September 3, 2023
Biden And Democrats Use The Dictator, Mafia Playbook, Weaponizing The Justice System Against Their Opponents And Seizing Powers To Impose Draconian Edicts Upon The Population
By Sloan Oliver and All News Pipeline
During President Trumps presidency, the Dems, leftists, and other anti-Americans screamed that he was going to destroy Democracy. Daily we heard warnings about authoritarianism (imposed by Trump), voter suppression (executed by Trump), how he was going to throw Hillary in jail and investigate Biden (his rival). It turns out that Joe Biden and his Dems are everything, and more, of the authoritarians, vote suppressors, and witch-hunters they accused Trump (and his followers) of being.
Then again, projection has long been a character trait of totalitarians -- accuse others of what youre doing or planning on doing. Donald Trump was indicted and arrested last week in Fulton County, accused of trying to overturn Georgias 2020 election results. Hes now been arrested four times by the same people (Dems) who warned and scolded us that Trump was going to throw people in jail and investigate his political rivals. All the arrests would be laughable if they werent intended to target political opponents (they are), to suppress conservatives (they are), to investigate rivals (they are), and a danger to our republic (they are).
I could list numerous recent examples of Democrats who committed election manipulation (Most recently, across the country in 2020, hundreds of election procedures were changed by unelected bureaucrats because of COVID -- almost all were done unconstitutionally); of how the Dems have weaponized the justice system and law enforcement against their opponents (For example, Hillary and Biden had classified documents, nothing happened to them. But Trump was arrested for legally possessing classified documents.); and of Dems who seized unauthorized power to implement draconian edicts on the populace (Think of the hundreds of authoritarian lockdowns during COVID).
I could give hundreds of examples of Dems being hypocrites by doing exactly what they accuse others of doing or doing what theyve made illegal. However, none of that matters. The Dems and their media do not care about any of that. They dont care that theyre hypocrites and they dont care if anyone discovers their hypocrisy. Why should they? They control all the power institutions in the country and are wielding that control to maintain power.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
There are two ways to best understand the current Democrat Party. The first way is to think of any dictatorship in the last 100 years (Cuba, Soviet Union, North Korea, China, Russia, and most Islamic countries are examples). The second way is to view the Dems as the organized criminal enterprise they have become. Biden, Hillary, Obama, et al. are totalitarians/authoritarians that operate as organized criminals raking in millions of dollars very much like the mafia dons and mafia families of the 1920s-1970s.
First, think of the above listed dictators and how they operate. The mission of an authoritarian regime is to remain in power. To do so, they must control the institutions of power. In no particular order, because each is equally important, you must control the media and press, the legal system, law enforcement, the universities, and the bureaucracy. With control of those institutions, you rule any country.
Now consider how the Dems and their institutions have operated the past six to eight years -- constant negative media coverage of Republicans while only positive coverage of Biden and Dems; endless investigations of political rivals; arrest of political opponents; a Department of Justice that trumps up crimes against Republicans yet refuses to investigate the admitted bribery and influence peddling of Biden -- remember how Biden bragged that he got the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter fired.
Its almost comical how Dems claim that millions of dollars transferred to Biden is not evidence of any wrongdoing. Really? Were told to believe (by the controlled media) that countries and companies just transfer millions to politicians for no reason.
The most egregious example of the Dems control of institutions is the Hunter Biden laptop affair. Hunters laptop has been in FBI custody since November 2019. It contains tens of thousands of emails, videos, bank records, documents, etc. that prove Joe Biden and the Dems took bribes and acted as foreign agents working against the United States. Immediately after the NY Post published an article (October 2020) about Hunters laptop, 51 intelligence experts claimed it was Russian disinformation.
Those 51 experts lied, as did Big Tech, Big Media, and every Democrat. Hunters laptop is real, and was authenticated by the FBI in 2019. The laptop proves Joes bribery guilt. Despite the FBI having the laptop, they refuse to investigate, the DoJ refuses to prosecute, and the media refuses to report -- absolute proof that the Dems control every power institution.
Next, think of mafia books, TV shows, and movies youve read or seen from Al Capone to The Godfather, Goodfellas, or The Sopranos; and think of how organized crime gains and maintains power. Organized crime syndicates bribe the police to prevent them from being investigated. And if, by chance, any were arrested, the Mafia controlled the prosecutors and judges to ensure that the case was never brought to trial or thrown out if it was. Also, they had the media in their pockets to keep public pressure off them. Knowing that they controlled the legal system, the Mafia did anything they wanted without fear of being arrested or prosecuted.
That is the exact playbook the Dems are following -- a two-tier justice system, one for Dems and another for everyone else. Barack Obama corrupted the justice department when he appointed Attorney General Eric Holder (Remember when Holder claimed he was Obamas wingman?). Holder lied to Congress and was held in contempt of Congress. Now Bidens Department of Justice is totally beholden to the Dems. Exactly like a police department that never investigated their Mafia families, the DoJ refuses to investigate anything to do with the tens of millions of bribery dollars that Joe, Hunter, and other Biden family members received. Even when caught on film and tape admitting corruption, the FBI and DoJ refuse to investigate anything Biden.
So, to understand our authoritarian Democrats, simply look at authoritarian regimes and organized crime for the blueprint to their current operations. Its not complicated.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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