September 8, 2022
While Biden Declares War Upon Half Of America, The Fascist Far Left Base Their National Agenda On Lies, Suppressing Free Speech, Censorship And Intimidating Their Political Opponents
By D Parker of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline
If the nations socialist left were in any way self-aware, they would know that oppression always comes from their side of the political spectrum.
This last week was a prime reason we call the nations socialist, Anti-liberty left the party of projection. It is they who incessantly hurl their evidence-free fascism and Nazi projections on the pro-freedom right without a hint of guilt. Weve proven that the leftist collectivists have a disturbing number of commonalities with other collectivists, but the basic facts prove this as well.
So, do they know they are the Baddies?
Weve already established that there are two primary ideologies: individualism and collectivism. With the political divide between the pro-freedom right and anti-liberty left, individualist and collectivist, conservative and communist, right and left, liberty and tyranny.
The origins or etymology of the word fascism comes from Latin and the word fascis from bundle of wood. Representing the concept that an individual stick is weak, but a bundle is strong. Could you get an any better illustration of the ideology of collectivism?
Now, consider a principle that is familiar to collectivists: Common Good Before Individual Good.
This was an important principle of the most infamous fascist regimes in their 25-point program and on their coinage, Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz in the original German of the National Socialist German Workers Party.
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So those basic facts quickly decimate the big lie from the nations socialist left that a collectivist ideology of unlimited government and the suppression of liberty is a vestige of the pro-freedom side of the spectrum that favors limited government and liberty. This is why they never bring these things up, they hate it when they disprove their own lies so easily.
Even worse for them is that after 80 years of effort, they dont have any good arguments. They just try to bully you into accepting the lie or pretend that rivals cant have the same ideology.
This is based on the fact that rival collectivists in Germany competed for dominance.
Lawrence W. Reed very succinctly addressed this issue in his essay: The Only Spectrum That Makes Sense in referencing the fact that fascism belongs with the rest of the ideologies in the rogues gallery of collectivism:
Communism and fascism cannot be close together because communists and fascists fought each other bitterly. Hitler attacked Stalin, for example!
This objection is equivalent to claiming, Al Capone and Bugs Moran hated and fought each other so they cant both be considered gangsters. Or, Since Argentina and Brazil compete so fiercely in football, both teams cannot be composed of footballers.
Both communism and fascism demonstrate in actual practice an extremely low regard for the lives and rights of their subject peoples. Why should anyone expect their practitioners to be nice to each other, especially when they are rivals for territory and influence on the world stage?
They dont have much beyond that, meanwhile, there is a growing list of common traits between the anti-liberty left and the fascists. Starting with their predilection for projection, basing their socialist national agenda on lies, suppressing free speech, censoring the press, confiscating guns, intimidating their political opponents, and strangely obsessing over guillotines.
So, we know that the Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left are the party of projection. In fact, from now on we can just take their accusations as their intentions and any claims they make as just outrageous lies. Thus, its just a simple matter of taking the words of President Biden as the intentions of the nations socialist left:
They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.
They embrace anger.
They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.
That means They promote authoritarian leaders ( Biden) they fan the flames of political violence ( The BLM Burning, Looting & Murder riots), etc.
The nations socialist, anti-liberty left has made it a lot easier to read them. Whatever they accuse of us is exactly what they want.
Now the authoritarians of the anti-liberty left are talking about this on the website: Disaffected and it Feels So Good.
By isolating and identifying the MAGA Republicans as the rot inflecting the body politic, hes giving conservatives an out. A way to escape the stronghold Traitor Trump has on the GOP and its lickspittle leadership.
Who did Nazi this coming?
Even worse, theyre sounding like their collectivist brethren in 1930s Germany, some of the nations socialist left responded:
They came out from under rocks & it will be hard for them to go away. Germany did it. So can we.
To a tweet about:
What are we going to do with all these horrible people?
While its very disturbing that they might not be aware of who they are emulating. Its probably even more disturbing if they do know. Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left spend a lot of time gaslighting and projecting, you would think once in a while they would have a moment of reflection and think about the accusations they constantly hurl our way and wonder if they ever apply to them.
This story was originally published here. D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.
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