March 6, 2023
Joe Biden Made His Deal With The LGBTQ Devil And America Will Forever Suffer For His Decisions: Biden Cabal Proves Themselves To Be The Biggest Prejudicial Admin In US History
- Biden Shows His Hatred Towards White, Straight And Christian Americans
By MN Gordon of the Economic Prism for All News Pipeline
I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees
I went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees
Asked the Lord above have mercy, now save poor Bob, if you please Robert Johnson, Cross Road Blues
Unelected Bureaucrat
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has a dreadful job. He lords over tens of trillions of dollars. Yet he only pockets $190,000 a year a fraction of what most CEOs make. Still, he calls it fair.
Powells primary duty is setting the price of credit. This is an important job in a centrally planned economy. Nonetheless, in an open economy, where interest rates are determined by willing borrowers and lenders, the job wouldnt exist.
There are worse jobs out there, however. Just ask Lael Brainard. On February 18, she resigned as Fed vice chair after less than nine months on the job. Now shes Director of the National Economic Council. Another worthless position.
With Brainard out as vice chair, a simple question arises. Who will be the next sucker to fill this role? As the National Enquirer would put it, Enquiring minds want to know.
The question is simple enough. Yet nothing is easy in the time of Biden. Because in America, circa 2023, who will be the next Fed vice chair takes a back seat to what will be the next Fed vice chair.
As in: What is the color gradation of their skin? What is their gender, and, more importantly, what is their gender identification? Are they privileged benefactors of something called systemic racism?
To clarify, the position of Fed vice chair is that of an unelected bureaucrat. It comes by appointment of the U.S. President, with confirmation by the U.S. Senate.
And being most qualified for the job is a second-tier factor in President Joe Bidens nomination process.
Heres what we mean
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship, 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, and outside groups spending millions to blacklist conservative news, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like articles like this, please consider donating to ANP.)
Are You a Freak?
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was recently asked by a reporter if Joe Biden is considering diversity in naming a new Federal Reserve vice chair. The bozo who asked the question seemed to think this was an important criteria. Jean-Pierres boastful response provided the anticipated confirmation:
The Cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in its history. The Cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify as female. Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of racially diverse communities, and a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+.
According to Jean-Pierre, the nomination will come in the near future. She also added that the President prides himself on hiring minority candidates.
Here at the Economic Prism, we endeavor to be creative in our thinking while conservative in our personal habits. Such behavioral customs, these days, whether in academia or the corporate board room, make you a freak. Are you a freak too?
Quite frankly, we dont give a rip about the color gradation or gender identification of the next Fed vice chair. Rather, what we care about is that they have the fortitude los cojones to stand up to Washington and the big bankers.
To tell them the gig is up. That the 40-year gravy train of artificially cheap credit has jumped the tracks. That going forward credit will be dear and should be respected in its use.
We relish the thought of a Fed chair who strives to give savers, wage earners, and pensioners a fair shake. One who will punish debtors and protect the dollar. Is that too much to ask?
State Sovereignty
Alas, standards like these would automatically disqualify any potential Fed candidate from nomination. Because no president will nominate someone who wont keep Washingtons money sucking vortex in operation.
At this point, Americans that have any inkling as to whats going on are sick and tired of playing a game thats increasingly rigged against them. The inflation tax piled on top of the federal income tax is outright theft. The Presidents Fed vice chair nomination irrespective of ethnicity or gender identification is part of a much bigger story.
That is, over the last 110 years, since the creation of the Federal Reserve and the establishment of the federal income tax in 1913, Washington has grown too big for its britches. The gross overreach and incompetence are inexcusable. Hence, some states desire to diminish the federal governments control.
In flyover country, where the high school kids place Buck Fiden stickers on their pickup trucks, theres a general aversion to Washingtons policies of control. Here in Tennessee, for example, the State government may reject $1.8 billion in U.S. government education dollars.
The intent is to free local schools from federal rules and restrictions and get busybodies in Washington out of the Volunteer States classrooms. Maybe its all talk and bluster. No state has said no to federal education funding so far. But that doesnt mean it cannot happen.
In fact, this proposal comes on the heels of the Tennessee Health Departments rejection of grant funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for HIV-related services. The State will now assume direct financial and management responsibility of these services.
Reducing dependency on the federal government, in particular the CDC after its terrible performance during the coronavirus panic, is an important step to increasing local autonomy and freedom. Federal money comes with countless strings attached. Those strings are generally unfavorable to state sovereignty.
The more states can sever their strings with Washington, the less pull Washington has to jerk them around.
What to make of it
Cross Road Blues in the Time of Biden
When Robert Johnson fell to his knees at the crossroad and asked the Lord for mercy and salvation hed already made his deal with the Devil. In exchange for his soul, Johnson could sing and play the soulful sweet-sounding blues that made him famous.
Unfortunately for Johnson, the bargains rewards came and passed faster than you can say Jack Robinson. Johnson was dead at age 27. And like Faust, he was consigned to an eternity in Hell.
Legends, despite their sometimes-suspect origins, convey important and universal themes. Did Johnson really make a deal with the Devil?
We dont know. And we dont really care. Instead, what were after is the essence of the legend. And the essence, as we understand it, is the basic recognition that you cant get something for nothing.
You can potentially achieve great things through hard work, perseverance, and calculated risks dumb luck can also help. Or you can take short cuts, lie, cheat, and steal, and operate through fraud and force. With the latter option, theres always hell to pay.
Woodrow Wilson made his deal with the Devil many years ago when he signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. This single act committed the Nation to ultimate ruin. Most presidents and congressional representatives have gone along with the Fed ever since. Notable exceptions include JFK and Ron Paul.
And now, in the time of Biden, the crazy American hustle and flow has taken the Country on down the line.
I may be a white boy, but Im not stupid, remarked Biden during a Black History event this week. I know where the power is.
Indeed, mercy and salvation at the crossroad are out of reach. The union is doomed.
But alls not lost. For each individual theres an important question to answer:
Are you stacking silver or are you singing the blues?
[Editors note: Is China secretly planning to attack Taiwan? Are your finances prepared for such madness? Answers to these important questions can be found in a unique Special Report. Its called, War in the Strait of Taiwan? How to Exploit the Trend of Escalating Conflict. You can access a copy for less than a penny.]
MN Gordon for Economic Prism
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