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March 3, 2022

Poking The Nuclear Armed Bear: The Anti-Russian Media Propaganda Campaign Could Very Well Be The Match That Lights The Fire To Nuclear World War Which No One Can Win

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Whether you agree with Russia's reasoning for invading Ukraine, or not, the refusal of the America MSM to present both sides of the issue to Americans concerned about war coming to U.S. soil, is one of the main reasons MSM credibility is in the tank and why alternative aka Independent Media is rapidly becoming more and more popular.

A byproduct of the media's unwillingness to present both sides, ends up forcing Independent Media to present the "other" side of most issues.

In other words, the MSM is so busy attempting to tell Americans what they should think and which side they should be on that they are pushing Americans to make uninformed judgements rather than fully informed opinions, leaving Independent Media to provide the context and information that the MSM is trying to hide from the people.

As an aside before moving along: All this doesn't mean Independent Media is always in favor of the "other side," just that it often becomes our job to present the side the MSM refuses to because media should be meant to "inform," rather than spread propaganda.


Starting here because of an SQ note on a Daily Mail piece on Thursday, which was spot on by pointing out that the headlines being presented to readers across the globe by MSM are "vilifying" Russian statements rather than just citing them and letting readers/viewers make of them what they will.

The headline in questions is: "Putin's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov likens the US to Nazi Germany and repeats warning that WW3 'can only be nuclear' in latest TV rant."


That note brought other examples, headlines and censorship of information online if it doesn't fit the Biden regime's narrative, to mind.

That narrative is simple for the MSM to follow. RUSSIA BAD - Poor Ukraine.

Background information about Russia and Ukraine: During the Obama years, the U.S. government helped overthrow the pro-Russian president of Ukraine to insert a U.S. puppet regime right on Russia's border.

Listen closely to this 49 second clip below where Obama admits to brokering a "transition of power" in Ukraine.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)


Everything that has happened between Russia and Ukraine since, can be directly attributed to the U.S. actions during the Obama years.

For more on that, read:How and Why the US Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine

This is background information the MSM refuses to acknowledge now, as they pushing the official narrative approved of by the U.S. government.

Putin's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Sky News: "Napoleon and Hitler had the objective to have the whole of Europe under their control, now Americans have got Europe under their control."

Unfortunately it is hard to disagree with his statement when stepping back and looking at how often the U.S. sticks it's nose in the business of other countries.

Steve Quayle is right, Lavrov wasn't ranting, he was expressing his observations. Whether right or wrong, calling it a "rant" in the headline, is a direct attempt to influence the opinion of readers before they have even read or heard what Lavrov said.


The far left website Mashable has a piece out which is complimentary to social media's censorship of pro-Russia content, claiming the "internet is standing up to Russia's attacks." By attacks they state Russia attempting to "control the narrative," which is incredibly ironic considering Mashable is favoring Internet censorship of the "other side."

The first category listed in that piece is "Many big platforms have restricted Russias access in some way," which goes on to describe, in a favorable manner,how "Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have proven invaluable in helping spread awareness of what is actually happening in Ukraine.......

On Feb. 25, Russia's communications regulator accused Facebook of censoring the accounts of four state-sponsored media sites. In response, the country moved to limit access to Facebook for its civilians.

Meta's vice president of global affairs Nick Clegg said in a statement that Russia had asked the company to stop fact-checking and labeling posts from those four accounts, and when Meta refused, Russia chose to restrict access. Meta seems to remain staunch in its efforts to curb misinformation on its sites, and has also chosen to block Russian state media from running any ads on Facebook or to monetize in any way, according to NPR.

"Misinformation" being any commentary that doesn't fit the MSM narrative.

Let us be clear here: Of course Russia is spreading pro-Russia propaganda, just as Ukraine and the MSM are pushing pro-Ukraine propaganda.

One is labeled misinformation while the other is labeled "truth," and social media is censoring any opinion other than the official narrative by labeling it misinformation. In many cases they are using "fact checkers," to which in court, Facebook has admitted are only opinions themselves.

Facebook finally admitted the truth: The fact checks that social media use to police what Americans read and watch are just opinion.

Thats thanks to a lawsuit brought by celebrated journalist John Stossel, which has exposed the lefts supposed battle against misinformation as a farce.

More from Mashable:

Google has also paused Russia's ability to profit off of content across its services. YouTube is blocking state-sponsored ads from Russian channels on its platform, and is limiting video recommendations to Russian channels while blocking them entirely in Ukraine, at the request of the Ukrainian government.

On Sunday, Alphabet, Inc. (which owns Google and YouTube) also banned downloads of the RT app in Ukrainian territory at the request of the Ukrainian government, according to Reuters. New users in Ukraine will not be able to download the Russian-owned media outlet's app, while existing users may still be able to access it but won't receive any new updates.

Apparently they do not want Ukrainians to hear the "other side" either, so are censoring Ukrainians ability to inform themselves of both sides of the issue.

The article concludes with, "While the platforms are presumably working to take down blatant misinformation, journalists like those at CNN are also actively fact-checking viral videos in order to ensure that any first person accounts from Russian military action is accurate.

I have to laugh that CNN, of all outlets, are "fact checking" anything considering they cannot even check the facts they report half the time.

Are they" fact checking" any of the "first person accounts from" the Ukraine Military?

Three guesses and the first two don't count!


In this last short category is a story Stefan Stanford mentioned to me earlier in the day, where a teacher was suspended for encouraging students to "read as many news sources as possible," in order to learn "all" the news and both sides of the Russia/Ukraine war.

Arlington Public Schools suspended John Stanton, 65, who made the comments during a middle school Spanish class Friday, The Washington Post reported.

Stanton said he offered an opposing viewpoint and told students to read as many news sources as possible, including Sputnik News, which the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency have declared a state-run propaganda machine. The statement I think that got me was I said, I personally support the logic of Putin,' and what I meant by that is, he made a rational decision from his perception, Stanton said.

The FBI, CIA and the National Security Agency have been accused of spreading "propaganda" as well, as evidenced by their "leaks" to the MSM about the Russian collusion hoax for nearly five years, before and during the Trump presidency, but Sputnik is the problem?


Tensions are high and there is a war raging in Ukraine and no matter what "side" you are on, everyone should want every scrap of information they can get their hands on.

Preventing any commentary other than the official narrative is just poking the bear.... a nuclear armed bear.

Lavrov, speaking on behalf of Russia is right, WWIII will be a nuclear war, which would guarantee that Albert Einstein was correct in predicting "I do not know what weapons the third world war will be fought with, but I know that the fourth one will be fought with sticks and stones."

No one can win a nuclear war. The entire globe will be affected and all that could be left are those sticks and stones to fight the next one.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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