function' research to help make sure deadly viruses and diseases spread 'more quickly and efficiently'.

And as we've warned time and again on ANP, with the globalists long-stated goal to 'depopulate' the planet Earth, with 'global government' making it well known that they believe there are 'too many people' for the planet Earth to 'sustain,' why would anyone think they WOULDN'T kill innocent people to do so?

As we hear in the 1st video at the bottom of this story titled "To Those Who Still Think the U.S. Government Would Never Secretly Experiment on the People,""the U.S. government has a long history of experimenting on people against their will and usually without their knowledge."Warning us that this is extremely important to keep in mind as we move fully into the globalists next phase of this 'psyop' and 'mass kill-off' of Americans and people around the world, take close note that this is NOTHING LESS than the US government POISONING the American people, and hoping to get away with it, nothing less than mass murder. Briefly, from the video description before we continue.:

The U.S. government has a long history of experimenting on people against their will and usually without their knowledge. This is important to understand when we look at what's happening with the Covid-19 jabs, face masks, and tests. Wake up, friends.

According to @inversionism:

"This next story is so unbelievable we didn't think it could possibly be true, but after receiving thousands of records and declassified reports from the army, it's confirmed that during the cold war, that the US military conducted secret tests on unsuspecting people of St Louis."

I hope everyone understands the full weight and gravity of what's being disclosed here.

The US military sprayed an obscenely toxic radioactive chemical over a part of St Louis with 10,000 low income people, 70% of them being children under the age of 12.

Their reasoning? They just wanted to do an experiment to test "dispersal patterns and the geographic range of chemical or biological weapons", nothing more.

Instead of using something that is harmless to the test the range and dispersal, they used an actual radioactive bioweapon called Cadmium sulfide, and allowed a bunch of low income children and other people to breath in tons of cadmium sulfide all day every day without warning. They also put additional sprayers on top of buildings and pumped it into populated low income areas.

So basically a ton of low income poor people were subjected to a biological warfare experiment against their will, with many suffering as a result and not knowing that their government poisoned them.

With that proving to us beyond a shadow of a doubt that the US government has no problem at all with poisoning and murdering Americans, even children, we've reported time and again on ANP that children are being murdered by that same US government today; nothing less than very real terrorists in the White House, Congress, CIA and Pentagon, WHO and WEF carrying out a very real agenda of terror upon the People.

If there were any real 'justice' left in America, these people ALL SHOULD BE 'executed' for their genocidal war crimes and crimes upon humanity, crimes going against the Nuremberg Code.

As this recent story over at The Expose, which we republished at ANP,had warned, US Attorney Thomas Renz has now discovered smoking gun evidence these 'COVID injections' were created to kill, and nothing less. Proving that they knew long ago that the gene therapy products that they masqueraded as vaccines had the ability to shed, cause cancer and kill,they none-the-less keep pushing them upon us as 'the cure,' even to this day.

Proving that Joe Biden and his murderous crime cabal will continue to treat the American people as 'citizen cattle' as perfectly illustrated in the cartoon above by Ben Garrison, as Renz alarmingly warns us, even people who chose not to take the bioweapon created by very real 'enemies of America within' are being exposed to it due to the fact that it was created to 'shed,' thus exposing people who chose to be 'pure bloods' to its' deadly effects. Briefly, from that Expose story for those who hadn't read it yet.:

In an article, Thomas Renz began by explaining that the covid vaccines are not vaccines. Its critical that people understand that the covid-19 injections are gene therapy, he wrote.

He then led his readers through proof that US authorities knew that recipients of covid injections might shed onto others, including those who did not consent to being vaccinated.

Renz then demonstrated how they knew that these injections would cause cancer in 2006, as confirmed by a 2023 study on people with so-called long covid.

As if their criminality was not enough, Renz highlighted a science paper that showed their proposed solution to the problem they had created the cancer caused by covid injections is another gene therapy product whose recipients also have the potential to shed causing illness in others.

This shows conspiracy, Renz concluded.

Nothing less than a gigantic conspiracy to murder Americans and people all across the planet, and hoping they'd be able to get away with what should be known as the biggest genocide in human history, Americans will have absolute proof there is no 'rule of law' if those who've been carrying out these crimes upon humanity continue to get away with them. And then, as we've warned would be the most likely result of that, the well-armed American people will, rightfully, take the law into their own hands and hold those responsible for mass murder accountable. We pray it never comes down to that for the innocent people who've been poisoned and killed by their own governments to finally see 'Justice'.

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