March 6, 2024
A Recipe For America's Annihilation: Globalists Want MORE Endless Wars, More Terrorism, More Bloodshed, More Violent Crime, More Domestic Insecurity And More Government Tyranny
By Victoria White Berger and All News Pipeline
What does the future look like under the Democrats? Day after day, we hear a lot about who is saying what about the 2024 election.
It would be better if we heard more about the quality of life for Americans under the current Democrat administration. By any yardstick, it is not only worse; it is far worse. Why would any American who thinks without prejudice want MORE ENDLESS WARS, more corruption, more crime, more terrorism, less safety in the air and anywhere on the ground?
Its no longer just about the economy, stupid. Now, at this time, the moral concerns of the majority voters will be witnessed. Americans know about morals. They know about lying, cheating, racism, elitism, fraud, murder, battery, drug abuse, and pathology. All people know the ill results of these sorts of behavior. These are human issues with human outcomes and always have been.
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Next to the mantras about the evils of Donald Trump, which are quite clearly eclipsed at this point by the evils of his persecutors -- and compared to the many successes of his presidency, Trump is not entirely the point. Of course, he is far more suited to pull us out of the national chasm than any other contender. Yet will the Left ever let him?
Or does the Left really prefer more of the same from its own party? Are leftists angling for more wars, more terrorism, more violent crime, more domestic insecurity and federal government coercion in every sort of natural and constitutional personal freedom?
Where does all the screeching from the Left and its media come from? An inexact historical idea? No political education? For communism or socialism, or their own favorite, fascism -- are all failed systems, never having ever worked remotely well anywhere, at any time.
The Left talks constantly about MAGA hatred but they are far and away the best at it. They lie about hatred because they do not want to admit their guilt in the BLM riots, the many unjust political and religious persecutions, the staggeringly corrupt DoJ and D.C. establishment, and the Democrats growing betrayal of fundamental moral justice.
Perhaps the Left doesnt mind the prospect of reigning over a failing and fractured international landscape with their friends the globalists (who will betray them all in the end). Perhaps the Democrats really regard -- as do their leaders, the likes of the Obamas, Bidens, Soros family, the Clintons, and so on -- too many mansions and too many jets, too many vacations and podiums and books, as truly all requirements for happiness.
A strong case is that it is fear, guilt, and terror that drives the Left now. We know that any person can be terribly wrong and change him or herself for the better. We see no sign today of a change of heart in the Left -- therefore, a change may be forced upon them.
Or is the Left just simply stupid, writ large? Kamala Harris spoke in, effectively, complete support of the Hamas terrorism against Israel just two days ago. She is the Vice President of the United States. Where are they going with this? Does the Left really want to push the envelope further on geopolitical time bombs? Does the left REALLY want endless wars for eternity?
The Democratic Party is increasingly being revealed, through lockstep daily events, decisions, and manipulated occasions, to be terribly wrongheaded and wickedly led. The Left and its party should opt for swallowing a corrective pill before their extreme disease brings us all down.
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