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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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January 28, 2024

Biden Terrorizing US Veterans While Building His Own Private Army From Illegal Aliens He's Fast Tracking In To Slaughter Americans As 'God's Army' Stands Up Against Biden Treason

- Beware A False Flag In Texas To Further Demonize Christians & Conservatives

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

While I was out this past Friday at the dollar store to grab a few things for our supplies, after I grabbed what I was after and reached the checkout, I saw the same gentleman at the register who was there when I had walked in 5 minutes prior, though with no items to purchase.

With the cashier busy on the phone 'helping him,' she told me it might be a couple minutes, so it might be quicker for me to go through the self-checkout line, but as is the norm with me, I told her I hated those things and wouldn't be troubled at all to wait until she was done, even though I knew she'd already been trying to help the gentlemen there for at least 10 minutes.

And while she quickly changed her tune and told me she could help me while she was waiting on the phone, the kind gentleman waiting, obviously angered and distressed, looked at me suddenly and told me, unexpectedly, "this government of Biden's treats illegal aliens better than they treat us US Veterans."

With me not missing a beat and immediately thanking him for his Service to America, he angrily snapped back he wouldn't have dedicated years of his life to the armed services if he knew that 20 years down the road, the country would look anything like it does today. Telling me bluntly that while he can't afford to buy food and pay his rent and utilities, the illegal immigrants Biden is bussing in are getting free food and free room and board and free rides all across the country, not to mention the free sex change operations they're getting, all paid for by US Veterans like him, and millions of other American taxpayers all across the country who are just like him, unable to pay their own bills, but footing the bill for those illegals Biden has streaming in.

A perfect example of what 100's of millions of Americans are going through all across the country, that totally unexpected conversation that came to me out of the blue with a very kind but angry gentleman, a disabled American Veteran who had realized in the most alarming ways that he had been totally betrayed by the government he had served, we see in a whole slew of new stories all across the internet that the anger this man felt is being felt everywhere in the country by law abiding Americans, many who have served this country in one way or another, but are now steaming with rage at the way the US government has turned totally treasonous, putting illegal aliens, who've never given ANYTHING to the USA, ahead of those who've sacrificed for it.

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As this new story over at the Daily Mail reports, a huge cavalcade of TRUCKERS is heading to numerous border hotspots all across the country,from Eagle Pass, Texas to Yuma, Arizona to San Ysidro, California, to "shame the Biden administration into cracking down on the migration crisis."

With that Daily Mail story reporting that hundreds, if not thousands, of big rigs will participate in the four day 'Take Back Our Border' event, hoping to draw more attention to the massive influx of illegal aliens rushing into America on Biden's watch, an 'invasion' paid for by American taxpayers, as that Daily Mail story also warned, "multiple cities are now buckling under the weight of trying to care for them."

With most Americans quite literally living on the edge of disaster as Michael Snyder reports in this new story at the Economic Collapse Blog, 56% of Americans just one 'thousand dollar emergency' away from being homeless or being totally unable to deal with whatever calamity they were facing, as Snyder bluntly warns, "More than half the country literally living on the edge of financial disaster. That is crazy."

Helping to explain why SO MANY Americans are steaming angry at the terrorist in the White House, who is happily throwing money at illegal aliens that could have been used to help disabled American Veterans and 10's of millions of other Americans who are now suffering, both this story over at Vice as well as this one over at Business Insider show a growing concern among the left about how they're going to deal with 10's of millions of enraged Americans, with the Vice story titled "Protest Convoy Headed to Southern Border Is Calling Itself an Army of God,"proclaiming "experts say that the Christian nationalist rhetoric adds a dangerous dimension to the standoff between Texas and the Federal Government."From the Vice story.:

A trucker convoy of patriots is heading to the U.S. border with Mexico next week, as the standoff between Texas and the federal government intensifies. The organizers of the Take Our Border Back convoy have called themselves Gods army and say theyre on a mission to stand up against the globalists who they claim are conspiring to keep U.S. borders open and destroy the country.

This is a biblical, monumental moment thats been put together by God, one convoy organizer said on a recent planning call. We are besieged on all sides by dark forces of evil, said another. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. It is time for the remnant to rise. (The remnant, from the Book of Revelation, are the ones who remain faithful to Jesus Christ in times of crisis).

And while certainly, any attack at all by the Biden crime cabal upon peaceful Americans who are doing the work of God against the treasonous regime 'occupying' the White House would ensure that ALL Americans who are paying any attention at all KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that a very real tyrant was carrying out terrorism upon the American people, rather than doing is job and protecting the border,thus sealing his own fate, as Infowars warns in this new story, the battle lines have been drawn.

And those 'battle lines' are taking what appear to be 'strange turns' with the Border Patrol said to be turning on Biden as claimed in this tweet (seen above) by the Border Patrol Unionthat they weren't going to be following Biden's orders and arresting Texans doing their jobs, even calling what's happening now 'this catastrophe that the Biden admin has unleashed upon America.'

And back on January 7th, Zero Hedge asked in this story if 10,000+ illegal immigrants were about to be fast tracked into being US citizens, by Biden seeking to build his own private army to attack the American people if the Border Patrol and the US military won't do it.

As this brand new entry over at USCode.House.Gov had stated about INS 329, illegal aliens who serve in the military during times of hostilities can be fast-tracked into becoming US citizens. And for some reason, they just updated these rules on January 27th of 2024. Is this a peek at Joe Biden's mind?

8 USC 1440: Naturalization through active-duty service in the Armed Forces during World War I, World War II, Korean hostilities, Vietnam hostilities, or other periods of military hostilities. Text contains those laws in effect on January 27, 2024.

And with all of this madness unfolding in an election year that Democrats clearly know they can't 'win' without stealing another election as they did back in 2020, as Alan Barton had warned in this January 25th ANP story titled "Beware A Coming Black Ops Black Flag Event Created By Our Own Intel Agencies via The Invasion At Our Southern Border - Biden Allowing Evil Monsters To Drive The Final Nail In America's Coffin," the psychopaths in Washington DC will be more than happy to put together and finance a massive terror attack upon America if it allows them to crack down, declare martial law, and cancel the 2024 election.

As also warned in the 2nd video below about everything going on now in Texas and at our Southern Border that it's a perfect time for the 'Biden crime cabal' to carry out another massive false flag attack upon America, that warning was recently echoed by President Donald Trump who's warned that there's now a 100% chance of a major terror attack upon America with terrorists from all over the world pouring in and then being funded by the 'terrorist in chief' in the White House. So we've got to ask, what do the globalists in Washington DC have planned for America this time?

Each of the videos below take looks at the 'big trouble brewing' at our Southern border and thus, across America, as the US government funds these terrorists for the globalists who are hoping to drive the final nail into America's coffin. And meanwhile, men and women who have served America, risking lives and limbs, are seeing far too many among them going hungry, losing their homes and losing all hope, while our own govt funds our 'replacements' and clearly chooses 'their side' in this crisis, while committing undeniable treason that should see them all removed from power, permanently.

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