May 25, 2024
Foreign & Domestic Enemies Of America Control Our Country Because America's POTUS And VP Failed In Their Constitutional Oaths: Its Time We Kicked The Traitors To The Curb
- It's Long Past Time Americans Use The 2nd Amendment To Vanquish Tyranny
By Albin Sadar and All News Pipeline
When a president and vice president take the oath of office in America, he and/or she makes a brief promise to the citizens of this country. For the president:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.
The oath taken by the vice president is similar, but has this notable addition:
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic... [emphasis added]
It seems that the only indispensable promise made by the two people at the top of this countrys governing body is that they assure that they will protect citizens through constitutional means against enemies, foreign and domestic.
It has been undeniably clear that since day one of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris installation in the White House, they have insisted on leaving our southern border wide open. Unvetted newcomers (their own cutesy, welcoming nomenclature) have poured in through the southern states, then in many cases conveniently flown across the country by Biden and Harris and plopped down who-knows-where. This act has been nothing less than an invasion.
Where is Americas protection from potential foreign enemies?
During the election season of 2020, when mobs of angry people burned down businesses and took over police stations and government buildings, violent rioters were given barely a gentle slap on the wrist and released to continue their mayhem on another day.
Where was Americas protection from these domestic enemies?
(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)
Some might point to January 6, 2021, and say, There! That was how our government was protecting us from the insurrection of unhappy, disgruntled, violent Trump supporters. Domestic enemies, one and all! But with each new release of actual video from that fateful day, more evidence shows that the narrative spoon-fed to us by the media and deep-state operatives was a fabrication and twisting of the actual facts.
And in the instance of January 6, President Donald Trump was still in charge and had reached out well ahead of the days events to protect this country from a possible riotous situation. Nancy Pelosi, however, declined the presidents offer, helping to set in motion what appears to be her own desired outcome of that day.
Since Joe Bidens administration has assumed the highest seat of power, the tyrannical witch hunt against January 6 demonstrators, who were truly mostly peaceful, continues. When some of the Capitol doors were opened or gates removed by the police, even those people who did not go inside The Peoples House but remained outside on the lawn are still being rounded up and put in jail. All they desired to do that day was state the obvious in signs that read, Stop the Steal. What are they getting for exercising their First Amendment right? Incarceration.
It is as if the Biden administration is telling citizens, Hey, not only did we not steal the 2020 election, but we will also put you in jail just for saying that we did. Or, put another more brazen way: Yes, we did steal the 2020 election, and we are going to arrest you for noticing. And there is nothing you can do about it.
This is all part of the fabulous fundamental transformation of America that Barack Obama promised on the campaign trail in 2008. Yes, President Trump spoiled his plans for four years, starting with the 2016 election, but the manipulation of the 2020 presidential election results solidly got the plan back on track.
Presently, it is almost as if Obama himself is behind the scenes today, pulling the strings on decisions being executed from the White House.
Even though that observation is tempting to believe, there may likely be a scenario with more depth, one pointing to a deep-state faction being controlled by globalists. And can there be a more insidious enemy of the foreign variety than those benevolent one-world government people?
The image above is the best AI could do when it came to showing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris kicked to the curb. AI came up with the clown shoes by itself, and they seem appropriate.
A relative of mine told me years ago, right after 9/11, that a one-world government would be the best way to achieve peace in the world. I immediately gave just the slightest pushback: Sounds good, I said, as long as the person in charge of the world is George Bush.
My relative was horrified. No! was the shocked, one-word response.
And I said, I think you get my point.
Today, just replace George Bush with Donald Trump as the supreme commander of a one-world government, and you will hear more than just a short, simple no. Instead, be prepared for a tirade of screamed expletives.
Globalists are perhaps the number one foreign enemy of this sovereign nation. And anyone in bed with them is, quite simply, a traitor to America. So, if you have taken an oath to defend and protect the Constitution from such enemies, and fail to carry out what is clearly your duty -- well, to put it mildly, you are not fit for the office to which you made your solemn pledge.
Since the Constitution of the United States begins with the words We the People, it is up to each and every one of us to do our part to preserve the freedoms enshrined in that founding document. At this critical moment in our nations history, we can no longer allow tyrants to rule our precious halls of government.
These traitors have been wreaking havoc long enough. Its high time for them to be firmly kicked to the curb.
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