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November 28, 2022

Heads Up Red Alert America: Those Carrying Out Genocide Are Trying To Ban Your Way To Defend Yourself! Bidens Ominous Demand To Ban And Confiscate Semi-Automatic Firearms

By D Parker of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

Authoritarians of the fascist far left have always denied the obvious, that their ultimate goal has been and always will be gun confiscation. No longer. Biden is out and proud.

Leftists are no longer hiding the fact that they want to ban and confiscate guns.

President Biden went all authoritarian in saying [that] we still allow semiautomatic weapons to be purchased is sick, as well as calling for even more unconstitutional gun confiscations with so-called red flag orders. This puts the lie to the incessantly repeated talking point that no one is talking about taking anyones guns.

Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left have always denied the obvious, that their ultimate goal has been and always will be gun confiscation. As is the case with every authoritarian leftist regime that has ever ruled over the people with an iron fist. While saving the planet, saving humanity, or whatever self-righteous excuse for naked despotism they can think of.

Jared Yanis, detailed all of this in a recent video from his YouTube channel Guns & Gadgets: Biden Said The Quiet Part Out Loud! Wants To Ban WHAT?!

A piece from The Hill had a rundown on the Dear leaders deplorable comments on your basic human and civil rights, starting with the usual gaslighting over unconstitutional gun confiscation orders a.k.a. red flag orders. In these, they play their usual game of lying with language and using softer words as substitutes for what is really going on.

Whenever you see them describe these unconstitutional abominations, they will always have three key elements:

- Language implying that they are officially sanctioned.

- Soft language substitutes for outright gun confiscation.

- Vague implications that this must be done because these people are somehow a threat.

Most, if not all stories on unconstitutional gun confiscation orders will have these in varying deceptive language. In the case of the Hill piece:

Biden said it was ridiculous that red flag laws in which law enforcement officers can seize firearms from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others were not being enforced across the country.

Note the implication that these unconstitutional abominations are officially sanctioned by law enforcement officers. Then the soft language substitutes for outright gun confiscation seize firearms. Followed by the vague implications that certain individuals are deemed a threat to themselves or others. It should be noted that in a hearing, Representative Steve Cohen stated that wanting to go buy a gun should be a red-flag. So, by that logic, every gun owner should have an unconstitutional gun confiscation order brought against them.

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The nations socialist media constantly repeats variations of this gaslighting to sell unconstitutional gun confiscation orders, and this time was no different.

After talking about gun confiscation, Biden moved on to talking about the expansion of outright bans from undefined assault weapons to semi-automatic firearms, with a little kick at free enterprise as a little socialist bonus:

No. 2, the idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick. Its just sick. It has no, no social redeeming value. Zero. None. Not a single, solitary rationale for it except profit for the gun manufacturers, he said.

The most dangerous part in all of this is that they may attempt to enact this unconstitutional attack on your common-sense civil right of self-defense by attaching it to the Respect for Marriage Act as an amendment since that has already passed cloture. Its a long shot and an underhanded way of attacking a fundamental human right, but so is cheating in an election and we all know how the liberty-denying Democrats feel about that.

Originally published on the American Thinker. D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.

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