May 1, 2024
Defending Yourself, And Your Family Members And Loved Ones, Against Crime (And Democrats): The Democrats, And 'Democrats In Disguise,' Only Purpose Now Is To Destroy America
By Anthony Emmanuelli and All News Pipeline
In my second article for ANP, "Why The United States Is Being Destroyed Right Now", I mentioned the fact that every single Democrat is a Communist, wherever they hold public office. As examples, Gavin Newsom's job as Governor of California is to destroy the state: that's why he's there. Joe Biden, and his handlers, occupy the White House for the purpose of destroying this country and for no other reason. Practically the entire Republican party in Congress is composed of cowards and traitors. Instead of being called RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), they should be called DIDs (Democrats in Disguise). They have no mission, or direction, and yes, they DID it to us again. On the other hand, Democrats: never take no for an answer, and will never ever tolerate any resistance to their agenda.
Before exposing the relationship between Democrats and the rise of crime in society, I figure that now is as good a time as any to expose the Democrats themselves. This is going to be hard for me because, as much as I try to prevent people from renting space in my head, I'm tempted to loathe and despise the people whose names I'm about to mention.
The two bastards who are currently running the country are: Barack Obama and George Soros. Biden obviously runs nothing; at this point, it's amazing that he even remembers his own name. Obama has great assistance in that the liberal Democrats as his minions now control every single major institution in America (including the Deep State). Actually, they have maintained control over the "mainstream" news media and the universities for the past forty years, and more (I still remember lowlife, biased, "so-called" journalists and their attempts to discredit and embarrass Ronald Reagan during his press conferences).
Everyone by now has heard of the pro-Hamas protests taking place at universities across the country. In that regard, one of the best conservative writers on the Web, Wayne Allyn Root, just published a piece on Obama that is right over the target, every word:
Pamela Geller also just published an excellent piece with regard to Soros' involvement in the protests:
Like Wayne Allyn Root, I've studied Obama's background and his shenanigans, for the past sixteen years (at least). In general, this is the way it works: Obama, by trade, is a Saul Alinsky trained community organizer, which he's been doing most of his life. Soros, on the other hand, is the bagman: Soros finances the groups that Obama supervises.
Obama and Soros are as thick as thieves; in fact, their relationship goes back at least fifteen years. When Glenn Beck had his show on Fox News, he dared to report on their alliance as part of a series of episodes he deemed "Crime, Inc." (in my opinion, his best work). I can't find the videos on the Web anywhere (maybe someone else can), but I did find the transcripts. The transcript of the episode I was specifically looking for is here:
Glenn Beck was way ahead of his time. He was talking about Cloward-Piven way back in 2010. Everyone else right now is just catching up (and I'm surprised that these transcripts are still in existence). This next one was the first episode of "Crime Inc.":
Bitchute has three videos of Glenn Beck reporting on George Soros himself later in 2010, with this being the second one (he wasn't on Fox News much longer after that):
To top it off, here's a picture of that wicked witch (or should I say, bitch) Nancy Pelosi, with George Soros and his equally despicable son Alexander:
As Obie Wan Kenobi said in the first Star Wars movie: "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy".
If there's anything that Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton prove, by their very existence, is the fact that women are capable of being just as evil as men.
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Those two principles are:
- to create chaos
- to re-distribute wealth
Practically everything that the Communist Democrat politicians do is based on these two simple principles alone.
That's why Democrats love high crime rates: because crime accomplishes both. Out of control crime creates chaos in society while simultaneously robbing tenants, property owners and business owners of their wealth and their possessions. After all:
Property crime is re-distribution of wealth by force!
In other words, what Democrat politicians can't take from you by taxation and regulation, they intend to take whatever is left by force and by crime. The Communist Democrats don't want just some of what you have, or most of what you have: they want it all.
BLM and Antifa, in essence, are the paramilitary arms of the Democratic party. They operate in the open. They receive publicity. They are summoned by their masters (namely Obama and Soros), to counter-protest, to destroy property, and to create chaos, when occasion calls for it.
In contrast, criminals and gang members are the undercover paramilitary arm of the Democratic party. Criminals are more useful to the Democrats then BLM or Antifa ever could be because they create chaos AND they re-distribute wealth from others by robbery and by theft.
I remember watching this video that went viral, years ago, and it always stuck in my mind. It was filmed by a woman who happened to own a small business in Sacramento. She became fed up with all the drugs and all the crime. I couldn't find the video by searching Google or DuckDuckGo (big surprise !!), but I was able to find it on Bitchute. Here it is:
As much as I sympathize with this small business owner (and who knows where she is now), the news I have for her isn't good. The Democrats don't want to do anything. They will never do anything. They have no intention of ever doing anything. They want the cities they govern exactly the way they are: full of drugs, gangs, crime, poverty, and despair, with a police force that has hopefully been sufficiently demoralized.
Liberals lately have been getting "red-pilled" when they complain to the Democrat politicians who reign over their city about the crime growing out of control, only to watch them sit on their hands and do absolutely nothing. I remember reading about this woman who didn't feel safe walking her dog in Haight-Ashbury because there were fights and brawls on the streets every day and all night. I felt like saying to her (if I could): that's the whole idea, dumbass !!!
If I had a message for every single political liberal in this country (who isn't rich or among the elite), it would go something like this: The Democrat politicians whom you worship don't care about you. You are their "useful idiots". You exist to be exploited for their own purposes. They don't care if you can't buy a house or afford groceries. They don't care if you get laid off. And they certainly don't care if you get robbed, mugged, beaten, raped, or killed.
Of course, the common-sense, instinctive action that many Americans are taking in order to defend themselves against criminals and gangs is to buy guns and ammo. Inadvertently, the Democrats have become the best and brightest gun salesmen in the history of the world (and boy, do these Communists hate gun owners).
I'm always amused when I see people brandish the guns they have by taking photos of them and posting them on the Internet. You might have even seen people do this yourself. I mean, for someone to tell other people what preps he/she has and how much food and supplies are put away in storage is quite foolish. On the other hand, for someone to brag about firearms he/she has while posting evidence of it on the Web is downright ridiculous.
To those who flaunt what they have by way of guns, I would be tempted to ask them: Are you really prepared to shoot someone who poses a threat by way of crime? And if you happen to kill the criminal, what are you going to do with the body? It's going to be lying there. Do you leave it where it is, or move it someplace else?
This is a very tough question that every gun owner in America needs to ask themselves if they intend on using their guns to defend themselves against criminals (as opposed to, let's say, hunting). What course of action people choose to take is going to depend to an enormous extent on where they live and what type of dwelling they live in.
As an example, if a resident kills an intruder and happens to live in a liberal state (like California) and the cops are notified, the resident is more than likely going to be arrested for murder, even if it becomes clear by the layout of the crime scene that the resident had every right to self- defense. Regardless of the state in which one lives, there are only two options: (1) notify the cops of the shooting (if a snitch neighbor doesn't do it first) and leave the crime scene as it is, or (2) bury the body, or bodies, in a hole, in the ground (like something out of the mob movies "Good Fellas" and "Casino").
Apartment and condo dwellers will only have option #1 available, simply because there are going to be people in the building who will either witness the incident or hear the sound of the gunshots. They are best left to using non-lethal weapons (like stun guns) in hopes that any scumbag who tries to break into their apartment or condo doesn't possess a firearm.
Considering the deliberate chaos that the Democrats are unleashing upon this country, gun owners need to start thinking about these scenarios and start preparing for them right now. Fortunately, there are ways to do this, and one of them is:
Local Action For National Impact
There is an article that just came out in "The New American" with regard to County Sheriffs, their oaths, and their duties. It is one of those pieces that is a rare MUST READ:
People who live in rural counties, in conservative regions, and who know their neighbors, are the ones who are going to have the best shot at this option. Now is the time for people who live in those regions to start organizing, preferably door-to-door (NOT on the Internet, NOT on social media). With a large enough group, the Sheriff can then be approached, with questions like: If our area is trampled under foot by criminal invaders, can we defend ourselves with our guns? If we do, are you going to arrest us? What do you plan to do if this type of scenario should occur?
The whole idea is to be able to shoot and kill criminals in order to defend yourself, your loved ones, family members, and your property, without: (1) fear of being arrested for murder should the cops be notified, or (2) feeling the need to dump or bury the dead bodies.
The best option that provides the greatest protection from lawyers and from courts is to become deputized by your County Sheriff, and to encourage your neighbors to become deputized as well. An important point that wasn't immediately mentioned in the article is the fact that: Sheriffs are not appointed by county or state bureaucrats! They are elected, and selected, by the people! Therefore, they are obligated by their sworn duties to be attentive to the opinions of the citizens under their jurisdiction and to address their concerns.
Those who live in cities and in other crowded, dense areas are probably not going to have the option of dealing directly with their County Sheriff for the purpose of creating solutions to combat crime (for a lot of reasons). In order to keep from being victimized, there is one last weapon that can be utilized, by city folk and country folk alike . . . and that weapon is . . . deterrence . . .
I read stories all the time about rich people in L.A. County whose homes are burglarized in spite of the fact that they have an alarm system. The problem is: their alarm system is hooked up to Wi-Fi. In the end, their fascination and over-confidence in Hi-Tech becomes their downfall. Burglars in L.A. have now figured out how to disable Wi-Fi from the outside so that the alarm won't go off. If thieves are able to circumvent a particular type of alarm system, then the system itself becomes useless, worthless: an expensive piece of junk.
There is no substitute for good old-fashioned physical barriers: gates, walls, fences, barbed wire, security screen doors: anything that forces a burglar to have to maneuver around in order to gain access to the property. Rod iron windows might be necessary for windows that are located in an area with limited visibility or a spot that's easy to climb through (hopefully not every window in your home would require this, because then it starts to look like a jail, obviously).
Even a chain (a tough chain) with a large, strong lock wrapped around a closed gate (with the lock on the inside) is a good deterrent because it forces a burglar to have to dismantle the chain or lock by hand. Anything that's going to slow down, impede, or dissuade a burglar is going to work to the tenant's advantage.
Contrary to how many people feel about camera systems, they are not a deterrent to burglars and thieves! Camera systems are great if a resident enjoys watching criminals ransack their home over a cell phone while being somewhere else, away from the home. Aside from physical barriers, the best deterrents are: motion lights and flood lights, strategically placed. Criminals hate light when they're sneaking around at night (especially criminals on methamphetamine).
Other great deterrents are: having someone in the house at all times (preferably an adult or teenage male), a car (or cars) parked in a driveway, sirens mounted on the top of a house that can be activated from the inside (watch those thieves scurry away like rats!), and bullhorns. Binoculars and night vision goggles can (and will) come in handy, too.
The whole idea behind deterrence is to make criminals think twice about robbing your property to the point where they avoid it altogether. That way, you're not put into the position where you have to shoot at them in the first place. They can go ahead and rob someone else's house . . . (someone that's less prepared, less savvy, and less street- smart) . . . but not yours!
ON A SIDE NOTE: As an update to my first article on ANP, "In The Long Run, It's All About The Globalists Taking Our Land", I just became aware of the fact that the pro-Hamas protesters are now using their cause as a pretext to occupy land on college campuses by pitching tents all over the place. I didn't think of that when I first wrote the article. What will Obama and Soros come up with next?
Also in that first article, I mentioned the fact that: armed criminal illegal alien military aged male invaders are going to be used as mercenaries by our own government to take over large swaths of open American land. Middle America will be particularly vulnerable: West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, all the way up to the Canadian border. Although longtime tenants, property owners, and business owners of all races are being replaced everywhere (such as the black people in Chicago), Obama particularly hates white people and Middle America with a vengeance. He also loves to create chaos during the summer months. All the while, the Democrat news media will do everything in its power to avoid reporting on the armed illegal alien takeover.
Obama and his fellow criminal Attorney General Eric Holder conducted a similar operation by running guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels under Operation Fast and Furious. I believe that this same type of operation is being conducted right now, only on a much wider scale. Considering the disgraceful manner in which the Republicans got steamrolled by the Democrats (again), there is nothing that stands in the way of the Democrats doing whatever the hell they want. If Obama wants to do it again, and can do it again, he will, only this time, to the extreme. Never underestimate the degree to which the Democrats hate you and hate the United States. Now is as good a time as any to gear up. The time is at hand.
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