May 19, 2024
'Biden Crime Cabal' Hunting, Torturing & Murdering Christians & Conservatives Expect America Won't Fight Back - Already 'Removed' America's 'Front Line Of Defense' From 'Battlefield'
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
While one of the 'qualities' I've always loved and appreciated in Conservatives and Christians is that hugely, we abide by 'the rule of law' and do our very best to avoid 'breaking it,' unlike those on 'the left' who consistently break the law and behave as if they're above it, and 'the law' wasn't made for them to follow, including and especially those politicians in high places who act as if 'the law' simply gets in the way of the mayhem they want to accomplish, those 'qualities' will also lead to Conservatives and Christians being 'exterminated' in Civil War #2, and we've been seeing it happening already.
With a perfect example of that what happened on January 6th of 2021, when America's 'Front Line of Defense' went to Washington DC to simply 'protest against' what was quite obviously a 'stolen election,' only for that entire group of men and women to have their Civil Rights stripped away from them by that 'crime cabal' who clearly had 'carried out a coup' upon America only months prior, then thrown into very real 'Gulags' in Washington DC with their Rights to a speedy trial denied to this day, those law-ignoring-and-breaking Communist terrorists knew exactly what they were doing in throwing those protesting Conservatives and Christians into Gulags, getting rid of those who would have fought back against the corruption we've been witnessing ever since, ensuring they'd never be there to challenge their lawbreaking, so they could then turn their focus upon others to 'eliminate' from the 'battlefield,' before most Christians and Conservatives even knew that 'Civil War 2' had begun.
And these people who protested are quite literally being tortured by the Biden crime cabal, such as this story of Jake Lang, who was just given 36 days in a sensory depravation chamber by the terrorists in DC, and take note, Lang STILL hasn't gotten a trial date for what happened in Washington DC. 4 years without a trial for protesting against filth and scum! That's EXACTLY how Communist regimes treat their 'political enemies'!
And as we see in what's happening across the planet right now, this is so much 'bigger' than just 'America' with this 'war' being a very real fight against a 'global terror cabal' that many Americans have come to know as the 'new world order,' a conglomerate of eugenicists who are attempting to set up a worldwide dictatorship, with them in charge, working tirelessly to 'kill off' as many people as stand in their way, already setting up what will be the 'backbone' of this 'new world order' with their 'World Health Organization' now pushing a worldwide 'pandemic treaty' which will give them the power to 'shut the planet down,' force their latest 'vaccines' (which we've seen in COVID are nothing more than death shots) into the few living people remaining, with the power to control all of the food globally, how and what is produced, restrictions on all medications, surveillance over the entire planet and the power to simply 'shut down' the speech of those who speak out against them.
With these terrorists also pushing their 'World Economic Forum' which will control the global economy no matter what Mom's and Dad's in Iowa or Pennsylvania or Montana or anyplace else in America or across the planet want, as this new story over at The Burning Platform warns, this NWO Globalist Cabalare also now assassinating Conservative & Christian political candidates worldwide. And they expect there is NOTHING that you or I can or will do to stop this madness because they've already gotten away with murder, with no pushback or being held accountable by 'The People'.
(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)
Such as the Associated Press, Reuters, USA Today and Politifact quickly jumping on the assassination of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe back in 2022 over reports that Abe was assassinated for his anti-NWO order stance on the 'non-safety' of the so-called 'vaccines',with those outlets and many more claiming all in unison that those reports weren't true, we've long warned on ANP that whenever the globalists propaganda outlets all jump on a particular story at the very same time, it's likely that the story has a huge dose of truth to it, and these terrorist supporting news outlets were just trying to 'tamp down' the truth.
So as Sean Miller reports in this new story, it's not just Christian and Conservative political candidates who are 'in the line of fire' but its 'Assassination Season' against ALL 'anti-globalists' who have the courage to speak out against their madness that has now begun, with Jack Posobiec warning specifically that journalists warning against the globalists killing spree will be targeted as heard in the 1st video below.
Warning that the recent assassination attempt on the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico proves that the NWO globalist cabal is out for blood as never before, Posobiec warns the world that I wouldnt be surprised if what we saw happen in Slovakia is just a precursor and foreshadowing for what happens here in the United States on U.S. soil going into this fall.
Hinting that we'll likely soon be witnessing an assassination attempt being made upon President Trump, especially as we close in upon election day and the very real terrorists in Washington DC realize there is no way in the world that a braindead child molesting MONSTER like Joe Biden will be able to defeat Trump in a fair election, so they'll simply 'remove' President Trump from the equation, as this story over at the Burning Platform warns, we've seen all of this before as a 'tried and true political strategy' of 'the left'.
As always, the end goal of these highly politically disruptive and violent events is to trigger a color revolution in the nation targeted by NATO and the Western Intel Community.
As for the established pattern of these assassinations and attempts, one need look no further than the stabbing of presidential candidate Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro in 2018. Known as the Brazils Trump, the purpose behind that hit ought to painfully obvious to every conservative in the world by now.
Then there was the 2023 assassination of Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio in Quito on August 9th after he left a campaign rally in Quito. He was both a a fierce critic of cartels and governmental corruption; and he promised to crack down hard on crime nationwide (which the globalists strongly opposed as they do in the USA).
Next up there was the extremely brazen US-coordinated assassination of anti-Covid vaccine Haitian President Jovenel Mose in his own home.
Of course, conservative British lawmaker David Amess was brutally stabbed to death on October 15, 2021 while meeting with voters after bravely speaking out against the Covid jabs.
Then there is the 2024 campaign season in Mexico where every anti-crime and pro law enforcement candidate across the country is now under direct threat of assassination by the NWO-directed cartels.
If you thought the US 2024 election was bad, the cartels are simply killing all rival candidates in Mexico this electoral cycle!
Lets not forget the relentless character assassination of President Donald J. Trump. Besides President Vladimir Putin, no other politician of the Third Millennium has suffered the unrelenting slings and arrows of so much naked libel and slander as Trump has. This unparalleled predicament deserves a dedicated article as the sheer volume and degree of character assassination is so overwhelming and coming from every direction.
So while we've long prayed that we'd never arrive at this moment in time where the true purpose of the 2nd Amendment as written into the US Constitution would ever be needed, it's quite clear now that our 'globalist overlords' have other intentions for us, with them actually going out and outright imprisoning without trial, torturing and murdering those who stand against them as if the laws of the US Constitution and America do not apply to them and they can go ahead and kill anyone they want.
With history showing us that in the past, those kind of terrorists often meet their end by dangling at the end of a long rope, and now that we've seemingly arrived at that point when the votes of Americans no longer matter to them, and they can steal elections at any time they want as they did back in 2020, we will pray once again for deliverance in these final days and hours, and that the American people do not need to take up arms against the very real terrorists who seek to rule over us, damn the laws of the land, those who've gone insane and launched a war against over half the country, who still own over 500 million firearms.
As we're told of the TRUE purpose of the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution by Judge Andrew Napolitano, "the Right to Keep and Bear Arms does not protect your Right to shoot deer, it protects Your RIGHT to SHOOT AT the government when it is TAKEN OVER BY TYRANTS!" Those who have been attempting to impose tyranny upon America would be wise to remember that.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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