January 30, 2024
The 'Off-The-Rails Psychologically,' Power-Crazed Globalist Cabal Will Do Anything To Avert Losing Control Of The US Govt As They Haul America Into The Graveyard Of Empires
By James Howard Kunstler and All News Pipeline
The reserve of trust, patience, and deference, among non-zombies in the USA, is now ZERO. Jacob Dreizin
Im sure you can see exactly where all this is going. By all this, I refer to the cortge of disasters orchestrated by Joe Biden and associates with help from a power-crazed globalist cabal hauling our country at a gallop now to the graveyard of empires. Is there any question that they are out to wreck Western Civ? And speeding up the action because too many actual citizens are rising to oppose their degenerate wickedness?
Most particularly, the people who have not surrendered their reason to the Woke-Marxist mind-f**k that calls itself progressivism have had enough of the purposeful inflow of something like ten-thousand fake asylum-seekers a day across the border, mostly men, a lot of them from China, and many more of them mutts from faraway lands where Jihad is the order of the day meaning the crusade to exterminate the people of Western Civ. Were supposed to be okay with that.
This deliberate, treasonous policy was rightfully declared an invasion last week by the Governor of Texas, requiring the human wave to be met with real force, not the welcome wagon that the federal border patrol has been turned into. The result so far is a real-live Mexican stand-off between the regime in Washington and the state of Texas, joined by twenty-five other sympathetic US states willing to send men and material to seal the border.
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None of this is reported in Monday mornings New York Times, by the way, though you can read Is Dying Your Hair Bad for Your Health there. Nor will you read about the caravan of American truckers striking out from all points around the country to peacefully protest and pray at the border while Texas attempts to settle its hash with Joe Biden. Nor will you read about the uprising of European farmers blocking highways to protest ruinous EU rules on food imports, diesel fuel prices, carbon emissions inanity, and, of course, the officially-enabled tide of Africans and jihadists flooding into EU member states.
Joe Bidens response so far is to say hell attend to the border situation only if Congress green-lights another massive aid package for Ukraine, a dishonest proffer from any angle. Ukraine is a lost cause that should never have been a cause of ours in the first place. Yet securing the US border is a principal duty of the executive branch, not some optional fringe benefit to be used as leverage for other projects. Congress has already got impeachment articles ready for Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, who has lied repeatedly under oath about the border being secure. But its obviously not enough. The failure is entirely Joe Bidens and warrants his impeachment on its face, aside from all the evidence of bribery and racketeering among him and his family.
The best move would be to impeach both the president and his proclaimed border czar Veep Kamala Harris which would put Speaker Mike Johnson in the oval office. But the impeachment process is too slow and awkward for that. So, now I will tell you where all this is actually going: Joe Biden will seize an excuse to declare a national emergency and subject the US to some manner of martial law.

The excuse could be an outbreak of violence in the quarrel between the states and the feds over the border. Or it could be a widening of the war in the Middle East, a direct confrontation with Iran that would draw in Russia and Turkey and kickoff World War Three, a war we would have an excellent shot at losing, considering our DEI-ravaged, over-vaxxed army, our obsolete naval carrier groups that can be sunk by hypersonic missiles, and our depleted reserves of armaments already fobbed off by Ukraine and, lately, given to Israel in the Gaza campaign to destroy Hamas. If such a war didnt set off a world-ending exchange of nukes, it would at least collapse the economies of Europe and America and, with that, many governments, including possibly ours. And what role might all those recently-arrived illegal aliens play in such a fiasco? Any way you cut it, wed be in for chaos and hardship.
Or, if we somehow avert major war, Joe Biden can try the national emergency ploy when the much-heralded (by the WHO) Disease X trots onstage. (And we must ask whether that will just be a delayed side-effect of the mRNA vaccine deaths?) Ultimately, the purpose of any national emergency at this moment in history, whatever prompts it, will be to suspend the 2024 elections. The Democratic Party has gone so completely off-the-rails psychologically that it will do anything to avert losing control of the government.
The Lawfare cases aimed at knocking Donald Trump off the game-board were assigned to corrupt and stupid prosecutors who are botching their jobs in perfect sequence. They are already baking the cake for Fani Williss farewell office party in Georgia, and Jack Smith is being undermined daily by the emergent truth about governments role in fomenting the J6 riot. The ridiculous judgment rendered last week in the E. Jean Carroll defamation charade, is certain to be reversed on appeal. Note the assembled tweets above (see enlarged here) attributed to Ms. Carrolls X account and draw your own conclusions about her character, especially her sexual proclivities. (By the way, Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled them inadmissible as evidence for Mr. Trumps defense.)
Now, where the next national emergency or some kind of martial law is concerned, the catch is that at least half of America will refuse to comply with diktats coming out of Blob Central. Theyve had enough trips laid on them. The government has been flirting dangerously with the loss of legitimacy as the disastrous Joe Biden term grinds on, but this would really ice it. Whatever other tragic consequences follow, it would be the end of our constitutional republic, and history will install Joe Biden in the Hall of Infamy as the man who killed it.
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