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March 1, 2021

Consider This A Gauntlet Thrown Down: 'Joe Biden Is An Illegitimate President' - In America's Tech Oppressed Society That Statement Will Get You Cancelled

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

For the sake of this article Tech Oppressors are:

Social Media platforms that bans accounts for wrong-speak (type).

Tech companies that terminate accounts for supporting the wrong political party.

Media that blatantly lies about recent history and thinks their readers are too stupid to remember the last four years. (Note- The argument could be made that by still trusting those liberal media outlets, those people are displaying stupidity, so maybe the media is right about that one)

Financial institutions refusing service because the customer had the wrong ideology.

Usually when talking about tech oppression we would be talking about censorship, but what we are seeing now, goes far beyond simple censorship and right into tech tyranny against Americans.


That statement in the headline, among others, can get you banned from social media such as FaceBook and Twitter, blacklisted from search results by big tech, demonetized by Adsense and Youtube (owned by the same group), and demonized by the liberal establishment media.

If you are anti-vaccine, or believe the evidence that has been documented of election fraud, you either censor yourself beforehand, or risk losing the platform and any revenue generation associated with your "opinion" on that platform.

Let me just show you an example from our own Adsense, a notification we get almost every day where any opinion that doesn't toe the official narrative set by Democrats and their Media puppets, is considered "Dangerous or derogatory content."

Yesterday's notification showed 7 pages, one of which from just the last week alone, while the day before that it was 5... the point is, every day, or every other day, the email notification comes in to let us know that they do not approve of the content, so they label it dangerous and/or derogatory, then disable ads on those pages.

The bottom one, is our Alternative News, which simply lists the headlines of our articles.

I guess our headlines are dangerous... who knew? I guess I can picture our readers arming up and marching to the joint. You dangerous people, you!

Seriously though, our choice is self-censor or be punished for having the "wrong" opinion.

Looking at the headline of this piece, I guess readers can tell that we are refusing to self-censor because we will be damned if Democrats can spend four freaking years calling Trump an "illegitimate" president, while the media and Democrats pushed the now debunked Russian collusion hoax, and we cannot do the same.

It may not look like it anymore, it may not feel like it anymore, but this is America and until they manage to prevent me from getting online at all, I will say what I believe and want, and they can......well, you know.


Let me be clear... it is my opinion, after seeing evidence of voter fraud, on video (which YouTube has been deleting regularly), along with arbitrary rules changes in the midst of election season, some of which directly violate their own states constitutions.... that Joe Biden is an illegitimate president.

This is why in my articles, I say he is occupying the White House, and I refuse to refer to him as the president.

In fact, in the words of Hillary voters: 'NOT MY PRESIDENT."

Anyone that denies that Clinton supporters made those claims has been hiding under a rock, but the image below, one of hundreds upon hundreds, maybe even thousands, shows the truth.

With examples like that above, and public statements from liberals across the nation it is astounding to see the mass amnesia that we are noting from the media.

New York Times Paul Krugman put out an article on November 30, 2020, after the election, but before Biden started occupying the White House, a portion of which is shown and highlighted in the image below:

He claimed that Democrats never said Trump was illegitimate? As was pointed out at the time, evidently Krugman forgets that his own online statements are still online!!!!!

Paul Krugman, December 12, 2016: (New York Times via Archive,is)

So this was a tainted election. It was not, as far as we can tell, stolen in the sense that votes were counted wrong, and the result wont be overturned. But the result was nonetheless illegitimate in important ways; the victor was rejected by the public, and won the Electoral College only thanks to foreign intervention and grotesquely inappropriate, partisan behavior on the part of domestic law enforcement nothing that happened on Election Day or is happening now is normal. Democratic norms have been and continue to be violated, and anyone who refuses to acknowledge this reality is, in effect, complicit in the degradation of our republic. This president will have a lot of legal authority, which must be respected. But beyond that, nothing: he doesnt deserve deference, he doesnt deserve the benefit of the doubt.

More examples provided by Spectator:

Before the inauguration, Rep. John Lewis told NBC I dont see this president-elect as a legitimate president

In 2018, Salon ran the blunt headline Trumps presidency is illegitimate

A month later, war hawk and original thought non-haver Max Boot wrote in the Washington Post that Trump is an illegitimate president whose election is tainted by fraud ( link here)

In 2019, Hillary Clinton told CBS News that Donald Trump was an illegitimate president who knows he stole the 2016 election

Jimmy Carter also labeled Trump illegitimate, claiming he was installed by those ever-wily Russians

Apologies for the Hillary Clinton video, below but it captures her saying Trump was illegitimate, many, many times in different interviews.

Related:4 years lost to amnesia? NYT economist claims Biden FIRST US PRESIDENT to face an opposition calling him illegitimate

Joe Biden Illegitimate President T-Shirt

Joe Biden Illegitimate President Coffee Mug 11oz Tea Cup

You Know The Thing Illegitimate President Fake Leader Sweatshirt

Tamengi Home Garden Porch Flag 47x70 in, B-IDEN is an Illegitimate President Double Sided


Over the past few years we have seen times where different Independent Media has self-censored themselves to a point in order to promote their articles and/or videos, but at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) interrupted programming with disclaimers, cut away from speeches and muted part of an interview with MyPillow's Mike Lindell.

After muting Lindell and he finished up the host admitted that the muting was to prevent punishment from YouTube:

After Lindell concluded, RSBN turned the sound back on, and host Liz Willis tried to divert from the topic at hand. I hate to do it. You know I love you, but due to YouTubes guidelines, we will get our whole platform shut down, if you talk about vaccines, Willis stated.

While I feel for RSBN because their main source of income is most likely YouTube, and YT is the largest video platform, this sets a horrible precedent.

People read and watch Independent News media to get news, statements, see interviews and different points of view that do not toe the "official narrative" line, and by buckling to the tech oppressors, their audience is having information they want, by watching, reading, and listening, hidden from them.

Just as the liberal establishment news does.

I repeat.... horrible precedent.

Note - Smaller channels with barely any subscribers or views to their videos, do manage to keep their videos up, even when calling Biden illegitimate, but larger accounts are always penalized, demonetized or see their accounts terminated.


The truth, and conservative opinion, as well as any statements that do not fit the official narrative is now considered by the tech oppressors, to be "dangerous and derogatory" content.

We all either stand up against them collectively, or we say goodbye to truly Independent News.

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ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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