November 6, 2024
Just Because President Trump Beat Harris Doesn't Mean The Devastating Issues That Face Americans, From War To Food Costs To Political Violence, Are Going Away
By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline
First off, let me say, thank Heavens the 2024 election is over, and a huge thank you to ANP readers for sharing all the election-related news throughout the day, night, and into the morning. Americans made the 2024 presidential election too big to rig, and for that, I thank America.
It appears Republicans took the Senate and kept the House, yet, in 2016, the same scenario faced us and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), in cahoots with Democrats, blocked much of President Trump's agenda.
With that said, there are a number of issues that face America that are not going away, and two months for the Biden-Harris regime to do massive damage to this nation before January 20, 2025, when Trump takes back over.
The cost of living, or even just being able to eat three meals a day, has wiped out many Americans' savings accounts, and that money is not going to magically appear in their bank just because Donald Trump beat Kamala Harris on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Credit card debt which has risen exponentially in the nearly four years since Biden started occupying the White House, is crippling Americans across all demographics.
Even traditional news has been forced to report on rising prices, where a dozen eggs has seen an astounding 176% rise in cost since 2019. In fact, everything from orange juice to pasta to bread has skyrocketed and those prices aren't going to suddenly go back.
That is the reality Trump is facing when he takes office again. Maybe he can lower some costs, but prices are not ever going back to what they were in 2019. That is a fact.
The Middle East is a powder keg ready to blow, and Russia and Ukraine are still fighting a war.
Russia has floated the idea that when Trump takes office again there can be a "reset" between the U.S. and Russia, but again, American interference has led to the war lasting far longer than it would have had Biden minded his own businesses and stayed out of a war that doesn't affect U.S. citizens.
Some damage cannot be repaired.
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While having watched and shared videos in the comment section of liberals literally melting down over Trump's sweeping victory over Harris, anyone that thinks the Democrat "mourning" process will eventually lead to acceptance, is kidding themselves.
As I have said before, nine years of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has left many Democrats mentally unstable as we have seen by multiple media-incited assassination attempts against Trump, and violence against Trump supporters leading up to the November 5 presidential election.
Anyone notice how quiet Antifa groups, BLM, and other groups known for political violence, have been during the Biden regime's reign?
That will change during Trump's second term in office as groups start organizing protests, that inevitably turn to riots when those groups become involved in any type of regular protest.
So while conservatives celebrate a Harris loss, let us not forget 2016 through 2020. The cities burning, the inaugural day mass protests, celebrities like Madonna saying they would like to "blow up" the White House, and the media egging the violence on by pretending the riots were "mostly peaceful."
Right now, as liberals across the nation are crying, screaming, denying the results of last night, remember this is just the calm before the storm.
We know this because we have already seen this movie before in January 2017, and throughout the entire Trump presidency. The media will rile up mentally ill (TDS) with fake news, edited clips and speeches, false headlines, and crazed far left radical liberal pundits, like Joy Reid, shown below.
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow is already invoking Russia.
Those are just two examples of "journalists" already trying to feed the liberal anger.
While many reading this wouldn't watch either pundit unless it was to see them meltdown over Trump's victory, it is pretty important to remember they have large liberal followings who take their word as Gospel.
The point here is that the liberal media will continue attacking Trump, all the while inciting their TDS infected followers into violence, threats and harassment.
A few social media reactions, and some video of complete meltdowns, showing that once their tears dry up, their anger will take over, and in fact, some jumped straight to anger.
Another showing that apparently NOW it is ok to question the election, because it is (D)ifferent when Democrats do it, or something.
The anger is strong in the next one. (Language warning)
Liberal late night "comedian" is angry at..... pollsters.
Had Stewart come out of his political bubble and echo chamber for just one minutes before the election, he would have known the polls were flawed, deliberately to make Democrats feel the race was close.
One last compilation video of meltdowns across the left of the political sphere.
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Thank you and God Bless from Susan here on Earth and Stefan from up above.
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