April 18, 2023
People Are Being Connected To 'The Cloud' With This New Technology Being Employed At Huge Scales Without Our Knowledge Or Consent
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Over the past year+ since the unveiling of the 'clot shot,' ANP has reported numerous times on the 'died suddenly' phenomenon taking the lives of the young and innocent and previously healthy all across America and our planet Earth that we have proof only began AFTER the 'murder weapon' that joe biden and the globalists insanely call a 'vaccine' had been forced upon the American people, and in an eye-opening comment on Monday by ANP reader 'PROUD_2B_American'on this excellent story by Kathleen Gotto, 'PROUD' brought up exactly what I had been thinking.
With Gotto's story titled "A Horrific New Form Of Mind Control Never Before Seen Is Being Unveiled As Human Bodies Are Transformed Into Antennas And The 'Internet Of Bodies' Means The End Game For Humanity" laying out for us proof that satanic globalists have been working on a devious scheme to transform human bodies into 'antennas' without our knowledge or approval, a hideous new form of slavery ramped up to the highest levels, creating an insane-sounding 'internet of bodies,' as PROUD bluntly stated in his comment, "For all we know... this rash of brain hemorrhages sweeping the country is EXACTLY THIS......you don't have to blow the head up, that's messy and obvious. All you need to do is scramble the brain a bit."
And while such a thing as the 'internet of bodies' might sound to many like some kind of crazy 'conspiracy theory' dreamed up by 'conspiracy theorists,' as globalists the Rand Corporation had reported of that 'Internet of Bodies,'this new category of technology has the potential to fundamentally transform our relationship with ourselves, our health, and others we interact with.
The excerpt below comes to us from that article which attempts to educate the reader/viewer about 'IoB technologies' and their potential effects, while also artistically evoking the future 'data ecosystems' that will surround us when these technologies are employed at huge scales. Get that? 'Employed at huge scales!':
This visualization was inspired by the iconic 1977 film, Powers of Ten, created by legendary design duo Charles and Ray Eames. In that work, the viewer is taken on a journey from the smallest unit of life (a single cell) to viewing an entire galaxy, highlighting the interconnectedness of life on earth at all scales.
Lupi's piece raises similar questions about how perceptions of the human body will be transformed with and through IoB technology, which by definition is smart and wirelessly connected via the internet.
IoB devices can track, record, and store users' whereabouts, bodily functions, and what they see, hear, and even think. These devices vary greatly in how they are usedsome are freestanding, such as infusion pumps and sensor-equipped hospital beds; others are wearable, such as health trackers and prosthetics; and others are implanted, such as cardiac devices and ingestible digital pills.
The Internet of Bodies is an ecosystem of internet-connected devices that monitor the human body and collect personal biometric data. Despite its potential to offer revolutionized medical treatments, improved physical performance, convenience, and even fun, the Internet of Bodies is still an inconsistently regulated space that poses cybersecurity and other risks. RAND research explores such tensionsand considers what can be done to balance the risks and rewards of these emerging technologies.
And as Gotto had alarmingly pointed out within her story, to 'connect' humans to the 'Internet of Bodies,' human beings are also being transformed into walking, talking antennas, not only able to be 'tracked' by others but our minds able to be read, our thoughts no longer 'private' and what we ourselves 'see' and 'hear' able to be 'monitored' by others who are in positions of authority, or as RAND warns, by those who are able to 'hack into' the IoB. Talk about a nightmare unfolding before our very eyes!
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
With that RAND story using the graphic above as one of their illustrations of how the 'Internet of Bodies' will work, proving to us that not only does such a thing exist but the implementation of these new technology systems are well past just the 'planning stages,' we come back once again to PROUD's comment Monday and have to ask the question, are IoB system's now being used by the globalists to murder innocent people?
As Gotto had also pointed out within her story, there is a huge interconnectedness between the 'internet of bodies' and the entire 'COVID OP,' with Nature.com reporting back in December of 2021 on 'the lasting impact of lipid nanoparticles,' giving us proof such 'technologies' were being used in the COVID vaxxes.:
Lipid nanoparticles are going into billions of arms in the form of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, delivering, at last, on the promise of nanotechnology to revolutionize drug delivery. Revolutions have the ability to alter the course of history. In the case of nanotech-based drug delivery, with many promising applications being explored, it looks like lipid nanoparticles have done just that.
As that Nature story also reported, "Without lipid nanoparticles, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines would not exist."
And with all of this coming at the exact same time as the unveiling of a 'one world digital currency' as reported by Brandon Smith over at AltMarket.com in this story titled "Project Icebreaker: The Beginning Of A One World Digital Currency System?,"we're getting more and more proof this 'new world order' being unveiled will be one of pure tyranny, 'freedom' a long-vanquished thing of the past.
With even the long-popular "Popular Mechanics" publishing a story back in January of 2023 titled "Scientists Want to Use People As Antennas to Power 6G" hinting of the direction the human race is rapidly being herded, reporting in that story Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst believe using humans as part of the antenna system offers the most efficient way to harvest waste energy,their story also reported.:
We dont yet know exactly how 6G wireless technology is going to work. But researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst believe using humans as antennas to power 6G may be the most viable way to harvest additional energy that would otherwise get wasted.
In the always-present effort to speed up informational exchange, scientists have already started investigating Visible Light Communication (VLC), basically a wireless version of fiberoptics, that uses flashes of light to transmit information. Adding VLC to 6G spurred the UMass Amherst team to dig even deeper.
Claiming that using human bodies as antennas to transmit information appears to be the most efficient way of harvesting and transmitting energy and data, have you the reader ever been told by the msm or by 'those in authority' of what it REALLY means that such a sinister plan is now in play? There's clearly a very good reason why 'they' don't want 'us' to know what's really happening as we're transformed into 'slaves' able to be 'eliminated' with the push of a button by somebody far, far away for simply thinking 'the wrong thoughts.'

So with Dr. Paul Alexander having reported in this Substack blog entry that an estimated 26.6 million people were injured or disabled by 'the vax' and that at least 300,000 'excess deaths' were directly tied to the 'clot shot,' costing the economy nearly $150 billion, while Joel S. Hirschhorn had reported in this Substack entry that according to this recent Rasmussen poll, nearly as many Americans believe someone close to them died from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine as died from the disease/infection itself, proving 'vax deaths' are being vastly undercounted, ANP reader 'AndyDivine' had left an eye-opening comment on this Kathleen Gotto story that is well worth repeating.:
A few people get sick from peanut butter or a salad mix and the media goes nuts and there's a nation wide recall. Millions damaged for life or killed by the "vax" and dead silence from the criminals running America.
So WHY has the mainstream media NOT 'gone nuts' about the millions of people who've had their lives permanently damaged, or even been killed, by 'the vax,' when they went totally nutso over an alleged salmonella outbreak in Jiff peanut butter back in 2022? We can't help but thinking its got everything to do with 'the big picture,' the globalists using these deadly vaxxes to establish their 'internet of bodies.'
With Kathleen Gotto giving us proof within her story that the 'internet of bodies' is a rapidly emerging new technology, and the previously mentioned RAND story proving to us these IoB systems are part of what is being 'deployed at huge scales,' actually recalling 'the vaxxes' would put a huge dent in their plans.
And since we've long been getting alarming proof that those 'plans' include a massive kill-off of human beings as the globalists firmly believe our planet Earth is vastly overpopulated so in their insane minds they believe they must strive for 'depopulation,' a recall of such 'bioweapons' would set their plans back decades, or force them to go to 'much more messy and obvious solutions.'
And with these same devils who've been pushing the 'death shots' for years now making it quite obvious that they're striving to completely 'control' us if they can't 'eliminate' us, as James Howard Kunstler concluded in this linked story, we're witnessing a spiritual war unfolding now before our eyes.:
Human religious lore has it that the figure of Satan is the Father of Lies. Satan is the personification of evil. The political Left and the vehicle it rides on, the Democratic Party, with phantom president Joe Biden in the drivers seat, has become the Party of Satan. We are in the presence of evil. (Call them psychopaths, if youre more comfortable with that.) Whether you are religious or not, the Left represents a force at war with reality, and it happens to be at war against the rest of us. You cant negotiate with it. It lies always and everywhere about everything. It must be vanquished.
While the first video below is a copy of the mega-viral documentary "Died Suddenly" in case you haven't had the opportunity to watch it yet, the 2nd video below should be watched by ALL law enforcement officers across the country as it proves to us we're witnessing a massive decimation of the men and women in blue following the largest medical experiment in history, with more and more law enforcement officers being struck down by 'the vax.' And the final video below takes a much deeper look at these 'Internet of Bodies' technologies, via the globalists own words, being forced upon us, whether we like it or not.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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