December 21, 2023
Biden Crime Cabal Wages War Upon Americans While Facilitating The Tsunami Of Military Aged Men Into The Country A Recipe For The Disaster And Chaos To Come In 2024
- Please Join Us In Praying For America In The Year Ahead
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
While Erie County in the state of New York has just announced 'travel bans' for times of 'catastrophe' or 'weather events,' going so far as to introduce 'movement passes' for essential employees in what this Infowars story calls a 'key tenant' of the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset,' Mike Adams over at Natural News reports in this new story that violent criminals from South America are now being dispersed all across the United States, in cities from the East Coast to the West, in a run-up to what's bound to be a totally insane 2024.
Showing once again that the globalists are more than happy to take away the rights of the American people while handing over those same 'rights' on a silver platter to people who shouldn't even be here, according to Elon Musk and this recent post of his over at 'X,' this is being done by the 'Biden crime cabal' and their cohorts in Congress and liberal state governments to import future left-wing voters, though we'll also argue it's being done in an attempt to stack the deck in favor of the left for a future Civil War.
All of this coming at a time when a video has gone viral showing an Armageddon-like mass of illegal aliensin Eagle's Pass, Texas, awaiting to be processed in so they can get 'free money' from the same Biden crime cabal waging war upon the American people, all of this is setting up a major confrontation in the not-so-distant future with Texas Governor Greg Abbott just signing into law a border security bill allowing state law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants, a law the Biden crime cabal has pledged to fight.
And with all of this just more evidence that 'the Great Replacement' is very, very real, and being carried out upon our country before our very eyes, as Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann warn in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, we're witnesses to nothing less than the United States of America being taken down, overthrown and destroyed by our very own govt, who we pay our tax money to while struggling ourselves to survive, the 'Great Reset' being carried out upon a still largely unsuspecting population, the American people paying for our own destruction.
With a whopping 62% of Americans now living 'paycheck to paycheck' while Biden's crime cabal gives away American taxpayer money to illegal immigrants who aren't supposed to be in this country anyways, while as Susan Duclos reported just days ago on ANP, those same illegal immigrants are throwing away 'free food'(also paid for by American taxpayers!) while countless American families are struggling to feed their own children, America has clearly reached a 'breaking point' from which there may be no coming back. And isn't that EXACTLY what Biden and the globalists racing to destroy us are pushing for?
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And with Charlie Kirk posting just days ago on 'X' that our so-called 'authorities' are closing down railway operations at the Southern Border to free up agents to help with the massive influx of illegal immigrants there,"In other words, they're shutting down international commerce in order to help speed up processing of these migrants,"migrants who are all here illegally thus shouldn't be here, anyways, as the Burning Platform reports in this new story, this is the greatest act of treason against America in our history.
Going full speed ahead to set America up for total destruction, while completely flaunting the laws that our so-called 'rulers' in Washington DC expect us to follow, we've also warned time and again on ANP that a huge majority of the 'invaders' just happen to be military-aged foreign men, while coincidentally, or not, it has been overwhelmingly military aged men who've been 'dying suddenly and mysteriously' since the globalists unveiled the 'kill shot' here in America, as if all of this happening both at the border and with the mysterious deaths of young men is all part of World War 3 unfolding before our eyes. Briefly, from this Burning Platform story before we continue.:
Truly, no one has ever seen anything like this in American history.
Numerous members of the U.S. Congress as well as the Judicial Branch have refused to defend the extremely vulnerable open borders of the United States of America.
The very same traitors have flaunted their willful neglect and serial law-breaking where it concerns the protection of the American people from all sorts of threats due to open borders and illegal immigration. These dire threats only exist because of the extremely porous Mexican border.
The very same treasonous members of Congress and the Judiciary are well aware of the ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists who have easily gained entry into the USA over the past several years.
They are also aware of the countless MS-13 gang members and other hardened criminals from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Columbia, and other Central and South American countries who illegally enter the country every month.
Then there are the countless drug traffickers, human traffickers, arms traffickers and other international cartel criminals who cross the open border at will.
And with all of these hardened criminals being allowed into America happening at the very same time as the US govt under Joe Biden quite literally wages war upon the American people, can you imagine what this country will look like at this very same time next year, another stolen election likely behind us?
There can be very little doubt that this will be 'America's last stand' because another stolen election like happened in 2020 will allow the globalists to fully cement their tyranny into place, completely shutting down websites such as ANP and silencing all opposition to their tyrannical rule. And if you think that such a thing could never happen here, just look at what we're already witnessingas America falls further and further into darkness, despair and all-out decay, the American people suffering while taxpayers money goes to support our overthrow and invasion.

All of this also happening at a time when Democrats cast aside any remaining 'law and order' in this country seen in what the Colorado Supreme Court recently did, claiming President Trump is ineligible to run in their state in 2024 although that will likely be thrown totally out by the US Supreme Court, as Susan Duclos had warned in this Wednesday ANP story, any Civil War in our futures will be downright ugly, and something we're strongly praying against, although if you had the choice of living under full scale tyranny here in the USA or not living at all, would you choose 'tyranny'? Neither would we.
But as Vivek Ramaswamy warns in this new story over at Infowars, we're quickly being herded in that direction by a 'deep state' and political conglomerate that insanely believes it has the right to dictate over the lives of 330 million+ people, the reason why America's Founding Fathers created the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution in the first place, and the reason why gun sales have gone through the roof under Joe Biden and the increasingly maddening left in 2023. From that Infowars story.:
GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy joined The Alex Jones Show Wednesday to break down whether or not he will remove himself from the 2024 Colorado Presidential primary ballot in protest of Trumps unjust removal.
This is a bastardization of the Constitution. The 14th Amendment was never intended to apply to anything like this. Were a country where the people of this country choose our elected leaders. Thats what our American Revolution was fought for, the basic idea that We The People choose who actually runs the government, Ramaswamy told Jones.
And now, its the old World European view, its the elites in the back of palace hall, in this case, unelected partisan bureaucratic judges in the state of Colorado this time its going to be other states soon that are deciding the people cannot be trusted to elect the actually selected person to govern.
Ramaswamy called on voters to look beyond the right-left political paradigm and recognize the actions the Biden regime and its allies in the courts and media are destroying the foundational principles of the Republic.
Frankly, the Republican Party establishment is almost equally corrupt to the Democratic Party establishment. This isnt about Republicans and Democrats right now, this is about the continued existence of our country, the United States of America, he said.
Thats why I dont sit here bashing Biden, hes not really even the President of the United States. He is a puppet of the managerial class. Theyre going to trot out a new puppet in about March of next year when Trumps trials begin. This is all an optical illusion.
Its not about Republican vs Democrat, he continued. Its a permanent state, the permanent government, the Deep State that is pulling the levers of power in both parties today, theyre getting Trump out of the way and actually, ironically, theyre preparing to get Biden out of the way right around the same time.
Echoing a point that we've made time and again here at ANP, in that there should NEVER BE A 'SAFE SPACE' for tyranny in America, whether that 'tyranny' be from the left or the right, as long as the American people continue to own 500 million+ guns, there never will be that 'safe space for tyranny'.
Though as Ramaswamy clearly points out, what happens in the coming year is for all the marbles. As Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann emphasize in the first video below, 'We the American people' are under attack, from within and without, and by our own government itself not to mention enemies on the outside as Biden and the permanent political left and right work to turn us into their permanent slaves.
So please join us in praying for America in the coming year as 2023 comes to a quick close and 2024 comes rushing in, with absolutely everything at stake in the year ahead of us and what could be our final election next November with this reminder, that according to theDeagel Report and their 'forecasts' for the year 2025, not only will America be a completely 'depopulated' nation with a population of less than 100 million people, meaning over 200 million of us will 'have to go,' we'll also be a 3rd world nation with a GDP of 2.4 trillion dollars, down from about 25.4 trillion in 2023, and a military budget of about $32 billion, down from $637 billion back in 2017.
The 2nd video below takes a look at the battleground now being set up in the state of Texas as the US govt will surely challenge Greg Abbott and the state of Texas's sovereignty while the 3rd and final video below from Mike Adams looks at the Red Dawn Alert we're getting from a border whistleblower who bluntly warns us violent illegal immigrants are being dispersed all across America, likely to soon be housed and armed by the same Biden crime cabalwho are working to destroy America and usall.
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