August 7, 2022
Be Ready For The Coming Chaos As The Party Of Pandemonium Deviously Cements America's Destruction Into The History Books
By James Howard Kunstler of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline
Whats ahead like a few months down the road? Hysteria and chaos, if the Joe Biden regime can help it and theyre helping it all they can. Twice vaxxed, twice boosted, and twice recent Covid-19 patient Dr. Anthony Fauci warned this week that the unvaxxed would get into trouble as the seasons turn this year. The part he left out is: the unvaxxed will be in trouble trying to keep up with helping their sick and dying vaccinated relatives whose immune systems have been damaged by their multiple vaxxes.
The boldness of Dr. Faucis lying is really something to behold. Who in the entire HHS-NIH-CDC bureaucracy has failed to notice that the mRNA vaccines have no efficacy whatever against Covid-19? The vaccinated are by far those still getting sick and increasingly disabled from the disease and even more from the vaxxes themselves. The emperors new clothes hang in shreds.
Rumor is that many upper-level employees in these public health agencies are increasingly freaked out by their now-obvious complicity in a momentous crime. They know they will have to answer for allowing the mRNA fiasco to get this far, for going along to get along, and theyre preparing to mutiny to save their own asses. Wait for it.
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The regimes back-up plan is the comical monkeypox, transmitted to date mainly via all-male orgies. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra declared a national monkeypox emergency this week, saying hed explore every option on the table (except an official advisory against homosexual orgies). There is, of course, reasonable suspicion that monkeypox is but one device for shutting down the November mid-term election, or, more deviously, closing polling places and allowing only mail-in ballots the easiest way to rig elections.
That will lead naturally to several states attorneys general seeking relief in the Supreme Court against the federal governments unconstitutional takeover of the states duty to conduct their elections. The Joe Biden regime will lose that one, but not before royally pissing off at least half the adults in the land, leading to even greater-than-anticipated election losses for the Party of Chaos.
Meanwhile, the Party of Chaos is about to unleash its Inflation Reduction Act, which proposes to spend three quarters of a trillion dollars created from thin air into an economy already hyperventilating on three years of multi-trillion-dollar injections derived from no productive activity.
At the same time, the act will raise taxes especially for low-end wage earners and small businesses, completing the regimes destruction of the middle-class. The cherry-on-top is the provision to double the size of the Internal Revenue Service by hiring 87,000 new employees to harass ordinary American taxpayers. Is that what you voted for in 2020? I thought not.
None of that is going to work as intended. More likely, passage of the act will trigger destruction of the dollar as the worlds reserve currency, and a stampede out of dollar-denominated investments, which is to say, a very severe financial crisis. Credit will freeze, the distribution and sales of goods will cease, interest will stop being paid on virtually all outstanding debt, the bond market will implode, few will have anything identifiable as money, and there will be little in the way of everyday goods like food and gasoline to buy anyway.
You realize, of course, that this is a description of economic collapse. If things roll that way, there will be absolutely no trust left in the US government. It will be either ignored or opposed. And in places like my own New York, under the tyrannical and titanically incompetent accidental Governor Kathy Hochul, there will be no trust in state government either. Meaning, were on our own, community-by-community. This will be a very interesting experiment in the dynamics of emergence the self-organizing properties of systems in chaos. I doubt that it will resolve in the direction of the globalists dreams of transhuman technocracy. Every macro trend now runs against centralization.
But the process could conceivably invite an attempted Chinese takeover of the USA, if not militarily, then in a way similar to Americas asset-stripping operations in the collapsed Soviet Union of the 1990s, a looting spree as seen many other times in history when empires founder. Or else, the rest of the world will just kick back and witness the spectacle of our struggle as the lights of Western Civ flicker out. (Europe will be right in it with us, by the way.) The other nations of the world are tired of us trying to push them around, with increasingly evil intentions. They will enjoy watching our tribulations. They will be convinced we deserve it.
This is what comes from a culture of immersive and pervasive dishonesty. Satan is the father of lies and we have become Satanic, being and doing evil, most especially to ourselves, whether you believe in a literal Satan or not. So, do you think now that being transgressive is fun? Youll be changing whats left of your mind about that soon. Along with the threat of literal starvation will also arise a terrible hunger for truth: How did this happen? How did we come to do this? Who was behind it? It wont be hard to find out, once were motivated to look.
This story was originally published here. James Howard Kunstler is a renowned author, social critic, and public speaker. He has written several books including The Geography of Nowhere and The Long Emergency. He has written for Rolling Stone Magazine, The Atlantic Monthly, and The New York Times Sunday Magazine, and has lectured at some of the most prestigious schools in the country, including Harvard, Yale, and Dartmouth. For more from Mr. Kunstler, please visit his website.
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