October 9, 2024
U.S. Govt Seems Committed To Disenfranchising, Persecuting, Harming And Even Killing Citizens, But Apparently The Only Real 'Danger' Is Americans Have Begun To Notice And Object
By J.B. Shurk -All News Pipeline
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is tired of people criticizing its slipshod response to Hurricane Helene.So what if FEMA is more concerned with prioritizing disaster equity for LGBTQIA people than delivering crucial help for distressed citizens without identity issues?So what if Department of Homeland Security saboteur Alejandro Mayorkas used the agencys budget torelocate illegal aliensacross the U.S. and no longer has sufficient resources to assist Americans in dire straits!FEMA head Deanne Criswellsaysthat telling the truth about the agencys ongoing failures and likely fraud is dangerous.Dangerous forwhom?The Americans who have died during the greatest flooding event to hit southern Appalachia this century?Or dangerous for thebureaucratic blobthat increasingly appears to have expertise in nothing but doling out endless American misery?
Add this official complaint from Americas corrupt officialdom to the long list of government catastrophes that Americans are not allowed to criticize.It was just a few weeks ago that Reichsfhrer Merrick Garlandtold usthat it was dangerous and outrageous to criticize the Department of (in)Justice for harassing and imprisoning political opponents.Vampires John Kerry and Hillary Clinton keeptelling usthat opposing points of view are dangerous to democracy.And itssodangerous to acknowledge that Americas(s)electionsarefarce-filled fraud-feststhat anybody whogets caughtdoubting the legitimacy of our months-long, mail-in ballotmonstrositieswins a one-way ticket to disbarment, bankruptcy, and prison!
The federal government seems committed to disenfranchising, persecuting, harming, and even killing citizens, but apparently the only real danger is that Americans have begun tonotice and object.
This might be a good time to point out that Mayorkas oversees not only FEMA, but also Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Transportation Security Administration, and the U.S. Secret Service, among many other powerful sub-department agencies.So the guy who has flown millions of illegal aliens across the country for free while demanding that American citizens get molested at the airport before vacation is the same criminal responsible for two assassination attempts on President Trump and the homicidal rescue efforts following Hurricane Helene.
Usually its an all-hands-on-deck effort when the federal government decides to bugger the American people good and hard, but ol Alejandro has given us overdose deaths, kidnappings, rapes, murders, drownings, and attempted assassinations all by himself!
I certainly hope the above paragraph is not mistaken for criticism.That would bedangerous, and we wouldnt want that!In the United States, it is a well known fact that citizens are not allowed to criticize their government.Thats why the Founders stated so clearly in the First Amendment, Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Wait a minute!You mean were allowed to speak our minds, get together to discuss whats wrong in the country, and demand that our government representatives remedy their failures?Well, paint me green and call me a cucumber!I think we may have stumbled upon why bloodsuckers such as Hillary Clinton and John Kerry want todrain the First Amendment.The Founders considered criticism of the government so valuable to a healthy republic that they explicitly encouraged it, but our betters in the bureaucratic blob have decided that the Bill of Rights is inherently dangerous.Rather than being experts in the Constitution, it turns out that theyre justgovernment enthusiasts.
In a country with safeguards for free speech, federal officials grotesque incompetence, unconstitutional betrayals, and malicious disregard for the American people would get them all thrown out.In a country with a State-controlled press and a technocratic system for mass censorship, however, Secretary Maim-or-kill-us will probably be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom forsabotaging U.S. bordersand relocating murderers and rapists next door to elementary schools.If it looks as if the shiny-headed devil isgrinningwhile Americans in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina continue to fight for their lives, thats because he cant wait for the floodwaters to recede enough for the Department of Homeland (in)Security to flood those devastated areas again this time with illegal aliens!
Must be nice to break the law with impunity.Americans show up in D.C. on January 6, 2021 to protest mail-in-ballot fraud, and bam! theyre hunted down like terrorists and thrown in jail for years without bail.Secretary Maim-or-kill-us and his DHS goons conspire with international drug cartels,human slavers, and foreign soldiers to breach Americas security perimeter and maximize threats inside the United States, and Congress cant be bothered to remove the America-hater from office.Over the last few weeks, in fact, the head of Homeland Sabotage has even found time to blame American citizens unhappiness with his leadership on you guessed itracism!Once again, its not dangerous that Maim-or-kill-us has invited criminals around the world to infiltrate and exploit the American homeland.Whats dangerous is that Americans have noticed.
Is anybody else tired of being called a racist for wanting a secured border?Its sort of the entire point of forming a government in the first place.Step One: Define the boundaries of your national territory.Step Two: Empower a government to protect the peopleinsidethose boundaries from the peopleoutside.So far, so good.While Americans were distracted, though, the U.S. government devised an illogical Step Three: Invite the rest of the worldinsideand treat Americans who object asoutsiders.
You dont have to be much of a military tactician to see Step Three as mortallydangerousto any nations future.Giving foreign nationals control over your country without anticipating that it will soon become someone elses country is like handing over your car keys to a thief and expecting the car to remain in your garage.But as Secretary Maim-or-kill-us would be the first to declare as part of his official duties to discover and eliminate lurking racism, its simply too dangerous to admit that open borders aredangerous.Someone might be offended.
So what good, then, is the U.S. government?We have dozens of intelligence agencies, a defense budget that dwarfs that of every other country on the planet, and a federal department specifically tasked with securing the homeland.What have trillions of dollars and armies of civil servants accomplished?Probably fifty million or more foreign nationals currently reside inside the United States.
We might have a much more accurate head count if President Trumps Commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, had been permitted to include acitizenship questionin the 2020 Census as originally planned, but Chief Justice John Roberts found a way tobar the Trump administrationfrom assessing the extent of the nations illegal immigration crisis while simultaneously ruling that it had every right to do so (exactly the kind of pretzel-like logic weve unfortunately come to expect from the same conservative jurist who went out of his way to save Obamacare).By aiding Democrats (and Establishment Republicans) efforts to hide how many millions of foreigners have created a nation inside of our own, Roberts put flesh on the bones of the otherwise trite saying that democracy dies in darkness.
Hurricane Helenes devastation is not the end.Hurricane Miltonis about to ravage our shores.Others will follow.Unfortunately, FEMA has become just another agency devoted toaiding and abettingillegal immigration.Helping American citizens is now somehow bad.Thats probably dangerous to say, too.
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