February 21, 2024
Congress Fiddles While America Burns: The US Senate Codifying Biden's Horrific Political Policy Into Law Will Complete The Destruction Of America As Our Nation Rots From Within
By Brian C. Joondeph and All News Pipeline
Its clear that Americas open border is an unmitigated disaster, allowing over 300,000 known migrants to enter the U.S. each month. Migrants are arriving from all over the world, including from geopolitical adversaries like China and Afghanistan.
Few are vetted, meaning their health, criminal, education, vocations, literacy, and motivations are unknown. Anyone can ask for political asylum, as they are coached to do. To federal border agents, they are a massive herd of cattle, and its all they can do just to get them across the border, feed and hydrate them, and put them on plane to Denver, New York, or Chicago.
There are also an unknown number of euphemistically called gotaways, those waltzing into the U.S., not encountering a border agent, then just disappearing somewhere into Americas fruited plains. How many?
CBP reports over 1,000 known gotaways a day. Recently impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas acknowledges 600,000 gotaways in 2023. These are the known ones. How many are unknown? Likely at least as many as known.
In total, this is more than the 3.9 million population of Los Angeles added to Americas welfare rolls each year. American cities are choking under this invasion.
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President Joe Biden has the power to stop this at any time. He reversed all of President Donald Trumps executive orders for building a wall, remaining in Mexico, asylum seeking, and many other measures which gave America a long overdue semblance of a national border. Most other countries have and manage a national border, without being accused of racism and xenophobia.
Biden could, by executive order, revert to Trump policies at any time, but he has not. Congress has been fiddling while American burns, refusing to hold government officials accountable and continuing to fund government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, which are facilitating our open border.
The U.S. Senate proposed a border plan which is just as bad or worse than Bidens current approach, codifying bad policy into law, forever destroying the America we know. Obviously, the U.S. Senate, in bipartisan fashion, wants an open border. Their proposed legislation was really a smokescreen for additional billions for the Ukraine war money pit and laundering scheme, and fortunately the Senate bill died, but was resurrected for only foreign largess, ignoring Americans and their national border.
The defeated Senate bill would have also been a first step toward amnesty for all the illegal migrants already here. Biden when addressing the failed bill revealed, [The bill] doesnt address everything I wanted. For example, we still need to pass documentation for people that are already here.
This is not simply a handful of migrants already here. Instead the number is 15 percent of the U.S. population, as Breitbart noted, Biden has driven the nations foreign-born population to nearly 50 million the largest ever in American history.
But dont put it past the Romneys, McConnells, and Lankfords to resurrect an amnesty bill. On the House side, the latest Senate bill is dead on arrival and the Mayorkass Senate impeachment trial may be illuminating as to who told him to keep the border wide open and why.
Why is this happening? Is it all intentional or simply incompetence? Given Bidens rapidly declining cognitive state, one might blame senility, but he is not actually running the White House. Those who are, mostly holdovers from the Obama administration, may be malevolent, but they are not stupid.
Hanlons razor is the adage you should Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Going further, Applied broadly, this principle suggests that when assessing peoples actions, you should not assume that they acted out of a desire to cause harm, as long as there is a reasonable alternative explanation.
Are there other reasonable explanations? Lets look at some possibilities.
The simple explanation is that Democrats want future voters and Republicans want cheap labor to drive labor costs down, in deference to their Chamber of Commerce donors. The Wall Street Journal, apparently believing adding an L.A.-sized population of migrants to America each year, while already choking under myriad socio-economic problems, is a good idea. They endorsed the Senate border bill. What happened to the once-sensible and conservative Wall Street Journal?
How are all these new migrants able to vote? Given how election laws are whimsically enforced, certain states or precincts can simply deliver ballots to migrants, instruct them on which circles to blacken, then harvest these ballots, easily swinging a close election. Who will stop these tens of millions of migrants being added to voter rolls, even if they themselves never receive a ballot or vote. Someone else will do that for them.
Or just allow them to vote, as in New York City, passing a law allowing lawful permanent residents and other noncitizens authorized to work in the United States to vote in municipal elections. This will allow nearly a million noncitizens to vote. Its a short hop from municipal to national elections. Which New York politicians will object or stop it? None.
Many of these migrants will have children born in the U.S. As U.S. citizens, they will someday vote. After growing up sucking on the teat of government largesse, I suspect most will vote for the political party promising more of that. Democrats are playing the long game.
Elon Musk weighed in on non-citizen voting through a series of tweets.
In a recent trio of posts to X, Elon Musk wrote that (1) illegal immigrants are not prevented from voting in federal elections, (2) you dont need government issued ID to vote, and (3) Democrats are importing voters.
Sen. Dick Durbin has another approach. Noting low levels of military recruitment due to forced vaccinations, wokeness, and a DEI agenda, he recommends the following:
If you are an undocumented person in this country and you can pass the physical and the required test, background test, the like, that you can serve in our military, and if you do it honorably, we will make you citizens of the United States.
How might that work out? According to 60 Minutes, Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group crossing into the U.S. from Mexico.
From KanekoaTheGreat on X,
Ex-Director of National Intelligence @JohnRatcliffe warns that Chinese spies are infiltrating the United States through the southern border.
"The fastest growing group they're encountering at our border is coming from our #1 geopolitical adversary, China."
"We had 342 Chinese nationals in 2020. We're at 24,000 and 20,000 in the past two years. That's like a 7000% increase."
"It's not a question of whether the People's Republic of China is sending spies here... it's a question of how many."
If China invades Taiwan and the U.S. intercedes in any way, think of what a bunch of young Chinese men of military age could do, even if not serving in the U.S. military, to civilian and military infrastructure. If we get into a hot war with China, what will Chinese nationals embedded in our military do? Who will they be loyal to?
What about Islamic terrorists? Kurt Schlichters recent novel, The Attack involves 10,000 Jihadist terrorists, entering America as migrants, unleashing the worst terrorist attack ever in America killing over 100,000 Americans. Is truth stranger than fiction?
Hordes of migrants are also counted in the census as the Census Bureau acknowledges, Unauthorized migrants are implicitly included in Census Bureau estimates of net international migration.
Census data is then used for Congressional apportionment, At the conclusion of each census, the results are used to calculate the number of House memberships to which each state is entitled. Illegal migrants arent counted, are they?
The Census bureau answers that clearly, The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and noncitizens) of the 50 states. Noncitizens are indeed counted.
A 15 percent bump in population from illegal migrants can turn red districts blue, strategically redrawn, turning Republicans into a permanent minority in the U.S. House, and White House as well.
Is this only about raw political power, a grab by Democrats to guarantee one party rule with them as the one and only relevant political party? Or is it more?
Increasing the U.S. population by 15 percent, most of those with no interest in assimilating into American culture, instead bringing their culture, often violent or deadly, into the U.S., will forever change America. Many of these cultures view women and children as property, to be beaten or raped on a whim.
How many migrants arriving in America were in prison or mental institutions in their home countries? Remember the Mariel Boatlift of 1980 when Fidel Castro allowed anyone wishing to leave Cuba permission to travel to America where the hapless President Jimmy Carter rolled out the red carpet. Who came?
The Cuban government also released prisoners to travel to the United States. How many South American or African countries are now dumping their dangerous and costly prisoners and mentally ill into America?
As a recent example, the Houston megachurch shooter was transgender, mentally ill with a criminal record, and may have also been an illegal migrant from El Salvador. How many of the 300,000 illegal migrants into America are also in this category? We will likely find out.
America is being destroyed from within, our government willfully and deliberately overwhelming America, Cloward-Piven style. Adding tens of millions of foreign migrants changes the culture and character of America, and not for the better. Just look at the migrant thugs who beat up several NYC police officers, were not punished, and simply gave the finger to reporters. Is this the new America?
The elderly president and members of Congress wont be around to reap the consequences of their destruction, but their children and grandchildren will. As the adage goes, When you bring there here, here becomes there. Is that Americas future, to become Venezuela, Somalia, or Afghanistan?
Is it now too late, even for Donald Trump if he is reelected in November? The border can be closed but what about the 50 million migrants already here, entering without skills or the means to support themselves? While legitimate tourists or workers wait many years for a U.S. visa? They can be deported back to their home countries, but will they be?
America is rotting from within. We are spending money we dont have, incurring debt we can never repay. Our culture is falling apart, and we are trying to fight winless wars around the world. Now we are adding tens of millions of migrants, not assimilating, and requiring resources we no longer can provide.
This is not incompetence, its as deliberate as a heart attack.
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