January 14, 2023
More Alarming Evidence January 6th Was Intensely Planned, Ultimate High Treason By The Democrat Party As They Schemed To 'JFK' America's Sitting President
Alan Barton All News Pipeline
Just this past August, in an article on Opindia (OpIndia (a unit of Aadhyaasi Media And Content Services Private Limited) is a news and current affairs website. (From their About Us entry, they are based in India), they said that former New York Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Bernard Kerikclaimedthat Democrats might attempt to assassinate former President Trump if the FBIs raid on Mar-a-Lago does not result in criminal charges against him. He further added the Democrats have exhausted all options to stop him from running for the office again in 2024. Please note that although this is in reference to the Mar-a-Logo incident it does portray the democrats feelings on President Trump very well. Also please note that the emphasis is on stopping Trump from running in 2024; something that is foremost in their little minds as can be emphasized by the many stories where they show they are deathly afraid of him because of the success he has had in turning the American People against their evil plans of the USA becoming a third world nation under the control of a satanic organization of world dominion.
Continuing on with the Kerik quote, we see that Kerik said, If you remember back in 2016, right before he got elected, I was in Washington DC. I was at a couple of different social events, and I hear people talking, they said the Democrats want this guy so bad that they wouldnt put assassination behind it. And Im gonna tell you something. theyve tried impeachment, theyve tried another impeachment, theyve tried one investigation after another.
He further added, This is about one thing. This is about stopping him from running in 2024. And Im gonna tell you something, Im not into conspiracies, Im not into anti-government rhetoric. This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly afraid of Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these people.
Please take a moment to let that sink in. This is a former NYC police department Commissioner, not just some rookie cop, not some bum on the street, but someone with real world experience and highly trained in law enforcement and reading people and their moods.
Even in the second year of D.J. Trumps reign as President, a story in The Daily Beast reiterated this notion when they spouted that Fox News guest host Kevin Jackson said he hopes the Senate Judiciary Committee presses deputy FBI chief Andrew McCabe on whether certain texts point to a specific intent, whether it was an assassination attempt or whatever. A stunned host Harris Faulkner replied, Whoa, whoa, but Jackson pressed on: Im just saying, we dont know what it was. When [the texts] say, Weve got to make sure that this guy doesn't get in at all cost, what does that mean? This is in relation to the idea that the FBI plotted to kill Donald J Trump. Do you remember the campaign ad for Illinois state senator Sandoval where he staged a simulation of assassinating President Trump? Why was that not reason for his imprisonment and prosecution for threatening the life of a sitting president?
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Although he did apologize, the intent of the left is displayed for all to see.
And then there were stories from the left that there was indeed an assassination plot involving January Sixth, but the targets were reversed as the story in the official Federal propaganda channel, the Voice of America, stated in their headline which read Feds Back Away from Claim of Assassination Plot at Capitol. A federal prosecutor said that Strong evidence. supports that the intent of the Capitol rioters was to capture and assassinate elected officials in the United States Government and then later reversed it when prosecutors who initially said there was "strong evidence" the pro-Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol last week aimed to "capture and assassinate elected officials" backed away from the allegation after the head of the investigation cautioned Friday that the probe was still in its early stages and there was no "direct evidence" of such intentions. Well, their accusations were negated but the fact remains that there still appears to have been an assassination scheme. And they got it exactly backwards as the left always accuses the right of dong what they themselves are doing. This projection scheme is so blatant and well known that one might think they would stop doing so, but they just seem to have a fetish for announcing their intentions publicly.
There have been many security incidents that involved attempts at Trumps life, and they began during his campaign for office such as during the 2016 Las Vegas rally and the 2016 Reno scare when some idiot screamed GUN! and got arrested. There was no gun in that one. And there were at least two Ricin in envelope attempts that failed. Although these were ridiculous attempts that seem to be just idiot pranks or insanity displays, the fact remains that he is not safe. Other sources place the attempts from eight to over twenty five documented attempts on his life. But why the massive push to eliminate him and be assured he cannot do more to derail their evil plans? That is a self answering question, a recursive system that cannot be ignored.
To better analyze the events and occurrences of the January 6th rally in support of our President that may give some light on the proposition that there was indeed a scheme to assassinate President Trump it would seem that looking into the timeline of events to analyze that idea further is the best starting place. There are many stories and groups that suggest such a timeline that purportedly indicate the provably inaccurate claim by the left that it was a mass riot, an insurrection and even an attempted coup led by Trump himself (and that is just how they distort the realities in order to prove such a false narrative) and we may be noting some of them as we proceed. We will be using various time sequence stories with added annotations showing the falseness in their narratives when appropriate to indicate the actual happenings. Almost all are conventional mass media outlets, and that interprets directly as left wing and heavily falsified and biased as arms of the left itself, owned by just a handful of New World Order corporations. True, they will argue that they are correct even though reality proves otherwise as the evil left has done throughout history.
Lets begin with and utilize one published by Just Security as the basis for our inspection of the events because it is a short and concise listing with all of their research links shown and click accessible. As an aside, according to their own About Us page they are an online forum for the rigorous analysis of security, democracy, foreign policy, and rights. Founded in 2013, we aim to promote principled and pragmatic solutions to problems confronting decision-makers in the United States and abroad. Just Securityis based at theReiss Center on Law and Securityat New York University School of Law. Please refer directly to their linked page with that timeline for more specifics and to answer any questions that arise that we may not cover to your satisfaction. Another prime source would be the National Security Archive which is Founded in 1985 by journalists and scholars to check rising government secrecy, the National Security Archive combines a unique range of functions: investigative journalism center, research institute on international affairs, library and archive of declassified U.S. documents. Again, the supposedly unbiased point of view must be tempered by the fact of just who makes up their staff and funds them. And do not equate that comment with an assumption that I am not biased myself, as all truth is given as understood by the giver and depends on the situations that have formed that basis of belief.

For our first entry we will use Just Securities first entry, and that is the October first GAO report that ideologically motivated lone offenders and small groups, some of whom may target events related to the election results, pose greatest domestic terrorist threat through 2021, with domestic violent extremists presenting most persistent and lethal threat without mention that those domestic violent extremists are agents of the DHS groups themselves. The linked GAO report is titled Federal Agencies' Use of Open Source Data and Related Threat Products Prior to January 6, 2021 and note the selected agencies roles and responsibilities with the FBI heading that list and also includes forces such as the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis, the US Park Police, US Capitol Police, both the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms and so forth. Along with the ten Federal agencies involved there were also local agencies such as the Metropolitan Police Department for the district of Columbia and they coordinate with the capitol Police and Fusion Centers that are state owned and are designed to coordinate with Federal agencies for intelligence gathering and threat security information. The GAO report has its own timeline of Federal Agencies actions in Appendix I and in Appendix II include threat products such as the one noted for January 5th with this notation, the report, containing raw intelligence, indicated that potential violence could occur in Washington D.C., in connection with the StopTheSteal protest on January 6 and another on January 6th that said intelligence threat product indicated that a foreign organization urged other users to squash elector challenges and although I can see that it tries to be objective, one cannot forget who is in charge of the whole affair and that those responsible for putting together this report will try to make it appear non biased to not offend the casual readers of said report.
One note that may play into things is this one from January 4th, the then President posted on Twitter that he planned to attend the permitted event at the Ellipse. According to the snapshot, more protesters and counterprotesters plan to attend the event, because of the post. U.S. Park Police noted that the probability of violent actions is likely, if opposing groups come into contact with each other. But, as of January 4, U.S. Park Police has no indication of any actions of violence. Please note the highlighted portion as that confirms part of the first article on ANP and the operational location of President Trump differs from where he actually ended up thereby messing with the well planned attack on him.
As early as November 9th the FBI, knowing of the planned rally in support of the president, circulated a note from their Huntsville Alabama office saying As Joe Biden is declared the victor in the 2020 Presidential Campaign, chatter from the far-right indicates the belief the election was stolen from President Trump. : Waves of "#StopTheSteal" and similar hash-tag events are being organized across the country as various voter fraud theories gain momentum among Trump supporters. : Evidence of voter fraud -- preliminary, unverified, or already proven false -- is being widely disseminated within far-right channels. Again, please note the official left wing bull-crap lie that the elections were somehow fair and honest while actual evidence shows that is so far from the truth that the cover-up required the full force of the mass media and intelligence forces working with social media and other high tech systems to try and quash. The obvious truth is that yes, the election WAS STOLEN from the rightful victor of those elections just as they planned but failed with the massive voter fraud to get Hillary Clinton installed to extend the horrors of the Kenyan farce. They did everything possible to make sure that would not happen again, and that is why the 2020 election was the most fraudulent one ever, far surpassing even the Kenyans second term (se)election I believe they knew it and this notice is ad initial attempt to discredit the reality and prepare for the looming false flag to discredit at a minimum the majority of the American electorate and to hit the President to keep him from any actions afterwards that might disrupt the scheduled elimination of the American dream as we have witnessed these past two years under an installed puppet of minimal intelligence and all but destroyed mental and moral competence.
A couple of days later the Senate Staff report said that some House members were to announce plans to challenge the electoral vote and the Capitol Police requested a security assessment for the capitol building. Less than a month later the DHS assessment warned of a potential for white supremacists to carry out mass casualty attacks as they ginned up support for believing that the planned peaceful protest would become violent. It is my contention that by this time (December 30th) plans were already being finalized for the instigating of violence by infiltrated FBI, Capitol police and other Federal operatives as we have witnessed in those videos that have been shown of the actual results. This was just a cover story to try to show that they were planning for unrest while actually planning to force violence on a peaceful rally. On January 2nd the head of intelligence for DCs homeland security office warned of threats including plans to disrupt the joint session or hurt lawmakers on January 6th and the Fusion Centers were involved in that assessment. On that same date the DHS report said Jan 6th is gonna be crazy. The next day the Capitol Police (remember that they are under the control of Nancy Pelosi) warned of a significantly dangerous situation for law enforcement and the general public alike; some protestors have indicated they plan to be armed; white supremacist groups may be attending; and supporters of the current president see January 6, 2021, as the last opportunity to overturn the results of the presidential election.
It is my contention that this is the propaganda setup to be used as cover for an attempt to assassinate President Trump by pre-qualifying a narrative that they can build on to conceal their own involvement in this final chapter of eliminating him as a potential thorn in the sides of the Satanic lefts tyrannical rampage that we have been witnessing for the past two years without anything or anyone with enough power to stop them. Much the same as the fake reports that somehow Oswald did the actual shooting that murdered JFK when it seems only one shot of his hit anyone, and that was not the President; it was however Fed agents with a Secret Service agent in the following car that actually fired the fatal shot with the shooter on the grassy knoll the other major hit. Perhaps the mid-term elections may have slowed this assault on us, but time will tell. As an aside, the Sergeant at Arms of the House (who is supposedly directly over the Capitol Police, but Nancy runs him as well so the real effect is the dictatorial lush was fully in charge of them) threat review discussed violence that had occurred in past MAGA demonstrations without mentioning that it was the left with Antifa, BLM, and other agents provocateurs that were the actual source of that violence. Owning the mass media and social networking sites has certain advantages that are very difficult to overcome, but the truth will come out eventually.

On January 5th a House Intelligence Committee member emailed the FBI asking for assessments of threats for the following day saying This matter is of high interest to the Committee, especially in light of recent press reporting suggesting that individuals, possibly with links to violent extremist groups, may be involved with violence or criminal activity in the vicinity of the U.S. Capitol which shows the toxic atmosphere that the left and constructed in the capitol which only intensifies any results if they succeeded in assassinating President Trump. An interesting side note concerning the traitor Veep Mike Pence is that it was not just on the following day that he would effuse to support the President but his own Chief of Staff that he would refuse to intervene in the Electoral College false results. This is all well planned in advance as the coup against the sitting President and the traitorous events to follow. I do not know but have a suspicion that Pence knew of or at least suspected the planned assassination of his boss because of the actions he took and the subsequent hiding from public view for awhile to be sure the propaganda machine smoothed things over for him.
By the later morning and mid day the reports of violence that had been so well planned was not taking fruition as planned for and expected as the reports show that the peaceful concerns and requests of President Trump were spread about. At almost 11 am the DOJ reported There are no credible threats as of the 10:00 brief and the Capitol Police noted major disruption as highly improbable, and No further information has been found to the exact actions planned by the Stop the Steal rally and by 1:30 PM the DH Op Center said In the last 2 hrs There are no major incidents of illegal activity at this time. It appears that the planned violence and riots would need to be fabricated for the news to disseminate, which they promptly did. Isnt it funny how the internal memos refute the final official narrative? And the hopefully soon to be released thousands of hours of Capitol CCTV that the new Speaker announced will show just that.
In order to further understand the history for what appears to be a planned assassination of Trump we need to then go over the actual events on that day, but as this buildup to understand things is already long, we will save that for another column, the third part is upcoming as I can find the required information and analyze it.
Any suggestions (attention Proud_2B_American) to be offered please have ANP forward your ideas to me so I can see if we can piece together sufficient information to allow an intelligent rendering of what we suspect to be the planned ultimate High Treason by the democrat party. Note I cannot capitalize their party name any longer; they have not earned that honor extended to them. Nor do I call them the democratic party because that term is an adjective and not a noun, as well as I refuse to follow the mandated thought police terminology of the evil left.
Until next time
God Bless
Timeline of the U.S. Capitol Attack on January 6, 2021 - Shows clips of Trump trying to quell the crowd in direct opposition to the official narrative- Age restricted so must be watched at YouTube.
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