December 30, 2022
Remember The 'Killing Centers' And Horrific Child Murders In Nazi Germany, A Dire Warning Following The 'Catastrophic Contagion' Exercises And Belief System Of Bill Gates And The WEF
- The Globalists Have Already Shown Us Their Next Planned Killing
By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline
Since certain actions taken by historical Nazi Germany will be discussed, it would be helpful to set the table as to what Nazism really is because that term is being thrown around a lot today. When someone calls conservatives fascists, they are displaying their ignorance as to what the term actually means. Nazism is a shortened version for National Socialists, and has elements of both the extreme Left and Right political systems, but its main philosophy is subjection to the State.
In Dinesh DSouzas article, Is Fascism Right or Left? he provides an interesting insight into the fascist mindset of an influential Italian philosopher, Giovanni Gentile, who used socialism as his basis for fascism which leads to such behaviors as authoritarianism, collectivism and the use of violence. So, to call those who stand against subjection to the State and stand for individual freedom and human rights as fascists is a non sequitur.
The most recent and blatant State-driven behavior is being played out all over the world with the mandated and/or coerced COVID-19 shot (deceptively called vaccine), and the naked discrimination against those who have refused it. The global COVID mindset was not just propagated by government-healthcare consortiums, but by the likes of celebrities from the entertainment world, sports notables and even from religious organizations. And yet, millions of people all over the world have been adversely affected by the jab, which was exposed in the film Died Suddenly. The legacy media pushback against the Died Suddenly film is all the more reason to watch it, as everyday we learn of more young and middle-aged people dying suddenly post-jab.
That brings us to the next planned killing. The Catastrophic Contagion exercise comes to us courtesy from the usual suspects (Gates, WHO, et al), scripting a forecast of unprecedented numbers of children being killed by the next pandemic. It is laying out to the world what to expect at some point in the future. Could collusion between healthcare scientists and world governments actually be audacious enough to go to the next level of destruction against the human race? Is there a precedent for this to learn from the past? We need look no further than the atrocities committed against children by the fascists during WWII.

In an October 19, 2000 report, Deep roots of Nazi science revealed, the writers state, based on the work of Berlin-based science historians, that top German scientists and the Nazi regime and policies were closer than had been thought. They go on to say, In 1939, for example, Heinrich Himmler, the head of the Gestapo, praised two leading researchers at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (KWI) for Anthropology in Berlin for their workthat has contributed significantly to the scientific recognition of the racial parts of the national socialist view of the world.
Responding to the report, Hubert Markl, president of the MPS said: There is no way of denying that directors, scientists and research assistants in many biomedical Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes put themselves in the service of a criminal regime. They actively supported measures conflicting with human rights and exploited the opportunities to use science conducted beyond all morally acceptable limits for the benefit of their own research.
Markl said he felt deep disgust for the way that unscrupulous research was carried out and appealed to German biomedical researchers to confront and discuss their past. Did that happen? If it did, that lesson wasnt passed on to the rest of the world.
Biomedical researchers today, of which we have only had a handful who have done the research and spoken the truth about the deadly vaccines, will have to answer for their own willful ignorance of what Raman spectroscopy and dark-field microscopy have revealed about COVID- 19 shots. Their silence only adds to their complicity. Are they concerned about the next pandemic? Is the public concerned about the next one? At this point, it doesnt look like much concern has been generated, even though, unlike post-WWII Europe, the world now gets a pre- warning in advance of what evil is next to come.
The lack of apparent concern is not only disconcerting but it is chilling, because the Contagion exercise highlights children and young people as being disproportionately affected by the next engineered pandemic. Anyone who understands that history repeats itself should take note of what the deep roots of Nazi science, courtesy of the National Socialists of Germany, did to thousands of vulnerable children who were deemed incompatible with life.
On September 12, 2012, Professor Lutz Kaelbers article, Child Murder in Nazi Germany: The Memory of Nazi Medical Crimes and Commemoration of Childrens Euthanasia Victims at Two Facilities (Eichberg, Kalmenhof) was published. This National Socialist childrens euthanasia program was truly out of the worst horror movie one could imagine. Kaelbers Introduction gives us this:
Targeting infants, children, and youths, the National Socialist childrens euthanasia program was a unique phenomenon in the history of humankind, as the systematic murder of disabled children was the means for realizing a social Darwinist utopia; one of its functions was to mislead parents of children with a disability into believing that excellent care was made available to their children. Euphemisms, of course, were used to beguile the public and parents: 30 killing centers were termed special childrens wards and pediatric specialty care units, and treatment was cold-blooded murder.
In the wards, perpetrators destroyed life they considered unworthy of existence. Children with disabilities, congenital illnesses, and malformations were to be reported to local public health offices, which then passed on this information to a fictitious Reich Committee for the Scientific Registration of Severe Hereditary Ailmentsactually located in a branch office of the Chancellery of the Fhrer in Berlin Kaelber goes on to say:
"The children, termed Reichsausschusskinder (Reich Committee children), were killed by physicians or nurses, and their parents notified of the sudden unexpected death of their child. The physicians participation was always both voluntary and deliberate, as they retained ultimate authority to order or decline a killing once authorized from Berlin. The total number of casualties of this bio-political procedurewas at least 5,000, though the exact cause of the victims death was often impossible to determine. Some children died of overdoses of barbiturates or narcotics; others of starvation, neglect, exposure to unsanitary conditions or cold temperatures, or the withholding of medical treatment For a long time, the total number and locations of the special childrens wards remained somewhat speculative. It took historians of medicine until around the year 2000 to establish that about thirty special childrens wards existed, how long there were in operation individually, and who the main perpetrators were at each location. Four wards were located in Poland (using current geographical boundaries), two in Austria, one in the Czech Republic, and slightly more than twenty in Germany
In analyzing the events and memories of just the two killing centers of Eichberg and Kalmenhof in Hesse, Germany, Kaelber states that not only were medical war crime sentences shortened or not imposed at all, but the outrage and horror of what had been done to defenseless children was either forgotten, minimized, or not fully embraced by the courts (American military as well as German), or even by the local populace where the killing centers had been located.
How could that be? Was it fear of stigmatization or association, an unwillingness to acknowledge the depravity of man, a pervasive sense of guilt that it happened in their locale, or some other deeply-seated psychological reaction that caused the German locals to push back on the memory of historical mass murder of their children? Is there a correlation between incomprehensible evil and public forgetfulness? Could the publics minimization be a type of inverse reaction to the horror? God only knows.
That brings us to this question: Could the murder of innocent German children 80 years ago be a cautionary tale for us today? Do we need to look any further than the philosophies that govern the eugenics belief system held by Gates and all the WEFers: abortion, depopulation, transgenderism, transhumanism, child mutilation, child grooming, and the goal to replace God with god-man? They clearly hold no respect for God-created mankind but seek immortality and the enslavement of man as hackable animals through the use of advanced technology. Nanotechnology is here, has been used in COVID-19 infection and injection, and most likely will be used in the next pandemic like that depicted in Catastrophic Contagion.
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