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December 20, 2023
Civil War Trends On Social Media After CO Court Rules To Take Trump Off The Colorado Republican Primary Ballot - Dems Cannot Win A Civil War Against Republicans
On December 19, 2023, the Colorado Supreme Court, consisting of seven Democrats, voted 4-3 to remove Donald Trump from the Republican primary ballot. The same court stayed their own ruling as Trump's lawyers appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which is expected to take the case in an expedited fashion since the CO Republican primary is set for March 5, 2024, and ballots need to be printed.
Democrats in multiple states have failed in using the 14th Amendment to have Trump removed, making CO the first state to issue this type of ruling. Trump immediately issued a statement saying they would be appealing this at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Multiple constitutional experts have already come out publicly saying they believe the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn the CO SC, stating they also think it will be close to a unanimous decision, despite three out of the nine SC justices being liberal Democrats.
We'll get into the reactions, from both the right and the left, down below, but first, this ruling, on top of the cases in multiple states, where lawfare is being used to interfere in the 2024 election, in an attempt to stop Donald Trump from becoming President again, immediately caused "Civil War" to trend on social media.
On social media, die-hard Trump supporters reacted with outrage, some calling the ruling an act of 'election interference' that could spark 'civil war'.
One user expressed disbelief, questioning the absence of an official conviction for insurrection: "Colorado ? Am I missing something when I say when was Donald Trump officially convicted of insurrection? This election interference is going to start a full-blown civil war, I swear. Praying for America."
Another commenter echoed this sentiment, perceiving the court ruling as a provocation toward civil unrest: "Colorado just gave the first shot over the bow toward Civil War. 4 judges should not be able to overrule the will of 6 MILLION COLORADO CITIZENS. Again, Democrats are NOT confident they can beat Trump at the ballot box so they are trying to circumvent THE AMERICAN PEOPLE."
Third user, appalled by the decision, linked it to a potential catalyst for conflict, stating, "Colorado court removes Trump from ballot !!! Watch the civil war begin. Citing a law that Trump hasn't even been convicted of."
Most Republicans, whether Trump supporters or not (excluding the "NeverTrumpers), are fed up with the use of lawfare against Trump by Democrats and the Biden DOJ's Special Counsel Jack Smith, as a means of trying to stop Trump from running against Joe Biden, who Trump is beating in the polls, and in "swing state" polling.
Lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual's usage of their legal rights.
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George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley perhaps said it best in the video below, when interviewed by Laura Ingraham, where he stated "This country is a powder keg, and this court is just throwing matches at it."
Pollster and political consultant Frank Luntz, definitely not a Trump fan or supporter, reacted by stating his belief that the CO SC ruling makes it "more likely" now that Trump beats Biden in 2024.
'Every time Trump has [h]ad an adverse engagement with the legal system, it has been like rocket fuel with Republican voters because it reinforces his core message that he is (and has been) unfairly treated since the moment he burst on to the scene,' Republican strategist Scott Jennings said in a statement to DailyMail.com.
'Republicans see this in the same way they saw two impeachments, the indictments, the Russia investigation, and all the rest just another attempt by the elites and the Democrats to stop Trump and his voters from getting a fair shake in an election,' he added in lining up with Luntz's take on the latest ruling.
'For Trump haters, this is like getting drunk at your office Christmas Party,' Jennings said. 'It may seem like fun tonight, but you will really, really regret it tomorrow.'
To deny the voters the chance to elect the candidate of their choice is a Rubicon-crossing event for the judiciary. It would be seen forever by tens of millions of Americans as a negation of democracy. It is not enough that their belief is plausibly wrong or likely wrong. It must be incontrovertibly wrong to support such a momentous step.
Matt Taibbi, a conservative but definitely not a Trump supporter, states on his Substack, "This is a major escalation of the lawfare phenomenon thats zoomed from simmer to boil in the seven short years since Trump was first elected in 2016. The glee of #Resistance dolts like Robert Reich and Dean Obeidallah at this decision shows that this was a move dreamed up at the very center of the bubble-within-a-bubble-within-a-bubble that is the blob of the modern Democratic Party."
The Colorado Republican Party replied to Vivek, stating "You won't have to because we will withdraw from the Primary as a Party and convert to a pure caucus system if this is allowed to stand."
Colorado is a blue state, so the loss of primaries in CO does not in any way prevent Trump or any other Republican nominee from winning a presidential election, because Colorado is also a winner-take-all state. All it would do is take away any Republican votes from the "popular vote" tally which means nothing because the U.S. uses the electoral college system.
John Bolton, another Trump hater also believes "Supreme Court will overturn the Colorado decision on Trump."
Country music legend John Rich remind social media users of a little history, stating "Republican, Abraham Lincoln was taken off the ballot by Democrats in 1860. On April 12th, 1861 the Civil War began. I truly hope and pray we do not repeat our history🙏 Read the historical account here:https://www.lincolnshrine.org/exhibits/election-of-1860/
The point here is that while many liberals are celebrating this decision, legal scholars believe the Supreme Court will overturn this ruling, but that will not stop the anger and in some cases, rage, that the use of lawfare against Trump is causing among Americans.
2020 election map, GOP has more landmass.
Liberals with the mindset of "bring it" when it comes to civil war, ignore a number of things.
The overwhelming majority of gun owners are 2nd Amendment supporters, which just happen to be Republicans.
While California tops agriculturecash receipts as a single state, red states collectively produce more, meaning food-wise, blue states need red states far more than the other way around.
The majority of law enforcement and military veterans are conservative, so battle experience, tactics, and readiness goes to the Republicans.
States that voted Democrat were only won via the cities. The entire rest of the state is run by rural Republican voters. When that rule is applied to the country as a whole Republicans actually own most of the land.Republican owned lands would hold most of the resources including farm land.
Looking at the map above, it clear that any attempt at transporting anything from blue state or city to other blue areas, would need to go through the red areas. In a civil war, that isn't happening.
While no one with a working brain cell wants to see the death and destruction a second American civil war would bring, Democrats continue to push policies that could and likely will eventually, bring it about.
Many of us prepare for a world war, a nuclear war, weather events, terrorist attacks, EMP attacks and more, but it is time to consider adding a civil war to our reasons for prepping.
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