January 25, 2024
Beware A Coming Black Ops Black Flag Event Created By Our Own Intel Agencies via The Invasion At Our Southern Border - Biden Allowing Evil Monsters To Drive The Final Nail In America's Coffin
- The Traitorous Garbage Infesting DC Is Enabling A Mass Murder Terror Attack
By Alan Barton -All News Pipeline
Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution states The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. So I ask you; Is The Constitution now dead? The US Constitution is the ultimate law of the land, the One Law that all others MUST be conditioned upon. And with Texas properly calling this invasion an invasion, and with the Federal government that is designed to enforce the law and not destroy the law, what the hell is going on? Lets look at a few things that may help explain just that.
There is a clip on X that covers part of what I want to talk about, and that clip is below. All of the other stories on it seem to mention just that an illegal Immigrant threatens a border journalist and many seem to be using the Western Journal story as the basis of their version of it such as MSN and even American Military News that used the story version posted on X by 1st Responders Media as first mentioned and shown in the clip below. So there is not a lot of variation in either them or even very many stories on it at all. The Post Millennial story does mention the lack of any vetting of the criminal military invasion force, but all in all I suppose that it was only a citizen journalist that was involved and not some high paid official network twerp. MSN in their version did comment that whether this is true or he is bluffing, plenty who have viewed the video are reaching the same conclusion. The brazen manner in which this illegal immigrant comes across stands apart which shows the lackadaisical attitude the so-called press of professional journalists. But not all reports are so weak and flaccid in their reporting as can be seen in the Geller Report version where they seem to actually realize to some degree the seriousness of this clip.
I will give the Western Journal some credit because they did print an offhanded comment that we might get hit with another attack like September 11th but fail to do the proper research into what this encounter as posted on X really means. But it is the Geller Report that seems to better understand just what that Shia Muslim terrorist is and what he meant, but even they did not really do justice to the seriousness of it. At least they brought out who that illegal migrant really is. Their headline states Is Arizona Muslim Migrant Who Said SOON YOURE GOING TO KNOW WHO I AM an Infamous Terrorist, Head of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan? and then give proofs that it is most likely just that evil mass murderer who accused that reporter of not being as smart as he was and saying soon enough he will know.
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Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty said the head of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan (AIP) has been jailed for 12 years after being convicted of trying to overthrow the government and the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom said for "preparing a crime", "preparing terrorism committed on preliminary arrangement by group of persons, by organized group or criminal community (criminal organization)", "preparing terrorism committed with application of fire-arms or subjects used as a weapon" , "illegally purchasing, transferring, selling, storing, transporting, and carrying firearms, accessories, supplies, and explosives committed by organized group" and "actions directed on violent capture power or violent deduction power". Basically a very, very bad dude reminiscent of someone our own intel agencies would create for internal conflict in the USA as they have done in the past. Please consider that last statement carefully.
The links of this terrorist, his group the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan is, as Alchetron puts it, advocated stronger ties with Iran and even proclaiming the state of Azerbaijan into an Islamic Republic an Azerbaijani nationalist party and was known for its fiery nationalist and anti-Armenian rhetoric and frequently advocated a military solution. fiercely opposed and advocated a ban of proselytism and Christian missionary activities. anti-US, anti-Zionist and anti-EU and supported Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah. In other words, he is not only an enemy of this nation but an enemy of humanity as well. Wikipedia adds that his party advocated stronger ties with Iran and was covertly financed by Iran. The fact that Biden allowed this evil monster into this nation speaks loudly of the intentions that this anti-American regime infesting our nations capital has in store for us, and do not forget that the DC regime is also funding Iran under the table to make war upon Israel and other nations. Yeh, we fund some to Israel but the real assistance it going to Iran by the traitorous garbage infesting Washington DC.
To repeat, in the X interview clip he said that If you were smart enough you would know who I am insulting the reporter asking him why he was here and where he was from, and but you are not smart enough to know who I am and soon you are going to know who I am. When the reporter mentioned he was an entitlement guy, the monster replied No, believe me, I am much better than that. Let me emphasize that; soon we are going to know who he is. And how will that happen? The most obvious way is by what all of the news reports I could find on him and on his statements do not consider the question. But I will say it He is telling us that he is planning on creating a mass murder terrorist attack, a black ops black flag event if not trying to start total war inside this nation, and running the Jihad war against the USA by the massive forces of Islamic armies that the regime infesting our nation has brought into the nation specifically for that purpose. Yes, they are in reality an invading force which makes the whole of the current regime infesting this nation not only traitors but guilty of war upon this peaceful peoples and our Christian heritage. That is the message I get from this short questioning in this clip and understanding who and what he actually is. Seems to be a great friend of Barri Bammer, eh?
Perhaps it involves something to stop the elections from occurring later this year, perhaps it has to do with filling the death tolls that the WEF and NWO have decreed for this nation, maybe it has to do with the riots and insurrections already occurring here such as the pro Palestine protestors which would be more correctly called Islamic army rioters and insurgents that have made war upon our nations capital this past few weeks as in the following clip showing those insurrectionists storming the White House.
Now that is what the left call as nice peaceful protest unlike the riots that followed Trump supporters that are in prison now while the Islamic armies are still out there making war upon us.
White house staff were forced to relocate as The Federalist Papers mentioned a few days ago, and they added it is crucial to recognize that these individuals have not only threatened the safety and security of the White House, but also the very fabric of our democracy. This is just exactly the opposite of what the opening line in this column quotes, that Article IV, Section 4 of the US Constitution. This applies to not only the riots of the Islamic terrorists but also the invasion by many tens of millions of foreign poor, druggies, criminals let out of prisons, human trafficked children and women, drug cartel soldiers and much more, this is already literally and positively a proven war upon the American peoples and our homeland by enemies of this collation of independent States (States means Nations) united to preserve our Liberty and Freedoms, just as our Constitution was written to express and provide for. This is being blanked out by the satanic forces running the evil regime in power here. How can I make it any clearer?
In London one Imam said just what so many others have said, and that is We must normalize massacres as the status quo. Please do not believe the apologists that claim somehow the Islamic armies are peaceful as they have been murderous vile creatures since they were assembled about 1400 years ago.
There is so much more we could discuss, but I find that it would serve only to dilute the primary message that I was impressed needed to be said so I will close it here with this thought; we all have been saying that the year 2024 feels like it is one that will never be forgotten, and I think we can see that they are planning just exactly that. Remember this guys face and name, it is important.
God Bless
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