February 3, 2023
Pulling Back The Curtain On The Ugly Cabal Of Global Luciferians Latest Sinister Lies And Deception: Technopaganism And 'UnReal PaGAN' - AI CGI Deep Fake Technology
- Another Chilling Litany Of The US Govt's 'Empire Of Lies'
By Kathleen Gotto for All News Pipeline
Stew Peters conducted a recent and very intriguing interview with Karen Kingston (only video at bottom of this story) about the Buffalo Bills Safety, Damar Hamlin, and his miraculous recovery from an apparent cardiac arrest on the football field during the January 2 game against the Cincinnati Bengals.
Stew sets up the interview with a chilling litany of the U.S. governments empire of lies from the JFK assassination to the COVID-19 bioweapon pushed on Americans. All the known lies that have been foisted upon the public are compelling and indicative of the lengths to which officials are willing to go to fool and deceive its citizenry.
What Stew provided was just a short list of U.S. government deceptions and lies. The one good thing that has come out of C19 is the awakening that is taking place. Bit by bit, Americans are relinquishing their faith and trust in government leaders as the horror of the C19 vax deaths and injuries becomes too much to ignore. We have lost our innocence and naivet in the face of corrupt and evil public-private enterprises impacting our health, jobs, and our very lives.
After dishing on just some of the lies perpetrated on Americans by the federal government, Stew brings up the crux of his interview with Karen Kingston, and that is Ai computer generated imagery or CGI.
The unReal paGAN technology creates avatars that are indistinguishable from the real person. Stew shows shots of the avatars of Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman to illustrate his point. The question is whether the recent video of a virile and healthy-looking Damar Hamlin (after suffering a heart attack on the field) is a deep fake avatar.
Starting at the 10:13 mark, Stew brings on Karen Kingston. First, Karen established her credentials to speak on the subject of CGI. Her first involvement with CGI was in 1998 involving web development and CGI, and she formed her own agency in 2007. Her tag line in her virtual effects division was change perception to get results. However, she states it really should be called change perceptions to get a new reality.
Karens stated primary purpose for this interview with Stew Peters was to pull back the curtain on CGI and how it could have been used to deceive the public about Hamlins purported recovery in light of his near-death injury. She provided insight into the Ai that is available today to create an illusion using the paGAN Real-Time Avatars Using Dynamic Textures here, here, and here. The Wikipedia link offers a compelling description of technopaganism, which focuses on the spiritual side of technology. That will be touched upon at the end of this article.
Karen makes a powerful point regarding the apparent collusion of the NFL with what appears to be a deep fake avatar video of an ecstatic arms-flailing Damar Hamlin. Thats a lot of energy for someone who just had a heart attack and vigorous and lengthy CPR! She stated that the NFL could not afford to be party to an awakening of millions of football fans to what may have really happened to one of its young C19-jabbed footballers. Such inconvenient truth would most likely expose the C19 death shots and NFL collusion. So, the public was taken for a ride with what can only be viewed as a fake video of a seriously injured, if not dead, young athlete.
Karen also pointed out that a real Damar Hamlin would most likely be interviewed with his mother or his colleagues and thanking his fans for all their love and prayers. Mom and buds were nowhere to be found in the released video shot in a studio.
With the knowledge of Ai CGI, people are now equipped with the armor of truth and can look for, and more readily discern, Ai propaganda. It wont be so easy to fool and deceive the American public anymore because the proverbial cat is out of the bag. What the luciferian minions have underestimated, or ignored, is the expertise of medical, scientific, and technology experts who are not afraid to expose what Karen calls the little man behind the curtain.
Nowadays, one would be smart to doubt or disbelieve everything the government pushes until if and when it can be proven true. The problem with liars is that they dont stop so it is up to the hearer to use discernment. Again, that saying fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me holds true.
As for technology, who would ever have thought it would be linked to the spirit world as technopaganism, the merging of neopaganism and magical ritual with digital technologies? Now there is a lot of food for thought, yet maybe not entirely new.
In the times we live in today, technopaganism is right in step with what was prophesied eons ago. In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13:3, John the Beloved Apostle of Jesus Christ writes from the Isle of Patmos during his banishment about the vision he has been given of end tines, I saw one of his heads which seemed to have a fatal wound, but his fatal wound was healed; and the entire earth followed after the beast in amazement.
The beast is the antichrist who will deceive the whole world in his ongoing attempt to overthrow the kingdom of Jesus Christ. A fatal wound which was healed.a fatal heart attack, which was healed? Perhaps, maybe with the help of Ai. Damar Hamlins injury needs full explanation to rule out the use of Ai CGI.
Since the Revelation of Jesus Christ is a prophetic book of the Bible, we should not be surprised when things happen today which have already been foretold by John, the much-loved disciple of Jesus Christ. Now that Ai is here we can better understand how the deceived in the world will worship the image of the Beast. It would be easy to see how a leader could be killed with a fatal head wound and then miraculously brought back to life and thus worthy to be worshipped by the whole world! But, if the death and resurrection were mere Ai unReal paGAN computer generated imagery, that exposes the fakery.
People need to understand this: Satan established a false trinity of Beast, Dragon, and Prophet to try and replace the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Revelation 13:15 states, And he is given power to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast will even [appear to] speak, and cause those who do not bow down and worship the image of the beast to be put to death.
Be on guard. Question everything, especially what could be protected or hidden by lies and deception. Let the Damar Hamlin tragedy be a cautionary tale of what could very well be Ai CGI technology protecting the assets of the NFL and the ugly cabal of the worlds luciferians.
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