June 6, 2024
Facebook Using An 'Iron Fist' To Steer The Election The Way They Intend By Crushing Conservative Speech: They've No Intention Of Allowing Anyone But A Democrat In The White House
By DC Larson and All News Pipeline
Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook block on conservative political speech just recurred.
In the last two days, Facebook restricted my user functions. The first time, I was advised future alleged violations would engender harsher penalties; I interpreted that to be an 'iron fist in a velvet glove' intimation that future conservative political speech would fall victim to leftist Zuckerberg's axe.
In the latest instance, I was falsely accused of attempting to share "sexual content." A sentence of two days' duration was wrongly handed down. I had posted several memes, none having anything to with sex, to my MAGA Citizen News Group.
Earlier this month, the social media site automatically 'disappeared' my posting of a bare link to a May 29 American Thinker article: "Trump and the true basis of conservatism."
The Facebook speech-crushings I've endured signal Democrat megadonor Zuckerberg's site is intentionally quashing users' pro-Trump, anti-Biden, and patriotic messages in these months leading to November's presidential election.
Facebook had automatically blocked 25 of my recent attempts to post article links from conservative venues, including American Thinker, Breitbart, and Gateway Pundit to the MAGA page I administer. I'd never had article-link posts to it blocked in the past.
Those blocked pieces promoted Trump's thriving campaign and criticized invalid Biden and his floundering one, as well as decrying Democrat Squad-member Rashida Tlaib's morally foul Jew-hatred.
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My attempt to post a Norman Rockwell painting that depicted fictional American soldier Willie Gillis in church was also blocked by Zuckerberg's Facebook -- on Memorial Day.
The non-applicable excuse mechanically proffered each time was that the posted article links were "spam" and, as such, violated Facebook's "Community standards." No functional option to dispute those rulings was offered.
I outlined the terrible situation in an email sent to Facebook. (That email formed the basis for the piece you're now reading.) Days have since passed, but I've not received a reply.
I did succeed in posting to MAGA Citizen News Group a brief message detailing my plight. And, following those 25 initial blockings, I successfully posted other pieces from conservative news sites.
As my previous conservative posts were deleted within seconds -- too quickly for a monitoring employee to have considered their content -- my speculation is that certain words, phrases, or site titles trigger automatic blocking. Such ideologically biased speech crushing had to be arranged by a person or persons exercising prejudice with Zuckerberg's approval.
This travail is not mine alone. Diamond and Silk suffered social-media disappearance. A 2022 Fox News report disclosed that Facebook, Google, and Twitter had blocked or suspended conservative voices including the satirical Babylon Bee, podcast host Joe Rogan, Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, both Project Veritas and founder James O'Keefe, and, of course, former President Donald Trump.
The Fox segment further observed that Trump was also permanently banned by Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.
"You cannot possibly have been alive in the last five years and think that social media companies do anything other than amplify left-wing insanity and crush anything from the Right that hurts the Left," Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway told Fox.
Today, it seems likely Mark Zuckerberg and/or Facebook's progressive drones are again stifling Americans' political speech. In that way, inordinate influence over our American election is sought -- in an underhanded manner -- to Republican Trump's disadvantage and to Democrat Biden's benefit.
Facebook's willful election interference assumes rank with the Democrat Party's coordinated lawfare strategy to undermine the people's Constitutional right to effective self-governance.
A MarchBreitbart article,"Mark Zuckerberg is 'limiting' political content on Instagram -- here's how to turn off his filters"-- termed the maneuver"Zuckerberg's latest scheme to help Biden."The Big tech baron's past skullduggery includes donations of some $400 million to election offices across America. Surely, the implied partisan advocacy message was understood by recipients.
During3 past congressional appearances, Zuckerberg has maintained Facebook is a neutral platform that does not exercise editorial discretion over users' content. Therefore, it merits the protection from liability provided by section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
Mine and others' experiences argue otherwise.
Given that Congress has yet to take appropriate punitive action, an interesting query comes to mind: What are the names of elected officials who have received lavish Zuckerbuck donations? Might that bankrolling explain why an unjust circumstance is allowed continuance?
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