August 18, 2022
With America Already Under The Jack Boots Of An Illegal & Despotic Regime Put Into Place By An Obvious COUP, Their Mid-Term Election Steal Will Be Hammering The Nails Into Our Coffins
By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine
Last week Twitter announced that they were announcing steps were taking ahead of the US midterms to protect civic conversation on Twitter. Yes, I know that helps the comfort levels of anxiety since they are so believable and reliable. They refer to it as part of their Civic Integrity Policy and as it helped people find credible information during elections and other civic processes as they claim, it will cover the most common types of harmful misleading information about elections and civic events, such as: claims about how to participate in a civic process like how to vote, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, and misleading claims intended to undermine public confidence in an election including false information about the outcome of the election. So I assume that means we can have complete trust in their findings just like we did in 2020 when the elections were stolen by massive fraud and corruption and they banned anyone from even the slightest mention of that truth. Thank goodness, fair election coverage at last. One part that I find very interesting is that they will pre-determine what the results should look like as they implement a policy they term as PreBunks which means to get ahead of misleading narratives on Twitter, and to proactively address topics that may be the subject of misinformation. Ah, very good, now they will label any Twit that does not comply with their pre-determined narrative as bunk. What censorship? You must be imagining things.
Actually, I kind of like the way The Hill labeled it as misinformation enforcement, but they are enforcing their misinformation and inhibiting any other view as they will see only the official radical leftist versions as correct as they always have done. The Hill also quoted Twit when they said We aim to enable healthy civic conversation on Twitter, while ensuring people have the context they need to make informed decisions about content they encounter, Twitter wrote.
Twitter has previously withstood criticism for misinformation spread on its platform surrounding elections and the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is very comforting to know that they have never had any misinformation about C19 or other elections and the sarcasm may seem to be spiking right now as well.
Rasmussmen Reports most recent poll suggests that 39% of people interviewed say that they are very concerned about the possibility of cheating in this years elections; with another 23% somewhat concerned and 16% not very while only 17% have no concerns at all which just about equals those that think Biden is doing a good job and that he actually fairly won and that there were no irregularities. In other words, the totally brain dead (like Biden) and completely uninformed; or rather, totally MIS-informed. But at least 80% think election integrity is important this year.
The recent CPAC brought out just how anxious people are about the lack of voting integrity as they claim that GOP voters should feel confident about the integrity of future elections and that a new elections integrity committee will be sure the upcoming elections are going to be proactive and make sure that everybody is confident that their vote counts. Righhhhttttt. We have heard that one before and since it is the Republican National Committee that is involved I have as much faith in it as I do that little Joey Dementia actually won with 81 million real votes. Remember that the GOP and Republican leadership is the bastion of anti-Trumpism as they drag the Republican Party into irrelevancy and refuse to admit the massive flood of MAGA and associated groups. The establishment Republican Party is almost as dead as the Biden regime has rendered the Communist Democrat Party. On a side note, please realize that many Repubes are there because Mom was one, and many Dems are there because Dad was one and not from any real sense of reality as most cannot even say what it is that their chosen party represents nor how it differs from the other party nor how it differs from the supposed platform they pretend to adhere to. They are one or the other because it is fashionable or convenient or imperative to be one for whatever reason.
RSBN reported the Rasmussen report in a more realistic manner when they said U.S. voters are more aware than ever of the dangers of election fraud. According to new data from Rasmussen Reports, 83 percent of likely voters today are concerned about election integrity ahead of the 2022 midterms, and 75 percent are concerned about election cheating.
Since 2020, the election system in the United States has been plagued with overwhelming reports of fraud on almost every level, from ballot trafficking to dubious voting tabulation software from voting machines.
In fact, another July report from Rasmussen and The National Pulse found that50 percentof Americans believe it is likely that widespread cheating will affect the outcome of the November midterms.
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Although politicians are hopeful and at least pretend to be optimistic that the elections will be fair and turnout is up immensely, it is not a given that they will be fair. The left is under Trumps shadow as they try to figure out how they can steal this election and pass at least a casual public scrutiny. And although this upcoming election is the subject of the news cycle at the moment, the 2024 election is the one that is in the top of the minds of all concerned. Some of the tactics for that election are being refined for use in the coming one and the mistakes they made in 2020 are being analyzed and modified to better make that upcoming steal as efficient and hidden as possible. The democrats in the House Administration Committee are concerned that What keeps me up at night is this lasting perception among Republican voters, and especially Trump voters, that the election was stolen, Torres-Spelliscy said. It is very disturbing to me, the lack of faith in the democratic process that reveals, and how stridently they hang on to this belief despite the facts. No kidding, and what gave you that idea? Despite the facts? Really? We already KNOW that it was a stolen election, that we are under the jack boots of an illegal and reprehensible despotic regime put in place by an obvious and poorly hidden actual COUP against this nation and its citizens.
As Election Integrity is the theme for the GOP in 2022 we already know that it is not to be. The Washington Examiner said that the RNC is launching its election integrity committee. It's an integral part of the Republican narrative that President Biden stold (ibid) the 2020 election, though virtually every post-Election Day lawsuit went against the campaign of then-President Donald Trump. Republicans are promising their voters that, going forward, "election integrity" will be a priority for the party from state legislatures to the courtroom, following allegations thatvoter fraudoccurred during the last presidential contest. A lot of big talk even though we have been conditioned from experience for many decades past that the GOP is impotent and has only its next election and retirement in mind. Like I have said many times before, and the republicans did NOTHING.
In spite of election integrity experts being hopeful that the midterms will be good and fairly accurate, the Federalist says that Biden is hiding his plan to rig the midterm elections. Molly Hemingway said that Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Not a single one has been responded to. All signs indicate a concerted effort to keep the public in the dark until at least after the November midterm elections. The lack of transparency and responsiveness is so bad that the Department of Justice and some of its agencies have been repeatedly sued for the information.
When President Bidenordered all 600 federal agenciesto expand citizens opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process on March 7, 2021, Republican politicians, Constitutional scholars, and election integrity specialists began to worry exactly what was up his sleeve.
They had good reason. The 2020 election had suffered from widespread and coordinated efforts by Democrat activists and donors to run Get Out The Vote operations from inside state and local government election offices, predominantly in the Democrat-leaning areas of swing states.Independent researchers have shown the effectof this takeover of government election offices was extremely partisan and favored Democrats overwhelmingly.
Mobilizing voters is ALWAYS a political act and it is unethical to tie federal benefits to election activity. Its unconstitutional to have the federal government take authority that belongs to the states and which Congress has not granted. And, given that all 50 states have different laws and processes governing election administration, its a recipe for chaos, confusion, and fraud as they choose which groups to assist and which to target. And the Kenyans number one operative in the White House is Bidens Right Hand Woman, Susan Rice, as it is she that is pushing for HR1 and other democrat ways to subvert the elections. The article states that It is unclear why Biden and his political appointees are being so secretive about the work that went into their plan to engage in a federal takeover of election administration but it should be abundantly clear that the goal is to disable the Patriotic and Liberty loving Americans (aka MAGA forces) in destroying the communist grip on power that they currently have such a tight grip on. With seemingly every federal agency in the US now in attack mode for anything that resembles Liberty and the Constitutional limits on power we can see that clean elections are not likely to occur.
Of course, the Satanic left sees it a bit differently as they claim that the 2022 races will determine if Trump steals the election in 2024. MSNBC in there normal overuse of superlatives claims that the 2022 midterms will be the most important election of our lifetime and are worried to death that the MAGA Republicanism has grown a lot since the attempted insurrection that they call the support rally for President Trump way back in the Jan6 event that still worries them to go into shock and mass hysteria that the American People still love their freedoms and will not just go quietly into submission. It worries them so much that they are pulling out all the stops as shown in a recent article on About FB says Meta has developed a comprehensive approach to how elections play out on our platforms. With the 2022 US midterms on the horizon, we are setting out how our approach applies in this election cycle, which is largely consistent with the policies and safeguards we had in place during the 2020 US Presidential election and that means applies learnings from the 2020 election cycle and advanced security operations to fight foreign interference and domestic influence campaigns, our network of independent fact-checking partners, our industry-leading transparency measures around political advertising and pages, as well as new measures to help keep poll workers safe. As we did in 2020, we have a dedicated team in place to combat election and voter interference while also helping people get reliable information about when and how to vote which means they will increase even further their censorship, lies and propaganda intended to destroy and free flow of the truth on their platforms dedicated to the success of the New World Orders agenda of a complete destruction of anything that resembles a peaceful renewal of the American that used to be. Believe what they say, they are on a full war footing to stop anything decent and honest from winning.
Like the USPS being used to implement massive ballot interference with mail in voting with a special division dedicated to it, and electronic vote switching such as the story in The Gateway Pundit that will change filled in bubble of your candidate is moved to the hackers preferred candidate and swapped out with that empty bubble. The change is made before the ballot Image is stored on the election server and before its tabulated. By using the voters own marking style & penmanship, these changes are undetectable to the human eye and so much more. Dominion voting machines are still a major threat to any fair elections being possible as seen in the first video below.
While there has been so much already said, written and filmed proving the massive voter fraud in previous elections cycles and so much on what systems are still in place or being upgraded to keep free elections happening in a bit less than two months from now, I will not cover those topics today but wish to cover one subject I went briefly over last year that I think needs a bit more explanation to better understand. And that is the hidden voter suppression and cheating system known as Ranked Choice Voting. Although touted by the left as a way to save or improve our democracy it is in fact a method to destroy it. BallotPedia has a simple explanation of how it works as anelectoral systemin which voters rank candidates by preference on their ballots. If a candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, he or she is declared the winner. If no candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, the candidate with the fewest first-preference votes is eliminated. First-preference votes cast for the failed candidate are eliminated, lifting the second-preference choices indicated on those ballots. A new tally is conducted to determine whether any candidate has won a majority of the adjusted votes. The process is repeated until a candidate wins an outright majority. While that sounds simple enough, try taking a little bit closer look and analyzing just how that functions in real life.

Although they claim that RCV eliminates the role of spoilersyou can vote for your preferred candidate first, and then rank one of the lesser of two evils second, and know that you arent throwing away your vote on a candidate who cannot win what they do not mention is that it takes a lot longer to tabulate the findings and report the winners and losers, and that the favored candidate can easily be thrown out in the first ballot count making a second or third string monkey the winner it is somehow more fair? So you vote on your preferred candidate in the first choice round, and then your second choice in the next place and so forth. Follow the logic they use when they say vote your second choice; just who might that be? Just for fun, lets say we have an R, a D an I and maybe a G running. You love your Liberty and America so you vote for the R first. What would you vote as second choice, assuming you would vote for any of the others? Lets say the R gets only 45% of the vote, not making a majority to cinch the battle. The RCV system states that if you do not vote for a second place candidate then they do not count your vote at all in the second round. That means your vote is arbitrarily CANCELLED. You do NOT get to vote and that is against everything the Democracy is supposed to confer on you. You can only put your favorite candidate on only one place, you must choose from the others for second and so on.
Now lets say that he (the D) does not get a majority vote so they tabulate the third choice picks. Since most people really wanted the R and the D was next most wanted but also failed to obtain the majority for a win in the second ballot, the G that came in first in THIRD choice ballots is the winner because the majority gave him the third place nod. Think of it, the R got 45% which is way ahead of the second place D with only 25% and the G got the same 15% on the first ballot as the I, but when they got to the third ballot you cannot vote for your first pick still nor can the D voters so they must choose between a seriously suspect Independent and an obvious Marxist Green nut-job, and that last one gets 55% in that third ballot so he is the new office holder. Now Is that fair, is that honest, is that a true democracy? The real looser gets the nod, just like with the pre-programmed voting machines and fake ballots that stole the elections in previous election cycles. This is even more sinister because they can still use fake ballots, they can still use manipulated machines, they can still use dead and illegal voters and so forth while using the appearance of a legitimate election. I would vote for the R in all ballot runs if it were permitted but it is NOT permitted, each round must have a unique challenger. I will not vote for the D, the G nor the I in this scenario so I am locked out of voting which is against my Constitutional right and DUTY.
The two graphics above are from a Common Cause website on it and they love the system, maybe because it is Soros dark money paying for it. Although it is not yet common all over the place, it is common enough that it will and already has poisoned the legitimate elections to a massive extent. Fair Vote, another leftist group pushing for its universal implementation, has an interactive graphic that shows the current extent of it usage and is found here. I would like to have posted it but it appears to be in a protected status. They do claim that Grassroots Activists in 23 States Celebrate AnnualRanked Choice Voting Day, a Reform Easy as 1-2-3.
Now consider that in the past few months the democrats have been calling for their people to change registration to republican so they can vote in the worst possible candidate to replace the conservatives that we want in office. This works to their advantage in a number of ways such as eliminating their most fierce opponents in the primaries, which they have been somewhat successful in doing the past few election cycles, and also they can still vote for the democrat in the final elections. Now consider in RCV what it would look like with a Rino replacing a real republican MAGA candidate and the ensuing scenario that I have laid out above. So what does that tell us? First is the republican party has made a terrible mistake in allowing voter registrations to be changed so early on with such a short time until primaries, and that theyre fighting against a reasonable change to more effectively block the democrats from putting in a poser to subvert the republican primaries. Second is that the democrats prove yet again how slimy they are in using such a wide open invitation to commit voter fraud right out in the open and actually succeed without much static from the press or repubes.
And Rank Choice Voting is right in line with that subterfuge to destroy any free and open elections from here on out. If the choice comes up on your branch of the road make sure you understand the ramifications and do NOT let it pass. We tried here locally and failed, RCV has been in place where I live for a few election cycles now and the results are just as I have laid out with the left gaining immensely in power.
No matter what anyone claims the 2022 and 2024 elections will not, they cannot be fair with the systems now in place. Sure, the left may lose some seats in the House and the Senate seems to likely stay much the same, but they will not under any circumstance allow for the conservatives that are actually the majority of voters in this once great nation to succeed overall. They will do anything to stop it from happening, even if it means massive voter fraud and even nuclear war with China and Russia. But do NOT let that keep you from voting, it is the only real weapon we have without resorting to outright civil war or revolution. Keep up the good fight, do not let your guard down and keep working and praying for the Good to win.
God Bless
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