December 9, 2022
They've Launched Biden's 'Ministry Of Truth' On Steroids! With Govt The World's Biggest Source Of Disinformation, Secret Societies Are Doing Their Best To Rush In The End Times

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine
A funny thing happened to me while following links in a news source this morning. An article linked to a web site named Liberty Sentinel that is run by our dear friend Alex Newman and to which I do have a subscription (no charge) to obtain his recent stories via email. To overcome many cyber attacks and to open more sites that the radical lefts elitist owned or controlled browsers try to keep you from seeing have I have been using a search engine called Brave as the-run-of-the-mill generic engine. And as I was typing this column I have had similar results on a couple other conservative websites that were refusing to open without going to TOR to actually see them. Although not too bad for normal day to day usage, Brave does have its limitations and they are subject to the massive censorship of conservative viewpoints. The past year or so that I have been using it, I have found its search engine to be somewhat lacking although not nearly so leftist controlled as Bing, Google and the like even though its results are based first upon the Bing/Google results. The Duck-Duck-Go web search engine seems to be better overall, but even they are lacking as there are many stories I know exist but they will not find. Some I have not tried yet that sound good are Mojeek from the UK that uses its own crawler and not an existing one, MetaGer from Germany seems to use Bing (which also uses Google) which would make them heavily censored along with such well known ones as Qwant, SwissCows, and even DDG uses Bing as its base. YaCy is another open source one that may be good, the Russian search engine called Yandex that the Ruskie government censors and that may work for stories that the so-called free world sites censor and the most often mentioned engine is TOR that is good for searching the deep web and dark web along with searching things that the main stream engines censor, and not just porn and related but political stories and out of favor people, events, history and so forth. I have found that TOR also finds things that are censored by all of the others that I use here and there but the search queries are far touchier as to what you type in for the search criteria. But in the end I do think it is my service provider, Century Link what is doing the censorship likely on DHS command.

I did find that on my main computer (rather than a laptop) Bing actually brought the main page for Liberty Sentinel where on the laptop it would not but even the desktop would not bring up a couple stories located on The Liberty Beacon which I find very disturbing. I suspect it may have something to do with some settings that differ or the context in which I searched. But this column is not about search engines, rather the associated aspect of censorship and the massive problem of disinformation and the radical lefts attempts to limit your knowledge base. The last column I did on censorshipwas the May 25th column of this year.
On December 6th 2022 The Geller Report noted that a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin had the Department of Homeland Security announcing that the United States remains in a heightened threat environment. It seems that lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances continue to pose a persistent and lethal threat to the Homeland. Funny thing that, they are concerned about threat actors could exploit several upcoming events to justify or commit acts of violence, including certifications related to the midterm elections and the marking of two years since the breach of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. The message is clear: DHS is going to devote its resources to the alleged terror threat coming from those who dissent from the Leftist establishment line. All the while allowing BLM and Antifa to riot, burn cities and even police stations and courthouses here at home while going after evil terrorists that had the nerve to stand up and support the legally elected President Donald John Trump in our nations capitol. The author of that Geller Report article Robert Spencer (Director of Jihad Watch and a Stallman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center) then said that the motives of Bidens handlers (the CFR led cabal that runs the White House, like the Kenyan and Susan Rice and George Soros etc.) considers counterterrorism operations according to the DHA is to warn targets of potential violence include the LGBTQI+ community and racial and religious minorities, as well as government facilities and personnel and perceived ideological opponents. Clearly, these terrorism experts have in mind the Leftist stereotype of someone who rejects the dominant Leftist ideology: anti-gay, racist, opposed to the government as long as Joe Biden or others like him are in the White House, and determined to do violence to those they hate. The genuine terror threat of the Leftists who rioted all over the country in the summer of 2020, causing billions of dollars in damage, is completely ignored: DHS doesnt even contemplate the existence of terrorists who are aggressively pro-LGBTQI+, ostentatiously anti-racist (or at least claim to be), and love Joe Bidens authoritarian America-Last regime.
I fully agree with that view and it is a frightening thing to consider. Our own government considers that we, the very Real Americans, those of us who still love our Nation, our Constitution and our God are the threats to their existence. Perhaps we are because we refuse to back down and surrender to Satans army of fools. Just a few days ago Newsweek had an article titled FBI Ramps Up Spending to Fight MAGA Terrorism and that currently the FBI is conducting three times as many homeland terrorism cases than it did just five years ago. I quote from this article that 70 percent of its open cases (are) focused on "civil unrest" and anti-government activity, according to FBI documents and government specialists. The Bureau has also quietly changed the general classification of white supremacy, antisemitism, abortion-, and anti-LGBTQI+-related extremism to "hate crimes" rather than "terrorism." Since terrorism remains the top national security priority, this has lowered the visibility and resources dedicated to those issues. Please note that they correctly give the FBIs new definitions of all violent acts (and threats of violence) with a political motive to be terrorism, a senior government official explains to Newsweek. But not all acts of extremism are considered terrorism. "If an act is focused on the government, it's terrorism," the source says. "But if extremism is focused on private individuals or institutions, it's considered just a crime or classified as a hate crime." Got that? If you do not like the way the government is after your Liberty and Constitutional Rights to disagree with their edicts then you are a terrorist if you say so but if you only say that about Disney and their assault on our children or on big pharma about their bio-weapon war on our species then you are only committing a hate crime.
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Hate crimes are, by their very nature, a crime committed by thinking in a manner that is not acceptable to the powers that be. In other words, Thought Crimes as George Orwell called them in his book 1984. It is now a crime to think wrong-think as it is not allowed to disagree with the evil regime even if just in your own mind. But then I thought that the Bureau of Disinformation was disbanded as Flag and Cross reported four months ago when they said the Disinformation Governance Board has received the final nail in its coffin. That may sound like a good thing, but it is not true. They clarify when they also reported that Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas has terminated the Disinformation Governance Board and rescinded its charter . The council is instead recommending that relevant government agencies directly respond when they are made the target of alleged disinformation. Did you get that slight underhanded trick of speech they used? They are shifting the blame on their actions to numerous other government agencies. But that is not all, they are also using government/private sector groups to enforce the dictatorships ban on free thought and free speech regardless of what God and our Constitution say. As Big League Politics put it, gatekeeping discourse is one of the key ingredients for holding power and controlling the narrative and that Homeland Security Advisory Council still recommends that it is paramount for the DHS to address inaccurate information online. NO, the Disinformation Bureau is not dead but shifted to other groups including those that are not a normal part of government while the DHS is still in control over all of them. In other words, not a Ford hotrod with a flathead Ford engine, but one with a Cadillac just as the rodders did mid last century to make their cars meaner than those with just a Ford engine.
And of course, the air headed misfit posing as the WH Press Secretary cannot even explain how kamalas new Internet task Force is any different than the Biden Ministry of truth. The Liberty Beacon said last June that The formation of the Internet censorship body follows the Department of Homeland Securitys attempted rollout of an Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board. Critics mercilessly mocked and ridiculed the body, which was dubbed the Ministry of Truth and that they (quoting the New York Post) we were told that its going to be different from the Disinformation Governance Board and that its going to focus on illegal conduct online, but the memo creating it was a little bit broader Biden administration announced on Thursday announced that Kamala Harris will be heading up a new internet policy task force.
In other words, doing just what the Ministry of truth was designed to do, but on steroids.
And at the same time one of the regimes advisors said social media companies should be cracking down on and censoring anyone who speeds information critical of the administrations so called green energy transition. But it is intended for far more than the National Climate Advisor stated as that is just her domain. In fact, when the poser Biden assigned the pretend Veep Harris to lead the Disinformation task Force they were not giving up on its hopes to regulate speech, as the White House revealed... in NewsMax. In fact The Washington Beacon stated that DHS worked with Twitter on its illfated Disinformation Governance Board, according to whistleblower documents, which show the agency arranged a meeting with the Twitter executive who blocked news stories about Hunter Bidens laptop. documents, released by Republican senators on Wednesday, show Homeland Securitys plans for the disinformation board were more extensive than previously acknowledged. The department publicly announced the board on April 27, but did not disclose plans to work with social media companies.
So yes, I do agree with American Free Press when they said that Rumors of the demise of Joe Bidens Ministry of Truth were greatly exaggerated. These tyrannical bureaucrats really do want to crush any and all political dissent. Flag and Cross also said that documents show DHA lied about they true purpose of the disinformation board. Responding to a question from a reporter Will American citizens be monitored? Secretary Mayorkas responded unequivocally No, adding that We at the Department of Homeland Security dont monitor American citizens, in a letter to Republican senators investigating the Disinformation Governance Board.
He went on to suggest the Board would be concentrating on foreign threats addressing the threat of disinformation from foreign state adversaries [and] from the cartels. Yet talking points prepared by [Nina] Jankowicz, the Boards thenExecutive Director appear to show that the Department does in fact monitor American citizens and that the Boards work is concentrated on domestic threats.
Numerous documents in the whistleblower dump reference domestic violent extremism, or DVE, as being one of the main roles of the DGB.
And that means conservatives as only we are considered violent and extreme, as domestic threats. As a side note, the selected disinformation czar for the supposedly defunct DHS disinfo farce Nina Jankowicz went on to work as a disinfo creep for pro sexual pervasion groups keeping right in line with the current illegal regimes other idiots.
All of the various online and offline (think news media of whatever flavor) disinformation censorship schemes have a huge non-government parallel, and when government is behind it, it is indeed government censorship. Lets take a closer look at some aspects of just that.

The first example is also one that a normal web browser refuses to bring up, at least in my case, and that is the America First story titled The FBI Is Targeting Trump Supporters as Domestic Terrorists Proving Again That the FBI Is Arguably the Greatest Threat to Our Republic that I must assume is not tolerated speech as I found that it required TOR to show it. Funny thing as it is a redirect from a Gateway Pundit story that comes up in the normal browser window. So it seems it is the web page that is being blocked and not specifically the story. But never fear, they will iron out those bugs that allow a bit of Liberty of communications still. They said that The FBIs targeting of Trump supporters is no surprise. This past week we learned that the FBI flew a team of agents to the West Coast weekly to discuss targeting conservatives on social media with the leaders of Big Tech leading up to and after the 2020 Election while also noting the truth that In 2020, billions of dollars in damages, more than 20 cops were dead, and hundreds of police officers were injured by Black Lives Matter rioters, but the FBI sat back and let that go. Yep, the FBI has always acted as a government or should I say as a Gestapo agency to affect the results that are desired, but are now beefed up to insane powers. But of course, it was the FBI that caused those riots in DC on January 6th that were actually not riots but peaceful demonstrations. Hats off to those that are being arrested and imprisoned for not actually rioting as that makes the case against the evil FBI and Biden regime all the more obvious to anyone that actually looks at the truth. Note that the SGT Report repost of that story also comes up fine.
Google is doing their part as they Immunize users against misinformation with the introduction of a new Info Interventions scheme for advancing the WNO and evil WH regimes propaganda. In an America First reportEthan Huff said The project aims to teach Google users which information to avoid as false while training them to spot and accept only information that Google deems as true. If used as intended, Google users will be immunized against online misinformation.
This pre-bunking plot is Googles latest dystopian attempt to squelch online free speech though instead of simply banning or censoring content, Google is now attempting to rewire the brains of humanity to automatically filter our disinformation. Please note the connection between the regimes goals and actual requests for propaganda aid and Googles response. They continue A special unit of Google called Jigsaw is behind the new tool. Jigsaw was established to explore threats to open societies, and build technology that inspires scalable solutions.Please take note of the terms used, threats to OPEN SOCIETIES which is a catch phrase involving George Soros Open Society and also note that his Open Society is designed to influence the worlds media with the NWOs propaganda. Note the term Scalable Solutions that means it can be used as a pattern for increasing the concept. And that concept is total control over populations thought, not just speech but actual thought. Thought control, the same as Hate Crimes accusations intends to do. Yes, I am saying that the DHS anti-disinformation system is just a propaganda tool for the NWO and at the same time a system for the destruction of free thought, free speech and Liberty in this nation that is run by evil minions of Satan; nothing less. There is a Fox News report that covers the Soros schemes that control over 253 media organizations across the globe and stated the 92-year-old philanthropists multimillion-dollar efforts promoting his bizarre open society agenda encompass some of the most radical leftist ideas on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism," they continued "In the United States, Soros is known for his massive involvement backing liberal policies and politicians. Since the 2016 election, he has spent at least $200 million backing political candidatesand is the largest such donor to the democrat (or better said the American Communist) party.

It seems very suspicious that Soros also said The people currently in charge have forgotten the first principle of an open society, namely that we may be wrong and that there has to be free discussion. That its possible to be opposed to the policies without being unpatriotic and still does all he can to destroy just that first principle. But then, the use of deception is Satans first tool to use.
JD Rucker said in another America First Report that Big Tech platform control is the key component of mass social engineering designed to usher in the one world government, the liberal world order, The Great Reset, or whatever youd like to call the end goal of the globalist elite cabal. They dont just need us compliant. They need as many people as possible to be begging to be ruled in the very near future. Give that a moment to sink in and you may find that social and news media censorship is a Mass Social Engineering for the One World Government as Mr. Rucker stated. And this from him is also right over the target, saying we are not just talking about control in Washington DC or a universal vaccine agenda. Were not just talking about turning the people against each other to more easily eliminate the undesirables. This conspiracy is far greater than most realize. And that is why the past year or so I have been putting out a number of columns on the various secret societies that are in cahoots to do just that and they are all led by Lucifer via the Rothschilds Church of Lucifer. Yes, it is the combination of so many societies that makes their reach, their power, their effectiveness so successful. That is, until the return of our Creator ends it all.
Those FBI and Big Tech meetings were not just a onetime affair but happened at least weekly prior to the 2020 elections as The Liberty Beacon stated in this Twit posting by Eric Schmitt saying In our deposition of FBI agent Elvis Chan on Tuesday, we found that the FBI plays a big role in working with social media companies to censor speech - from weekly meetings with social media companies ahead of the 2020 election to asks for account takedowns as well as this one, Chan stated that the FBI regularly sent social media companies lists of URLs and social media accounts that should be taken down because they were disinformation from malign foreign influence operations. The FBI then inquired whether the platforms have taken down the content. Near the first of this month a Fox story also covered this and stated the FBI regularly sends social media companies lists of internet URLs and social media accounts that should be taken down because they are "disinformation" from "malign foreign influence operations." The FBI then inquires whether the platforms have taken down the content. On many occasions, the platforms take down the accounts flagged by the FBI.
Yes, there is a direct link with the FBI, Big Tech and the DHS propaganda and anti-truth, massive disinformation and those secret societies doing their best to bring on the End Times. But it gets worse.
On December fifth PJ Media said that DHS is going to devote its resources to the alleged terror threat coming from those who dissent from the Leftist establishment line. DHS warned that targets of potential violence include the LGBTQI+ community and racial and religious minorities, as well as government facilities and personnel and perceived ideological opponents. Clearly, these terrorism experts have in mind the Leftist stereotype of someone who rejects the dominant Leftist ideology: anti-gay, racist, opposed to the government as long as Joe Biden or others like him are in the White House, and determined to do violence to those they hate. Clearly, DHS is playing political games with the safety and security of the American people. Instead of focusing on actual threats, such as the continuing one of jihad terrorism and the completely ignored 800-pound gorilla in the room, violence from Antifa and Black Lives Matter, DHS is devoting the lions share of its time and attention to fabricating a right-wing terror threat and using it to silence opponents of the regime. The ultimate goal is to criminalize political dissent.
And big tech or big media is not the only target as we are also urged by the Thought Police as the Biden (or as like to refer to him as just shithead) encourages people to confront friends misinformation as they awarded $5 million to a group of journalists as given in a WND story recently. A taxpayer funded software called ARTT (the Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust) is a suite of expert-informed resources that are intended to provide guidance and encouragement to individuals and communities as they address contentious or difficult topics online. Oh joy, just what we needed, a bot to correct wrong think and to target widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. In other words, to stamp out the truth.
BIG BROTHER: Google Gives Location Data of 5,000+ Phones to Feds for Unconstitutional Jan. 6 Patriot Crackdown reads another.
UN Representative Declares We Own the Science at World Economic Forum Admits Working with Big Tech to Suppress Other Viewpoints in yet another recent headline.
When Billionaires And The Government Work Together To Control Information the SGT Report said in yet another headline.
And Pamela Geller said Climate-Change Censorship: Biden Regime Tells Big Tech To Remove Posts On COSTS Of Force-Fed Climate Hoax
U.N. recruited 110,000 'information warriors' to police internet in WND.
And let us not forget old Klaus, WEF Announce Recruitment of Information Warriors To Control the Narrative on Social Media.
Meta Now Forbids Discussion of and I like that they left it open because you are severely limited on what you can post on Facebook.
Biden Signs Executive Order to Counter Attacks on LGBTQ Rights, Transgender Youth may seem a mild headline but consider its impact on freedom of Religion. But that is another story for another time.
There are far more headlines that show just where we are headed, and that is into civil war or another revolutionary war if we do not find our end in another world war (which in all likelihood would result in the first two options anyway).
Please understand that simple goal, it is the destruction of what is most sacred to The People and Constitution of the United States, and that is our God Given Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech. They are all tied into the same simple concept that we are individual Spirits and not just one large blob of whatever to be molded into their concept of an evil Jello mold. But then it is expected since they are motivated by their love of Satan; yes, Lucifer himself runs the left trying his best to destroy us and our faith in our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ our King.
May God Bless we really need that now.
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