November 6, 2022
If Democrats Repeat Their 2020 Election Steal, We'll Have Witnessed Our Last Election With The Tyranny That Followed Being Truth Impossible To Ignore, Like A Bat To The Face
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
With the majority of Americans living paycheck to paycheck under Joe Biden and Democrats with the 'average American' owing a whopping $25,000, this coming election will surely prove Albert Einstein's old adage true if Democrats hold on to majorities, "the definition of insanity is doing the same ole thing over and over and over again, expecting different results."
Because with a whopping 79% of Americans believing 'things are out of control' in 2022, and things likely to get much worse before they get better according to numerous financial experts as warned of in this MSN story, with even Microsoft's own news network advising Americans to stock up on food as the diesel crunch comes crashing down upon us, what happens when 10's of millions of Americans didn't listen to even MSN so who failed to prepare, or to those who can barely afford to feed their families now, much less stock up for the 'coming crazy'?
As The Guardian had reported in this new story that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website earlier Sunday morning, even working two jobs, millions of Americans are unable to make ends meet, with countless people resorting to selling some of the last 'goods' they can sell, their own blood.
Showing us how desperate countless Americans have become under Joe Biden and Democrats rule, imagine America by the years 2024/2025 if they again manage to 'steal' the upcoming election! If that abominable nightmare happens, we clearly haven't seen anything yet as that would virtually ensure the 2024 presidential election will be a 2020 repeat, with a Democrat 'winning' no matter how badly they lose.
So as Steve Quayle warned while linking to that Guardian story, everybody should be voting on Tuesday for their grocery and gas bills, holding those who are responsible for America's nightmare RESPONSIBLE! Because if they manage to 'steal' these elections, too, like they did in 2020, America's 'fast-track to destruction' will have just gotten a major turbo-boost, with likely just the 1st and 2nd Amendment's the only things in between freedom and tyranny, and we see what they've been doing to the 1st Amendment for quite some time now.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
With Joe Biden and his cabal selling out America and Americans to the globalists every step of the way, something very surprising appears to be happening, though we certainly won't be getting our hopes up.
As 'Tyler Durden' over at Zero Hedge had reported in this new story, both CNN and NY Times 'fact checkers' had recently 'betrayed' Commie Joe, not only calling out Biden gaffes but as that story reported, both CNN and the New York Times have gone scorched earth on Biden, in what appears to be a' coordinated effort' to distance mainstream Democrats against a President who's become an increasing liability with batsh*t crazy comments, obvious confusion, and several recent sniffings.
Yet with that 'distancing' coming way too late in our own opinions, as anybody who has been paying attention to Biden's bumbling has known for quite some time that he's a walking/talking, dementia-ridden disaster, and the 'installation' of Biden into the White House was simply the 'cherry on top' for the globalists who knew they could totally control him and all of that is STILL being ignored by CNN and the NY Times, we'd argue we've reached the point in time where ALL of the MSM is going to have to soon come clean with the American people, or face their own well-deserved self-destruction.
And with all of that happening as the left is freaking out as 'white suburban women' appear to be coming to their senses and switching this election to voting Republican as this recent story over at Yahoo News shows, and MSNBC's Joy Reid freaking out that previous Democrat voters are learning the meaning of the word 'inflation,' it's NOT JUST CNN and the NY Times 'piling on' Biden and Democrats as 2022 nears its end.
With even the Washington Post publishing an opinion piece recently written by George Will who claimed Biden/Kamala Harris should drop out of the 2024 presidential race for the good of America, is it far too late for a couple of the MSM communist mouthpieces to finally come clean with a 'mass awakening' greatly needed LONG AGO? Besides, after what America witnessed in the 2020 election thievery, does anybody really think our wanna-be dictators will ALLOW us to have pro-America leaders with their 'global new world order tyranny' so close to completion? No doubt, the clock is ticking.

So while a commanding Republican election crushing of 'Biden's party of insane' in just days would be a sight for the sore eyes of America, even that scenario might not be able to hold off what many economic experts are now warning of as MN Gordon of the Economic Prismalso recently warned of; the eventual default of the United States government and the end of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. Besides, until a full-scale investigation is launched into the 'manufacturing' of COVID, the 2020 election lies America was told and the deadly nature of these shots, we'll keep on being told lies.
Because with that whopping 51% of Americans already living day to day, largely thanks to the 'scamdemic' and Joe Biden's absolutely atrocious leadership, we should all be thankful that thanks to 'COVID,' Dr. Anthony Fauci's net worth has soaredto heights he'd never achieved before.
As reported by 'Open the Books Substack,' auditors at received Dr. Anthony Faucis FY2021 financial disclosures from the National Institutes of Health. The documents contain a wealth of previously unknown information. For example, the Fauci households net worth now exceeds $12.6 million up $5 million from 2019 through 2021.
So while ANP strongly believes Americans who make their own money should be able to keep it, and we stand strongly against the globalists/WEF/Klaus Schwab's favorite motto for our futures, "You will own nothing and be happy," we should all be deeply concerned when the Fauci's and Schwab's of the world are pushing 'shots' that are quite literally killing people around the world while their own wealth soars but they demand 'We the People' be happy with nothing.
Yet as more and more Americans FINALLY awaken to reality, with 'truth'being something like a baseball bat that, once it hits you in the face when you didn't see the bat coming becomes something that is immediately quite impossible to ignore, those who've prepared for 'the coming crazy' will be much better off than those who ignored the vicious swing of the bat.
Each of the videos below take looks at the current events of today discussed in this story and more, with Whitney Webb warning on the Glenn Beck show in the 1st video below that the globalists are once again creating a new 'slave class' of people to do their bidding. With Webb the author of the book "One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,"we hear why America is facing great danger and chaos in the coming days, weeks, months and years. Yet with warnings of great turbulence in America soon impossible to ignore, we'd much rather be part of the group of people who paid attention to the warnings, than those who didn't.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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