April 16, 2022
Alarming New Proof America Is On The Slippery Slope To Oblivion As Globalists Pull A Fast One And Double Down In Their Reckless Pursuit To Bring In Tyranny With The 'WHO Pandemic Treaty'
- If another pandemic can result in more power for the power-hungry, there will be another pandemic

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Over the past 2+ years of the pandemic, through lockdowns and mask mandates and the rollout of the vaxxes and mandates for them, taking a visit to our local grocery store has always given us a great indication on how people were reacting to all of that by looking at how many people were still wearing masks in comparison to how many were 'mask-free'.
With our particular county doing away with mask mandates long ago, our visits to the local grocery store have seen less and less people wearing masks as the time has gone on, with me noticing on the most recent visit only 2 different people still wearing masks among the mask-less faces, both people having that petrified look in their eyes about so many mask-less faces around them.
Showing us that most Americans, at least in this 'neck of the woods', are happy to get on with their lives and put the pandemic-past behind them, attempting to return to some kind of 'normalcy' in 2022 and going forward into the future, as we'd warned in this recent ANP story, we shouldn't expect 'normalcy' any time soon with the globalists still having a 'crisis' to 'use' as an 'opportunity' to usher in tyranny. And as we'll explore in this ANP story, they're doing just that, right now, in a huge way and blatantly in front of the world's eyes.
As blogger Tessa Lena warns in this new storytitled "The Slippery Slope of the WHO Pandemic Treaty", "Prediction: If another 'pandemic' can result in more power for the power-hungry, there will likely be another 'pandemic'", the globalists are hoping the people of the world aren't paying attention to what they're now doing.
With Tessa Lena using as the source for her story one Dr. Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhDand her new story titled "Urgent - my video call with the WHO this morning - We cant let them get away with this power grab"we've got to ask, how many other Americans HAVEN'T HEARD about the WHO Pandemic Treaty,which is nothing more than a global government power grab unfolding before our eyes this very moment as Dr. Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD warns us of? With Dr. Lawrie the Director of the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy in the UK, please read her new warning to the world.
I just got off a call with the WHO thats left me shaken, reaching for my affirmations and more determined than ever.
As you may know, the WHO is proposing a global pandemic agreement that would give it undemocratic rights over every participating nation and its citizens. Put simply, in the event of a pandemic, the WHOs constitution would replace every countrys constitution. Whether your countrys elected government would agree or not, the WHO could impose lockdowns, testing regimes, enforce medical interventions, dictate all public health practice, and much more.
Over the course of this pandemic, the WHO has withheld safe and established older medicines, ignored the experiences of frontline doctors, disregarded evidence from low, middle and high-income countries, and taken no heed of the values and preferences of people affected by their recommendations. It has apparently ignored the huge numbers of adverse reactions on its own database and has failed to issue warnings about the gene-based vaccines. It has also advertised that the mRNA vaccines are as safe as normal vaccines and this is simply not the case.
Many of us are extremely concerned that the WHO now intends to take full control over every member nation via this pandemic treaty. The World Council for Health wrote a response to this a while back and has been watching developments closely.
Well, this week the WHO pulled a fast one on the world.
Just imagine that, a global government body seeking unlimited power 'pulling a fast one'. Should we be the least bit surprised? We'll explore that 'fast one' and more in the next 2 sections of this story below.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Before taking a look at the 'fast one' the WHO recently pulled that left Dr. Tess Lawrie so 'shaken', we've got to take a look at this new story over at the Exposing the Darkness blog titled "Stunning Parallels Between COVID Measures and Nazi Germany" as it is a leadup to the 'scenario' we are being herded into.
Explaining within that story that author Naomi Baumslag had deeply documented the complicity of Nazi doctors and the pharmaceutical industry in the genocide and govt-sponsored mass murder and murderous medical experiments that took place in the 1940's in her 2005 book titled "Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation, and Typhus," the author of that book warned how diseases were intentionally brought into the neighborhoods of the 'undesirable, useless eaters' for 'depopulation' purposes just before 'programs' were introduced, allegedly to help stave off the diseases, only for such programs to be used for even more 'depopulation'.
More than 1.5 million concentration camp prisoners died of typhus, a preventable disease. Despite advances in public health measures to control and prevent typhus outbreaks, German doctors, fueled by their racist ideology and their medieval approach to the disease, used the disease as a form of biological warfare against Jews, Slavs, and gypsies. Jewish hospitals in ghettos were burned―along with patients and staff―if typhus was present. In concentration camps, even suspected typhus cases were killed in the gas chambers or through intracardiac injections. Typhus vaccines were tested on prisoners deliberately infected with typhus. Only a handful of doctors were ever prosecuted for their crimes.
Stressing within that book the absolutely critical importance ofholding accountable the medical profession, researchers, and drug companies that continue to invest in research on biological agents as weapons of war,we've seen nothing such since that 2005 book was written, nor have we seen any moves what-so-ever to hold accountable those who launched the COVID bioweapon attack upon America and the world the past 2+ years.
With Reuters putting out this story back on February 24th of 2022 titled "How the World Health Organization might face future pandemics" which attempted to 'sugar-coat' this move towards tyranny, that story also confirmed that such a beast as the WHO Pandemic Treaty REALLY DOES EXIST and is not some crazy 'conspiracy theory', though since it's a 'gatekeepers' story, it doesn't give what's happening anywhere near a deep enough look.
Reporting that negotiations on new rules for dealing with pandemics will begin at the World Health Organization on Thursday, with a target date of May 2024 for a treaty to be adopted by the U.N. health agency's 194 member countries, notice how that story reports they're pushing for 'new powers' to deal with 'the next pandemic,' with that 2024 implementation target date perilously close to the year 2025, a year long forecast by the globalists for massive depopulation in the Western world.
A new pact is among more than 200 recommendations for shoring up the world's defences against new pathogens made by various reviewers following the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed more than 6.2 million people in two years. The WHO itself is facing calls for reform after an independent panel described it as "underpowered" when COVID-19 struck, with limited powers to investigate outbreaks and coordinate containment measures.
So what is this 'fast one' that we mentioned in the opening of this story pulled by the globalists? Once again, from Dr. Tess Lawrie who just took part in a call held by the WHO and as she points out to us immediately, they held a 'public participation process' to find out what the world thinks about the pandemic and reactions to it, without even giving us the 'propernotice'. From her story.
Well, this week the WHO pulled a fast one on the world.
On Sunday, it launched a public participation process and invited video and written submissions. They gave two days to make video submissions, and written submissions must be received by 5pm CEST today. Thats just five days for the worlds citizens to have their voices heard.
The World Council for Health acted fast and applied to do a two-minute video submission. The Councils Law and Activism Committee prepared a strong submission (many thanks to them for that) and this morning, I joined the hearing to say our piece.
There were 48 people on the call at the time I tuned in. Sixteen of them were WHO staff. Others were from UNAIDS, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the UN Environment Programme, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Heres some of what I heard (and my comments on each):
Calls for human security centric not just health security centric. (Apparently, they dont just want to control your body but every aspect of your life.)
Fast approval of emergency diagnostics and unified regulatory registration for diagnostics. (In other words, more control.)
Equitable access to vaccines and a mechanism to hold violators accountable. (So if a nation concludes a vaccine is not safe as has happened in this last pandemic the WHO would have the power to override that and jab their population anyway.)
Vaccines should be developed within 100 days. (This is absurd. Safe drugs take ten years to be adequately tested and declared safe. There are more than 3.5 million people on the WHO database who have been harmed by Covid vaccines and this may be the tip of the iceberg.)
Then it was my turn.
I told them that the World Council for Health does not believe a pandemic treaty is necessary and would not benefit the people of our world. I shared sixteen recommendations which included the need for transparency, a return to open debate and dialogue, respect of our inalienable human rights and civil liberties and the sovereignty of all people and nations. I called for the right to choose and refuse treatments, or medical interventions, including access to repurposed medications. I also called for a rejection of mass experimentation and social engineering, and discrimination based on medical status or choice. And, I enjoined the WHO to promote restoration for harms from medical interventions.
I said our piece, knowing that I speak for all of us all of you.
Will it make a difference? Honestly, I dont know. Over the last two days the WHO will have had fewer than 100 video presentations, perhaps as few as 70. Most are asking for more measures, not fewer.
This is what we are up against. This is what we must fight. If youre feeling despondent or worried after reading this, I understand. I felt that way too. But we have to remember our power, and we have to use that power as much as we can. Let me give you an example.
Three days ago, the World Council for Health did what the WHO should have done and spread the word as much as it could. We put together a guide to making a written submission and invited everyone to use it to have their say.
Well, last night so many people were on our #stopthetreaty campaign webpage, the website crashed. Weve increased our server capacity now so if youre reading this in time and havent yet done so, take a look at the guide and make a submission before the 5pm CEST deadline.
You have a right to be heard. Speak up. Represent yourself, your family, and your loved ones. If you miss the deadline, it doesnt matter there are so many other ways you can push back. Spread the word tell everyone you know, alert your government representatives. And please, consider supporting the World Council for Health with a regular donation. Manned primarily by volunteers, it exists for you, to represent your interests in the face of compromised public organisations. Help us to help all of us and spread the word that we are here, doing what we can to create a better way.
So with all of those stories referenced above giving us more and more evidence that the globalists are racing to impose a tyrannical world government system that will have power over national governments, and using COVID and the threat of future pandemics to do so, at a time when most Americans aren't even paying attention anymore to what's been happening with COVID as they're understandably just trying to 'get back to normal', all eyes and ears should be wide open and Americans armed, educated and prepared for absolutely anything and everything going forward.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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