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September 3, 2023

China's Ghost Cities, Maui, 15-Minute Cities & The Globalists Dystopian Plans For The Future - Signs 'Open Air Prison Cells' Masquerading As 'Cities' Are Being Constructed Before Our Eyes

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While Americans get no real answers from 'TPTB' about the fires in Maui and how there are SO MANY different bizarre 'coincidences' on topics such as: why residents were blocked from leaving; why the alarm systems were turned off; why the water system was turned off; and how these 'fires' so precisely burnt out the poorer residents of Lahaina, leaving 'upscale' homes untouched as heard in the 1st two videos at the bottom of this story, we'll be taking a look at a theory shared by ANP reader 'Scaryfish' that Lahaina isn't only going to be a '15-minute smart city,' but its also going to serve a purpose, to detain and process whatever's left of the population, while the western hemisphere is being "returned to nature", by way of fires. Those processed will then be sent to their final destination, to China's 15-minute smart cities, aka the 'ghost cities'.

With joe biden having completely 'sold out' America and the American people to China and the globalist highest bidders as Susan Duclos had reported in this August 13th ANP story, enriching himself and his family to the tune of millions if not billions of dollars, while committing not only treason but genocide upon our lands and our people, this also comes at a time when a whopping 61% of Americans or more are living paycheck to paycheck, and at a time when America's banking sector is collapsing.

And as we've reported numerous times on ANP, with America's southern border wide open for human traffickers, drug smugglers and fighting age Chinese males to get across at any time that they might want despite what biden's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently claimed when she said biden has done more to secure the border to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else,as we'd asked in this May 1st of 2023 ANP story titled "Signs Chinese Troops Were Invited Into America To Disarm And Carry Out Executions Of Patriots For The Globalists," WHAT DID China get for all that money they paid to the biden's? No doubt that something stinks to the high heavens here in America in 2023.

As Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann of the Hagmann Report argue in the must-watch 1st video at the bottom of this story, if you aren't angry about everything that's happening now to America and the American people under joe biden and this 'crime cabal' which is unlawfully seizing unjust powers in an attempt to rule over us like a dictator, then you don't have a clue about 'reality'.

Yet warning that most Americans just continue to take things in stride as America becomes a nightmare, Doug quotes St. Thomas Aquinas and these eternal words of wisdom that should be a guide for all of us.:

"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

Over at the website 'All That's Interesting,' they have a very interesting story titled "34 Unforgettable Photos Of Chinas Uninhabited Ghost Cities, a story within which they lay out for us not only the country's highly ambitious plans for urban growth that have led to more than 50 abandoned cities whose empty buildings paint a dystopian landscapeas seen in the photographs above, below and at the top of this story, but as that story tells us, a number of these 'cities' are already fully functioning metropolises, complete with everything, except 'residents.'

With these 'cities' being built at the very same time as the globalists are continuously and endlessly pushing for their '15-minute cities,' and China leading the way in the development of such cities that have quite aptly been described as 'open air prison cells,' take note that this is also all happening at a time when the globalists are carrying out in-our-faces 'depopulation' as Steve and Doug also warn in the 1st video below.

Yet we shouldn't be the least bit surprised. As we'd reported in this April 23rd of 2023 story on ANP titled "As 'A Diabolical Experiment' Is Carried Out Before The Blinded Eyes Of The American People, Absolute Proof America And Western Civilization Are Targeted For 'Elimination'," all the way back in 2014, the globalists called for depopulation as the 'best answer to the problems the Earth was facing.'

But they never bothered to explain to 'the masses' that 'depopulation' was also more appropriately known as 'genocide' or 'mass murder'. But that's 'ok' in their insane eyes if the "government" is doing the killing? As we'd also warned in this April 23rd ANP story, according to a story written by Leo Hohmann, "All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation. Yes, they want to kill us."

"Until you understand that, you will never understand whats going on. You will never make sense of it. I know its a hard pill to swallow, but reject it at your own risk. Those who live in denial will get duped, again."

Yet besides unleashing bioweapons upon our country and the planet, and those bioweapons taking both the forms of 'viruses' and 'vaccines,' how might they finish accomplishing that? As we'd pointed out in this May 1st ANP story, there are a number of alarming signs that's exactly why joe biden has left our southern border wide open, so Chinese soldiers can come in and 'deal with' US patriots who refuse to go along with tyranny. Briefly, from that story before we continue.:

While this alarming story over at the Daily Mail that Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Saturday called it 'a match made in hell,' that description of criminals linked to China's communist party helping Mexico's drug cartels flood America with the deadly drug 'fentanyl' doesn't even begin to accurately describe the full depth of what's now happening at America's southern border, with the 'biden crime cabal' quite literally rolling out the red carpet for the ChiCom invasion of America we've been reporting on recently in numerous stories here at ANP.

With ANP reporting back in March that illegal border crossings by Chinese military-aged-men were up a whopping 900% thanks to joe biden's treason, with Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in McAllen, Texas recently claiming they used to see only one Chinese person a month but now, all of a sudden, they're witnessing a massive surge of people from China, take note that this is all happening as China continues to buy up American farmland, with Chinese ownership of U.S. farmland jumping more than 20-fold in a decade from $81 million in 2010 to nearly $1.9 billion in 2021, with far too much of that farmland being near U.S. military bases.

A perfect example of that being a China-based chemical manufacturing company called the Fufeng Group buying up 300 acres of farm land, allegedly to build a corn mill, in Grand Forks, North Dakota, just 12 miles outside of the Grand Forks Air Base, home to U.S. intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance units and top-secret drone technology, also take note that this is happening at the exact same time as over 1,900 US food processing plants have been destroyed, in JUST ONE YEAR, as Tap News Wire reports in this story, another sign that something incredibly sinister is going on behind the backs of most Americans who still don't have a clue that America is right now 'under attack.'

And while Chinese criminals tied to the Chinese Communist party working with Mexican drug cartels such as El Chapo's Sinaloa clan, flooding America with enough fentanyl to kill the entire population of North America, (TWICE according to California governor Gavin Newsome's office,) should have been enough to make joe biden get off of his l@zy @ss and do something about it long ago, we can see the globalists plans unfolding before our eyes if we look hard enough, with China setting up secret police stations across America called 'just the tip of the iceberg,' while the biden crime family had at least 12 members involved in shady business deals involving China and Ukraine, leading some to ask, WHAT EXACTLY DID CHINA GET in return for the millions and millions of dollars they sent to joe and his flunkies?

With Mike Adams of Natural Newswarning us that a shocking Chinese video shows Chinese nationals exactly how to illegally enter the USA using UN migrant camps, while warning us that an estimated 500,000 CCP operatives are already pre-positioned across the USA, awaiting their orders, we wouldn't put it past those 'orders' coming from joe biden himself, with the 'orders' being to go out and round-up American patriots, because many in the US military and law enforcement would refuse such orders, many of them being 'Patriots' themselves.

So with these 'fully functioning,' but nearly completely empty, 'ghost cities' already completely prepared for a huge population to be 'shipped in,' but China showing us over many years that they apparently have no intention of moving their own 'people' into those regions, might the theory shared by 'Scaryfish' be right on the money, with these '15-minute cities' being set up to be the 'final destinations' for 'patriots' or others who finally figure out what's happening, and who refuse to go along with their plans? From this "All That's Interesting" story about China's absolutely bizarre 'ghost cities'.

Extravagant monuments, spacious parks, modern buildings, and interconnected roads would all seem to indicate a bustling metropolis. But in China, there is an increasing number of uninhabited "ghost" cities that seem to have been abandoned after years of construction.

It is unclear how many of these Chinese ghost cities currently exist, but estimates put the number as high as 50 municipalities.

Some of these cities have yet to be completed while others are fully functioning metropolises, save for the lack of residents. The occurrence of these ghost cities across China has, unsurprisingly, attracted significant attention from international observers.

"All of them are bizarre, all of them are surreal. There's no other way to describe a city meant for thousands of people that's just completely empty," explained Samuel Stevenson-Yang, a photographer working to document this modern Chinese phenomenon, in an interview with ABC Australia.

So what are the true purposes of China's 'ghost cities' and what they're now doing to Lahaina, Maui? Might 'Scaryfish's' theory be right on the money?

As Steve and Doug discuss in the 1st video below, with all of the anomalies that happened in Maui, and now a HUGE cover-up in progress signified by the 'biden curtain' going up around Lahaina, blocking reporters from getting into the area, all forensic evidence points to even more depopulation in progress. And with Maui almost halfway between the mainland USA and China, who'd put it past the globalists?

And if you think that all of the independent media reports about Maui and '15-minute cities' are just some 'grand conspiracy theory,' we suggest you read the words of Dr. Kathy J. Forti in this LinkedIn entry titled "What Really Happened on Maui - I Was There."

I live in Maui and am okay, but I was there in Lahaina that morning and the whole truth is yet to come out (please read my personal story below).

I want to thank all of you who have reached out to me from across the world after seeing pictures and videos of the devastating destruction that took place on Tuesday, August 8th which destroyed the Old Historic town of Lahaina. It also rampaged through agricultural lands in Kula in the Upcountry region of this beautiful valley island in the middle of the Pacific.

My story of what happened: The Strange Maui Fires

A friend called me early on the morning of Tuesday, August 8th and told me he had a strong urge to visit Lahaina that day. Tempting me with lunch at Cool Cats, one of my favorite eateries in Old Lahaina, I said Okay. Lets go!

The 30 minute drive was without incident, without winds, and without any warning advisories. As soon as we reached Lahaina, all power got zapped. Cell phone, internet, traffic lights, GPS, the 911 emergency system (which is never supposed to go down) and the power outage caused every store and shopping mall to immediately close. Nothing was open.

Then the winds came in, bringing with it a rare rainless hurricane with gusts from 60-80mph. Trees became uprooted and branches were coming down everywhere, along with power poles. I heard a crash behind me and where I was less than 30 seconds prior was a crashed and uprooted tree. It was time to get out of there.

No evacuation sirens ever went off that day when the fires began. They failed as well. My friend and I had to escape through the back road going all the way around the island as all traffic was blocked in the other direction. Many might not have known about this back route since GPS was down.

These fires were indeed strange. The night before both my friend and many others claimed to have had very restless sleep. I personally experienced a strange flooding wave of energy in my head, almost like seizure activity, which I have come to identity as dark energy coming in. This flooding energy continued on and off the next morning, more so when I was in Lahaina. This told me there was directed energy involved in what was occurring.

This was not just a random act of mother nature. It reminded me of the strange fires in Paradise, California a few years back which swept through and wiped it off the map. Their only crime was getting in the way of a high speed railway project slated to come through the town.

A little bit of history to draw your own conclusions: Historic Lahaina is the key harbor seaport on the island. The Lanai Ferry goes back and forth from there, all the commercial snorkeling and scuba diving firms set sail from there and tourists flock there in daily droves.

The problem with Historic Lahaina was that it had a large old Hawaiian community that was in the way of the developers. Now its like ground zero, declared a disaster area, and federal and states rules are probably going to be tossed aside. Its a toxic mess. They will undoubtedly blame it all on climate change and welcome in the developers to totally bull doze and level it.

All over the island tracts of land are being bought up by corporations and no one knows who is behind them. Foreign interests? The people on this island are beginning to put the pieces of the puzzle together and suspect this was a major power land grab.

In January 2023 there was a Smart City Conference where they discussed turning Maui into a 15-minute smart island. Next month there is a Digital Summit to discuss turning the island digital and all AI. I kid you not.

Fires started in the agricultural lands upcountry first, the bread basket of Maui, and resources were sent there first, so Lahaina, when it happened, had few resources to fight the wall of fire that swept through the entire area trapping hundreds who could not get out and sadly perished. No sirens warned them to get out either.

Right now Maui needs your spiritual prayers more than ever to strengthen the land against these destructive forces. So many people are missing or homeless. We are not out of the woods yet. There are still ongoing fires.

The old Hawaiian Hooponopono prayer chant to the ancestral land is: Im sorry. Please forgive. I thank you. I love you. Please give in the Aloha spirt with your contributions, love and prayers. Forward this to others who might want the truth. Mahalo.

So while we are unable to confirm at this time that what happened in Lahaina, Maui, is all part of the 'globalists dystopian plans for the future,' and, of course, those same globalists will surely call this theory a'crazy conspiracy theory,' keep your eyes and ears wide open in the days, weeks and months ahead with us drawing closer every day to all of these 'crazy conspiracy theories' of a tyrannical global government and a 'new world order' of the globalists 'building back better' coming to fruition before our very eyes. And please stay completely prepared for anything and everything in the coming days. And as always, please let us know what you think in our comment section below.

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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