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March 19, 2022
Another Look At Secret Societies, Or Are They A Cult? Absolute Proof The World Is Being Lied To As The Globalists Coordinate To Cull Humanity And Usher In Dictatorial Global Government
-Their goal is to kill, enslave or control every human being, permanently
Coordination; the process of organizing people or groups so that they work together properly and well the harmonious functioning of parts for effective results as defined by Merriam-Webster gives us a look at what the enemies of Freedom and supporters of the Great Reset do in order to install the systems required to create that nightmare. In our first installment on secret societies we described what constitutes a Secret Society, and today we will look at how they coordinate their activities even among various and varied systems to create the illusion that it is something that is a natural or proper way to do things or to understand things. We shall look at specifically one group that at the outset does not appear to be a coordinated system, but as many members are also members of other societies they function as coordinating agents to accomplish the final goals. The stated purpose of this group is to identify and advance a future-oriented global agenda, focusing on issues at the intersection of the public and private sectors and I would like to give some emphasis on the term intersection of the public and private sectors because that is where their real power comes into play. We acknowledge up front that because of vagaries of human nature, especially ego or pride or greed, not everything runs smoothly and may often look at odds with the final goal, but they are still working towards the same final result.
The idea of public and private partnerships constitutes one of the major building blocks of the WEF because the uniting of the State and large corporations constitutes what Merriam-Websters definition of Corporatism (the organization of a society into industrial and professionalcorporationsserving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction) andfills the order by solving global problems by using both private (corporate) and public (governmental) systems. The direct consequences of such a merger are illustrated in Chinas tyrannical social contract where the individual is subservient to the power base and enforced by dictatorial affect using militarized police or direct military actions; the differential line is very diffuse anymore. The noble goal of creating a better society is destroyed by these powerful interests and is very easy to observe in the global goals of Agenda 2030, the Great Reset or the Fourth Industrial Revolution if you will, and the Private-Public system as easily seen in the WEF-UN working together for the enslavement of the population of the world. The libertarian ideals of self determination and democratic society are replaced by a new global class that creates our future based on their own interests. This is evident in the movement of government officials and corporate officials going back and forth coordinating their agendas, as illustrated by Blackrock as an example.
Larry Fink, the creator and CEO of Blackrock is a graduate of the World Economic Forums Young Global Leaders program as well as many of his top key personnel. As a member of the Council on Foreign Relations he is well ensconced in the secret societies of the world and qualifies as one of the more powerful of those satanic groups. His merging of governmental direction and policies and private enterprise activities is legendary. Yes, the graduates of the Young Global Leaders as programmed by the WEFs own Klaus Schwab has had a major impact on the modern world just as it was designed to do. Best known for the annual conferences held in Davos, Switzerland each year, and their Young Global Leaders school has had many famous and powerful people pass through its tutorship since its founding in 1992 (under a different name initially) and renamed Young Global Leaders in 2004. Although its definition may not fit a Secret Society exactly, (perhaps a cult is more correct) it still functions as a secret society in that it is a major coordinating sect of the various secret societies that are involved in the destruction of the existing system and they do not speak openly of what they have been taught and what they are instructed to accomplish, so I say it is close enough to classify it as such.
The manuduction (something that guides or leads) of the graduates of this school is apparent in the many idiotic and evil directions that industry and governments have been taking the last couple of decades. The huge network of politicians, big tech, billionaires, royals and other elites is a testimony to the massive and monstrous changes we are witnessing right now. The goals of so many previous secret societies has ramped up immensely with the interjection of these people, and that is why the world is seemingly spinning wildly out of control while in reality it is being formed to their image, or rather, Lucifers image of what the world should look like to them. Their own website states Our growing membership of more than 1,400 members and alumni of 120 nationalities includes civic and business innovators, entrepreneurs, technology pioneers, educators, activists, artists, journalists, and more.
Aligned with the World Economic Forums mission, we seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest. And although many of the goals mentioned seem innocent enough, note the woke or new agenda terminology used. Obviously they are a source of the MSM as well as education, government and industries usage of those same terminologies.
Among some of the more well known members in senior positions include Executive Committee member of the WEF Marisol Arqueta de Barillas, anchor and global markets editor with Fox Business Maria Bartiromo, US Department of Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, Federal Trade Commission commissioner Rohit Chopra, Citibank NA head David Chubak, Deputy Prime minister of Canada Chrystia Freeland as well as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, president of the Rockefeller Foundation Rajiv Shah, CEO of Vimeo Anjali Sud, vice president of Pfizer Vasudha Vats, founder and CEO of META Mark Zuckerberg. These names were taken from a listing on Young Global Leaders website.
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And of course there are many others that you may know, like from the class of 1992 Bill Gates who have completed the 5 year indoctrination program of WEFs goals and principles. And other world leaders like Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bono, Richard Branson, Jorma Ollila (Shell oil) and past president of the EU Jos Manuel Barrosa. And lets not forget a few Prime Ministers and Presidents like Jacinda Arden of New Zealand, Alexander De Croo of Belgium, Emmanuel Macron of France, Sann Marin of Finland, Carlos Alvarado Quesada of Costa Rica and many directors of various agencies around the world. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Prince Haakon of Norway, Prince Fredrik of Denmark, Prince Jaime de Bourbande Parme of Netherlands, Princess Reema Bint Bander Al-Saud the ambassador to the USA for Saudi-Arabia. Oh, and lets not forget the princess (note lower case p) Chelsea Clinton.
Or how about some other corporate founders like Jack Ma of Alibaba, Larry Page of Google, David de Rothschild, Jimmy Wale of Wikipedia, Niklas Zennstrm of Skype, and as mentioned earlier Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. Some of the corporate sponsors have included firms like Coca Cola, Ernst & Young, Volkswagen, BP Amaco, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google and J Morgan. Ernst Wolff (German journalist noted for his diatribes on the IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, Bretton Woods and so forth) believes that many of the national leaders have been included in the young Global Leaders program specifically because they were selected for their willingness to carry out the harsh agenda that includes the lockdowns and that the dissatisfaction from that will give the reasons required to implement the final Global Government and the implementation of the new global crypto or digital currency along with the other insane ideas that constitutes the Great Reset.
The New Age ideas of a World Federation with a World Parliament, World Government, World Court and so forth has long been discussed in the Club of Rome and is being implemented by those people. My big question is in how they will escape the total destruction that is being forced onto the world to fulfill the population requirements of the Agenda 2030 crowd and do they really expect the same corruption that has decimated our freedoms and society throughout history not to reemerge? It is all insanity, and mass deaths like the world has never seen will be the result of their evil schemes.
The SGT Report about a month ago said The goal of the rulers of this globe is to enslave and control every human permanently with no chance that they will ever be able to escape. The World Economic Forums Young Global Leaders program is a totalitarian example of how these sadistic masters will continue to control all of the rest.
This program has since grown into an extensive global network of dedicated leaders with enormous resources and influence, all working to implement the technocratic plans of the World Economic Forum in their respective nations and fields.
The application for inclusion in this program are very stringent and is organized under the Swiss government as a not for profit foundation. They must have already proven themselves in their field as cream of the crop in accomplishment and be of the highest ethical fiber and have earned significant trust and so on. But considering what it is that they must perform negates all of that elitism.
The WEF has been a leading proponent of the digital biometric systems often considered to be the Mark of the Beast that will handle the approvals of those that have had the bio-weapon kill shot for covid to control movements and access to many places and events, as well as the primary individuals participation in the looming world crypto currency digital money credit system. This system is exemplified by the current Communist Chinese Social Credit system and has proven to be one of the worst systems to implement virtual slavery yet. As it progresses to its final form, we will be sub-humans in form and function while the 1% elites of the ruling class have 100% of the wealth just as Klaus Schwab promised.
But does the WEF YGL program really qualify as a Secret Society? I think so and the UKs Daily Expos put it like this, Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders working in Lockstep to enforce the Great Reset include Macron, Trudeau, Ardern, & Boris Johnson. And they asked the question How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the Covid pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? and gave as the answer the idea that it was Klaus Schwab operating through the WEF Young Global Leaders that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency, and these leaders include President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson. I agree, but they also had the help of other secret societies and groups. Today, it is one of the most important networks in the world for the globalist power elite, being funded by approximately a thousand multinational corporations they added.
Yes, this is a major secret society and incorporates so many sectors of society the world over that it dwarfs many others. And many of its program graduates are members of other secret societies which constitutes a conglomeration, a consortium, a combination of them, and that is what is so powerful and frightening about their secret attributes and agendas. We can see or discover only a part of what they are doing; the rest we may never know.
The best listing I could find of who is a member of that elitists program is found at this link as a downloadable .pdf and includes a breakdown as to where or what class system they are a member of, like government in Europe or Media member or think tanks etc. and lists what nation they are working in or are from. Some sources state that there are over 1,400 graduates and more when considering those that finished prior to 2004 when the name was changed.
Everything that we see and hear is filtered through many of them; everything that is happening in this world is filtered through many of them; everything we are supposed to believe is produced by many them; everything that we think or believe is real is also controlled by many them. In further installments we will visit other secrets societies with many of them much older, some of them much more secret and other that are well known but not necessarily understood.
Klaus Schwab is talking with David Gergen in 2017 at Harvards John F. Kennedy School of Government, talking proudly about the WEF's Young Global Leaders program and how their graduates are in governments all over the world.
WEF you must destroy the world before you can 6uild 6ack 6etter
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