August 16, 2024
After Forcing Biden Out, The String Puppets Barack Obama Handpicked, Cackling Commie-Allah And Midwest Tim, Make Stalin, Lenin, And Karl Marx Seem Like Harmless Frat Boys
By Jeannie DeAngelis-All News Pipeline
A coincidence is, the occurrence of events that happen at the same time... but seem to have some connection. That seems to be the case whenever Barack Obama is in close relationship with left-leaning world leaders or directly involved in an American election. Although Obama works hard to look like hes not directly involved in the things hes engaged in, anyone who has followed the machinations of the stealthy socialist knows that there are no coincidences regarding the former president.
Barack Obama thrives on adoration, and repudiation motivates him to action, but not in a good way. In 2016, Obama and his agenda were spurned by American voters. On Wednesday morning, November 9th, 2016, the most thin-skinned, vindictive socialist ever tograce the coverofTimemagazine likely vowed that what happened the prior day would never happen again, either here or abroad.
After losing in 2016, the former president remained in Washington, D.C. Coincidentally, for four years, Trump, the guy who humiliated Obama, was relentlessly oppressed by the same operatives thatserved in his hope and change administration. Its no coincidence that the never-ending barrage of efforts to sully Trumps reputation worked beautifully for 2020 Biden supporters who claimed the newly elected president received 81,000,000 votes because Americans didnt want a criminal president.
To advance those tactics worldwide, between 2016 and 2024, Obama traveled the globe as an unofficial ambassador of goodwill. Now, after eight years of behind-the-scenes genial communications with the former president, every scintilla of right-leaning governance is systematically being upended. Whether or not whats happening is a coincidence, Obamas political guidance certainly appears to be working.
In addition to Putin, Obama has never kept his visceral dislike for Israel or Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu a secret. However, under the guise of the Obama Foundation, since 2016, Obama has had conversations withbig governmentfriends like Emmanuel Macron, his communist man crushJustin Trudeau, and recently,self-described UK socialistKeir Starmer.
In the 2017 election, Macron opposed far-right National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen. Just before the French presidential election, Macron disclosed that he received a telephonecall from Barack Obama, who offered friendly support (whatever that means). Macron went on to win the election.
Labeled with the samenegativityimposed by Obama here in the United States, in France, and in the UK, conservatives are also viewed as extremists or domestic terrorists. Yet, despite aquarter of a millionpeople supposedly protesting the far-Right, in the run-up to Frances recent snap parliamentary election, conservative Marine Le Pen came very close to scoring a watershedvictory over the Left. Then suddenly, although 10 points behind, Macrons party somehow overwhelmed Le Penn and scored another Friends of Obama-style victory.
Perceived as a unifier, inMarch 2024, the ex-president moseyed over to Number 10, Downing Street. After having a spot of tea with the soon-to-be defeated conservative, Rishi Sunak, the gadabout visited with Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour Party candidate who successfully sent Sunak packing.
After Starmerslandside win in July 2024, UKheadlines read, Keir Starmer channeled Obama in his first Downing Street speech. Sounding more and more like Barry, Keir now says he plans to restore the UK and its reputation on the world stage. In other words, theworld not as it is, but as it should be.
Maybe its a coincidence, but of late, leading up to any election that results in socialist contenders being catapulted to victory, it is eventually revealed that Obama was the one found lurking around in the background.
Keir admitted that before the election he did have frequent tte--ttes with Obama and attended a conference forprogressive leadershosted by one-half ofObama's Northern "bromance,"Canadian PM Justin Trudeau. After the Canadian summit, Starmer traveled to Paris to meet with Emmanuel Macron. As for Trudeaus chances for reelection, from the looks of things in Canada, if Justin Trudeauhopes to be reelected, he better embrace pointers froma friendwho magically makes winners out of liberal losers.
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Stepping back from the canvas, if I were the suspicious type, Id surmise there was some sort of correlation. Obama chats by phone with Starmer; Obama sizes up Sunak; Obama then visits Starmer; Starmer hooks up with Trudeau and Macron; Starmer wins in a landslide; and then, during his first speech, Starmer pays homage to none other than Barack Obama.
Even without input from community organizers, some elections do go according to plan. Socialist dictator Nicols Maduro recently clinched an up-from-behind-but-woefully-short winin Venezuela. Since then, Maduro has been applying the J6 strategy by jailing right-wing extremists protesting his dubious win.
Back home, Barry doesnt need to skulk around, everyone knowswho the titular headof the Democratic Party is. Thats how, with nary one primary vote counted, the former president fundamentally transformed the democracy hes purportedly seeking to save into anything but a democracy.
Through shady maneuvering and double-dealing, the community organizer ousted a sitting president and illegally imposed two of the most extreme socialist candidates on the Democrat Party, the nation, and if hes successful, eventually the world. According to former Republican Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, Youre getting the Obamas shifting from running the White House to now running this campaign.
Initially, Obama applied the tried-and-true Saul Alinsky tactic of calculated chaos. After the fomented pandemonium caught fire, the next step thwarted the nurtured unrest with a remedy no one, if given the choice, would agree to. Right now, in America, This iswhat democracy looks like!
The bedlam needed was kindled within the Democratic Party when the senile dementia patient was forcibly thrust onto a debate stage. In an attempt to save democracy, Obama then dragged Joe Biden, kicking and screaming, from behind the presidential podium. Next, Barack and his backroom cohort tamped down the unrest by illegally installing two selected candidates the convention delegates didnt elect. The ordained duo includes Cackling Commie-Allah, a woman the former president once said was the best-looking attorney generalin the country, and a socialist stooge named Midwest Tim.
Right now, within that campaign, theres tons of cocksure gloating going on. The problem for us is that the string puppets Obama handpicked make Stalin, Lenin, and Karl Marx seem like harmless frat boys.
In addition to election interference, this is the ultimate blueprint:
Alinskys rulesattempt to stifle free speech, individual rights, new ideas, and any critique of Marxist (Trotskyist) ideology, gagging all opposition with consensus methods, political correctness, critical race theory, censorship, intimidation, and, finally, violence. They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and reformation through the ballot. Whenwe have the gunsthen it will be through the bullet
America is within a hairs breadth of accomplishing all those goals.
Right now, with the aid of disingenuous hype, ingratiating media collaboration, and faith in voter idiocy, if the Left manages to mysteriously earn another 81,000,000 votes, the propagandized can be easily convinced that the majority of voters were willing to embrace their demise. But above all, if Kamala/Walz manage to seize power, all obstacles to Marxism will be eradicated, and Barack Obamas dream of fundamental transformation, both here and abroad, will finally become reality.
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