September 6, 2024
Election Interference Continues And Is Increasing As 'They' Are Very Afraid Of Donnie Trump - Buckle Up , The Big Show Is Finally On The Side Of The Stage Waiting For The Curtain To Lift
It is, in many ways at least, funny how the idiot left in this nation continues to use the same old tactics to sway things to their insane bubble of influence and optics no matter how far from the truth it strays. Elections seem to bring about the worst of human activities, actions and lies and this year is no different. The worst of humanity appears at these times beating all but those in times of war; which, come to think about it, is just what elections are. Warfare of the mind but also includes warfare in the streets.
As an example, sets take a look at the last couple of elections compared to this current one as the anti-American communist party more commonly referred to (illogically I say) as the Democrat party. Yeh, I know, they say it as the Democratic Party, but that is an adjective (that modifies a noun or pronoun) and not a noun or pronoun itself, and they are in NO WAY actually democratic in their processes, so I ignore such vulgarities as a preposterous farce. It is the DEMOCRAT party, the derivative of the old Tories of English fame while the Republican is derived from the old Whigs. There has been enough twisting of terms and mutating of process enough to make that claim seem flexible anymore, but that was the original linkage.
A truly democratic process would have had leggo my ears Heels Up Harris actually elected by popular vote to occupy the candidate position she is in let alone the appointment into the Veep position she is coming from. NEVER has she been elected into those positions, but has been assigned them. They are not the democratic party on that basis alone but as that system is endemic to them, the term Democrat is sufficient. But I do think the people themselves see this anomaly and are rebelling against this anti-democratic dictatorial assignment of candidates for the American Communist Party. I still remember back when Chairman Johnson of the ACP declared that they and the democrats were the same party, with no distinctions, during the Kenyans campaign for the top office in these United States. So we can call the democrat party the American Communist Party and be correct in that terminology.
With that pattern set on the background of that party, lets continue.
Although the website Wikipedia is most definitely on the side of the left, the socialist liberal side, we can look at it to see a bit of the propaganda that was in effect back in the 2016 campaign. In their article on Russian interference in the 2016 elections they state that The Russian government conducted foreign electoral interference in the 2016 United States elections with the goals of sabotaging the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, and increasing political and social discord in the United States. According to the U.S. intelligence community, the operation - code named Project Lakhta - was ordered directly by Russian president Vladimir Putin. The "hacking and disinformation campaign" to damage Clinton and help Trump became the "core of the scandal known as Russiagate. As Trump calls it, the Russia Russia Russia thing that has been proven since to be nothing more than a Hillary Clinton led DNC propaganda campaign to damage the Trump election efforts even though the Wiki article does not acknowledge this fact. The Mueller Report on it was a total lie and most people know it. I suppose it is because the votes were so massive for Trump that they overwhelmed the very real election fraud that they thought may put the mob boss of the Arkansas Mafia in as dictator, but do not try to say so in any public forum or they will censor you and try to destroy any credibility you may have. They are still sore about that phenomenal loss.
And to keep that in perspective, a BBC report said that in a Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee report the Kremlin "engaged in an aggressive, multifaceted effort to influence, or attempt to influence" the 2016 election.. confirmed the Kremlin used Manafort and WikiLeaks to help Mr Trump win the 2016 election, and that WikiLeaks was aware it was assisting Russian intelligence. Well, so much for Wikipedias neutrality in it all. As Trump said Its all a hoax.
That is not to say there were no Russian efforts to tilt the elections as it appears they have been very active in the propaganda arena along with seemingly every other nation in this world, especially China.
In the 2020 elections the Wiki monkeys said in February and August 2020, United States Intelligence Community (USIC) experts warned members of Congress that Russia was interfering in the 2020 presidential election in then-President Donald Trump's favor and it appears to me that it was not enough to overcome the massive voter fraud that got the bumbling imbecile posted to that duty instead. Oh, and dont forget the non-elected radical communist low IQ creature that slept her way into office as the second in command. The chorus of US political, Intelligence community and media accusations that it is only Trump that is being helped along is so preposterous that it makes silly putty look like gold bars.
Concerning the effects of the Fifth Estate we spoke of in our last column, they added that disinformation campaigns on social media have targeted the Democratic Party candidates running in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries. This has prompted considerable concern regarding the ability of social media companies to cope with disinformation and manipulation. Do tell and I suppose that the radical leftists never did? That in itself is such a two faced lie it is beyond comprehension as almost the whole of it is exactly the opposite as it is the idiot left that is responsible for most of it just as they are in the mainstream propaganda outlets. Dont believe me? How many people do you know that were forced off of Twitter, off of Facebook, off of other platforms for even suggesting that the left may have done some election fraud schemes, or that the democrat was inferior to the republican candidate? Sorry, but that turtle cannot hide its head anymore.
PLEASE HELP ANP!With attacks against Independent Media, contributions to help keep counter voices to the "official narrative" is criticalAnything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)

True to form, the US Intelligence system believes that Putin wants Trump to win in 2024 because the U.S. has not seen Russia shift on its preference from previous U.S. presidential elections on who it prefers to win this year, a U.S. intelligence official said on Tuesday, indicating that Moscow again favors Republican Donald Trump as posted in Reuters and that outlet is in the majority of so-called news sources. The fact that Trump is not a major war hawk trying to start World War Three would seem to be the most likely reason why according to my own analysis. Trump is not a war monger like the left whether democrat or Rino parties are concerned. And Putin is also angered at the US actions to stop his attacks inside Ukraine which is also being used as the springboard to the Big One that we are marching into. No, Ukraine is NOT the good side and no, Russia is not either. One side is a major money laundering system for US drug and war chemicals and child trafficking, while Russia wants its old territory back to use as a hedge or buffer to the NATO (just call that the USA) push to enclose them into a grip that will crush them in the manufactured war that is coming on so rapidly. We want war, and the Russians do not, and Trump would stop that war which is why Putin supports Trump.
So why do some outlets now say that Putin supports Camela err, excuse me, I meant Harris? Easy really, they misrepresented a cynical remark of Vlads that irked them. Putins comment came just a few hours after a Justice Department announcement that accused Russia of taking part in a scheme to influence our elections with some pro-Russian propaganda (what other kind of Russian propaganda is there? It is ALL pro Russia). As Reuters noted, We have not observed a shift in Russia's preferences for the presidential race from past elections, given the role the U.S. is playing with regard to Ukraine and broader policy toward Russia," said the official from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).
Another Reuters article put it this way; Russia wants Kamala Harris to win the U.S. presidential election, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday in a teasing comment that cited her "infectious" laugh as a reason to prefer her over Donald Trump.
Putin made the ironic remark a day after the U.S. Justice Department charged two Russian media executives over an alleged illegal scheme to influence the November election with pro-Russian propaganda.
Before President Joe Biden withdrew from the race, Putin had said earlier this year - in another comment widely seen as not to be taken at face value - that he preferred Biden over Trump because the former was a more predictable "old school" politician.
U.S. intelligence agencies believe Moscow actually wants Trump to win because he is less committed to supporting Ukraine in the war against Russia. I agree with that assessment.
And, of course, the US accuses Russia of election interference as the Moscow times said as reported in an MSN article. But that is not the most important factor as reported in that and a few other articles. Garland said the Justice Department has separately seized 32 internet domains that the Russian government used "to engage in a covert campaign to interfere and influence the outcome of our country's elections." This state of affairs is only the tip of the massive disinformation campaign the DNC/CIA/DOJ and other US agencies are pushing as they do what they can to stop us from getting any truth by any means they can use to stop the free flow of information. What Brazil is doing to X is only the beginning, as the US is right there with them; indeed, we are more likely leading that charge. Our government does not like the fact that Elon Musk is defying the mandate from above that he follow their commandments that only the democrat can be elected, and that Trump must be quashed in every respect.
Whether the claim of harmful content or disinformation or unequal resources or misinformation or hate speech or whatever they claim, it is a war upon the truth, it is hard censorship - period. Because Musk allows opinions other than the hard left, the idiots assume that he is turning X into his own private political playground. That is pure baloney, pure equine solid effluent matter. I will not accept it, nor will I comply, nor will I believe a damned thing some half bit dictatorial hall of bastards mandate that I believe or think. This is a war on for our minds, for our beliefs and for our very souls.

And of course, the US accuses Russia of spreading disinformation prior to the elections just as Time suggests, and although I know that Russia is a consummate source of falsehoods, the US has proven itself to be the equal or more likely, the superior in that regard. And as the NYT has said, the US announced a major push to slow down the propaganda from Russia with massive a propaganda campaign of their own. This is no surprise as I stated at the beginning; election times are the very worst of times for humanity and for the truth. Do not believe what you see, hear or read without fully vetting things out and even at that, consider your vetting sources suspect.
As Susan Duclos said in her column titled Here Comes The Infamous Russian Collusion Hoax Part Deux; This time the media/ "Biden" regime has started crying wolf earlier because they know the more Kamala Harris talks, the more Americans will turn away, so they want the focus to be on RUSSIA! The political barn bottom stuff is deeper than ever and will only get worse. But this time, it will not ease up after the elections as no matter who wins, we all lose and they will not allow Trump back in and the incompetent low IQ cackling hag cannot take office either. I seriously doubt that the ones running things behind the scenes will allow that. And Ezras Eagle states it will be one of their own that eventually does take power as we have gone over before.
I still very strongly, and getting more so as we near the end time, believe that this whole thing will be rendered of less concern that whatever false flag they finally launch to stop the debates. I strongly suspect massive civil disturbances leading up to or following major war. Maybe in the Ukraine to start, but my bets are on the Middle East because of the current distribution of our assets. We want major war and we will get it, both home and abroad. And they will not like any of us saying so, it will be censored hard and war is a prime method of stopping any free speech, free thought or anything we regarded as holding on to Liberty.
Buckle up kids, the big show is finally on the side of the stage waiting for the curtain to lift, perhaps unleashing just before or just after the elections, but prior to January 20th next year for sure.
Pray, it is our best option at this point.
God Bless
MP3 clip - Eagles Eye Report: Globalists Deep State & American Elections
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