October 25, 2022
Cancer Rates Are Exploding Across America And The CDC Is Covering Up The Deadly Truth - One Of The Biggest Frauds Was Allowing mRNA Genetic Materials Be Legally Defined As 'Vaccines'
By Dr. Joel S Hirschhorn for All News Pipeline
Defining COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as pharmaceutical drugs has straightforward implications for their pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, clinical and post-marketing safety assessment. Only an accurate characterization of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as pharmaceutical drugs will guarantee a safe, rational and individualized use of these products.
So said a new brilliant and courageous analysis from Italian researchers at the Center for Research in Medical Pharmacology, University of Insubria that should be required reading by all in the medical and public health establishment. The title is Understanding the Pharmacology of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Playing Dice with the Spike?
No major medical journal would have published this article. And no American doctors or researchers would have the smarts and guts to write that COVID-19 vaccines represent pharmaceutical therapeutics more so than traditional vaccines. It should be recalled that CDC had to change the definition of vaccine so that the mRNA COVID materials or generic therapeutics could be legally defined as vaccines.
This should be emphasized: if these fake vaccines were legally classified as drugs, then they would not be protected from liability actions. The vaccine makers would not be fully protected. So significant considering the huge numbers of adverse health impacts and deaths that definitely are causally linked to the fake vaccines.
That these fake vaccines were and still are pushed by government agencies demonstrates the historic corruption of the entire medical and public health establishment. This has caused incredible harm to millions of people.
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Here are some excerpts from this Italian study to give a good picture of its coverage. A major truth was emphasized, one that has helped explain why there have been so many adverse health impacts and deaths from the vaccines:
These products were presented from the outset as intrinsically safe, since it was believed that, similar to conventional vaccines, after intramuscular injection, most of the dose would remain in the muscle and the rest would drain through the lymphatic system, being eventually captured by antigen-presenting cells and B cells and undergoing complete elimination in a few tens of hours at the most. On this basis, the public was explicitly reassured by influential blogs as well as by academic institutional web pages that these products were not expected to exhibit any relevant systemic disposition and that the resulting S protein would remain attached to the surface of the cells and would not be released in the bloodstream and tissues to encounter ACE2 receptors and eventually induce organ damage. Step by step, however, it became clear that this was not the case.
Taken as a whole, evidence strongly supports the possible link between inappropriate expression of S protein in sensitive tissues and subsequent tissue damage.
a major explanation of adverse effects following COVID-19 vaccination could well be that mRNA vaccines induce in selected individuals excessive production of S protein, for too long and/or in inappropriate tissues and organs, and this occurrence is at present unpredictable, since systemic biodistribution and disposition of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine has so far never been considered an issue, and as a consequence it has never been studied as it would have actually deserved.
these products urgently need a proper conceptualization. Conventional vaccines contain antigen(s), which represent their active component, in turn exerting their effect by acting on endogenous targets (the immune system cells). On the contrary, mRNA vaccines do contain a molecule (the mRNA) which is unable to trigger any anti-SARS-CoV-2 immune response unless it is translated by endogenous cell metabolism into an active moiety, which is the viral S protein. In other terms, mRNAs contained in vaccines fully meet the definition of a prodrug as reported, for example, in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: a pharmacologically inactive substance that is converted in the body (as by enzymatic action) into a pharmacologically active drug, which is the case for vaccine-derived mRNA, converted into active S protein by ribosomes through their catalytic peptidyl transferase activity that links amino acids together, leading to protein synthesis. According to the conventional classification of pro-drugs, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could be classified as type I prodrugs since they undergo intracellular conversion.

In summary, both the SARS-CoV-2 S protein mRNA and the S protein itself exhibit a complex pharmacological profile with potential toxicological issues. None of these issues, however, were taken into consideration in the studies that led to the marketing authorization, precisely because, first of all, from a regulatory point of view, these products were treated as conventional vaccines.
Failure to include clinical laboratory evaluations in the clinical assessment of COVID-19 vaccines led many governments and institutions to take this absence of evidence as evidence of absence, and consequently to not recommend (and in some cases even to advise against) performing any kind of examination before or after vaccinations.
In summary, founding the post-marketing safety assessment of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines just on spontaneous adverse event reporting systems is likely biased by an un- precedented level of underreporting.
In summary, we have highlighted the pitfalls of having considered until now COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as just conventional vaccines, and we have indicated the preclinical, clinical and post-marketing safety assessments that are most urgently needed. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are actually pharmaceutical drugs, and consequently their pharmacokinet-ics and pharmacodynamics, and possibly also their pharmacogenetics, must be properly characterized to provide a solid background of knowledge for their rational and targeted use, thus stopping playing dice with these products due to the misbelief that the same vaccine at the same dose is good for everyone, and that adverse effects occur just by chance. A correct, rigorous and complete evaluation of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines will be of critical importance for reassuring the public about their safe and effective use, eventually overcoming vaccine hesitancy. [emphasis added]
Breaking news: Of 7,800 children under five who received mRNA Pfizer shots, 10 required hospitalization afterwards. Think about a plausible 1,000 times greater children, meaning 10,000 hospitalizations. This shows how dangerous the vaccines are.
Add this new revelation. A published paper touting the safety of the Moderna vaccine for children 6 months to 5 years old buried something important in an appendix. Moderna disclosed a case of new-onset Type 1 diabetes in a one-year-old girl that its investigators found was vaccine-related in its trial. This was revealed on page 62 of the papers 68-page appendix: the other SAE [serious adverse event] considered related was new-onset Type 1 diabetes mellitus and diabetic ketoacidosis in a 1-year-old female reported 37 days post dose 2.
And this:
John Ioannidis just came out with a paper on October 13, 2022 saying that the median IFR is 0.0003% for kids 0 to 19. What that means is that in the event your child does get COVID, the chance your child will die is 3 in a million. This signifies that vaccines are unnecessary.
If you are not a victim of pandemic propaganda, then you know that the COVID vaccines are unsafe (actually dangerous), ineffective and unnecessary for most people, especially children and healthy young adults, and also those under 70 without serious comorbidities. In past years, any vaccine or drug with the history of ill impacts of the COVID vaccines would have been taken off the market. But corruption has prevented this.
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