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June 16, 2024

Taking A Chunk Out of The Censorship Industrial Complex - Government Tool Used To Demonetize Independent Media Websites Being Dismantled As Republican Attorneys General File Lawsuits

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Most of the time we see Republicans, or even Democrats when they control both houses of congress, have investigations and hearings and they result Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

Americans, if they bother to tune in at all to what is going on in the country, especially politically, can be informed, but in terms of actual progress resulting from the congressional hearings or investigations, it is a very rare thing.

The Verge, who appears to not be very happy with the news, informs us that "A major disinformation research centers future looks uncertain," in their headline, but the sub-header tells us exactly why the liberal author isn't thrilled with the news, when they state "The Stanford Internet Observatory studied key issues plaguing online spaces, like election and vaccine disinformation. Its long been a target of Republican lawmakers."

Two points from the headline and sub-header:

First, these groups that supposedly track "disinformation" or "misinformation," whichever you want to call it, leave no room for legitimate questions, or difference of opinions, but rather deem anything that contradicts the "authoritative, scientific consensus," as false.

So, when Independent Media, including ANP, questioned social distancing, we were demonetized, yet now, years later, we find out from Anthony Fauci himself, that there was no "science" behind forcing Americans to social distance.

In January Fauci said he 'was not aware of studies' that supported the social distancing, conceding that such studies 'would be very difficult' to do.

During Monday's hearing Fauci, cleaned up his past remarks.

He confirmed to Congress that the six-foot guidance came from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - and that despite their guidance not being based on established science, it was implemented.

'My saying there was no science behind it, means there was no clinical trial that proved that,' he clarified at the hearing.

When Independent Media, including ANP, questioned the continued masking, especially of children, we were demonetized, yet, Fauci admitted he didn't "recall specifically" that he saw any studies saying masking children was necessary to stop the spread of Covid.

The second point that caught the attention from the sub-header of The Verge piece whining about The Stanford Internet Observatory likely being shut down, is that it had "long been a target of Republican lawmakers."

The Internet Observatorys work, like its research into election integrity, has made it a target for right-wing and Republican attacks. Researchers working on Election Integrity Partnership have been sued by right-wing groups who accuse them of mass-surveillance and mass-censorship.

I'll be honest, you could have knocked me down with a feather when I saw that Republican lawmakers, and conservative Attorneys General from red states, had a hand, no matter how big or small, in dismantling part of the Censorship Industrial Complex.

Then we see The Verge, who admits to citing The Stanford Internet Observatory in their articles, say "The censorship claim stems from how the federal government communicates with social media platforms around topics like covid-19 disinformation and threats to elections....."

Last, but not least from The Verge, before moving on to Republican lawmakers next "target," we see "The groups cutting-edge, real-time research on content moderation has been cited by news outlets around the world, including here at The Verge many times. Stamos founded the Internet Observatory in 2018 after working as Facebooks chief security officer, hoping to create more accountability and transparency for issues that touch the tech industry, academia, and Capitol Hill."

Washington Post (Archived) seems very upset about the Censorship Industrial Complex losing one of their own.

2018. The same year another part of the Censorship Industrial Complex was founded, "coincidently" almost two years after Independent Media helped Americans bypass the MSM to get Trump elected, when big tech and social media giants.

That company, NewsGuard, which blacklisted All News PipeLine with advertisers.

(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)


Longtime ANP readers will remember that NewsGuard, a company that tells advertising services if they advertise on certain websites (mostly conservative-leaning websites) it would damage their "brand," targeted ANP.

We found this out when we tried to install "GumGum" ads, which are ads that show up within images, so it takes up no room on a website, and allows images which are used anyway in each of our article, to be monetized. GumGum informed us we couldn't use their service because of "NewsGuard."

They emailed "GumGum utilizes NewsGuard to verify brand safety and your site is under the minimum threshold we accept.."

So when I read the following headline from Just The News, after seeing the news about the The Stanford Internet Observatory being dismantled, one could say I was more than pleased.
"Comer investigates news-rating group NewsGuard over allegations of left-wing bias"

The Committee seeks to make an independent determination about whether NewsGuards intervention on protected speech has been in any way sponsored by a federal, state, local, or foreign government, Comer wrote in a letter to the company's CEOs Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz. The Committee does not take issue with a business entity providing other businesses and customers with data-based analysis to protect their brands. Rather, we are concerned with the potential involvement of government entities in interfering with free expression.

This brings us to previous reports that NewsGuard has received government funding, to the tune of "$750,000 in taxpayer dollars," from the Biden regime.

The New York Post published a small list of sites NewsGuard considers "Riskiest sites," and those considered "Least riskiest sites," and imagine our surprise (snark) when we saw that liberal websites were consider the least riskiest, while conservative websites make it to the "riskiest" column.

Go get em Comer!!!!

Now let us take a look at how a liberal website, Axios, is describing NewsGuard.

The big picture: NewsGuard is a web extension that uses trained journalists to monitor and rate news and information sites' trustworthiness and it has highlighted issues with both conservative- and progressive-leaning websites.

These include "NewsGuard's business relationships with government entities, its adherence to its own policies intended to guard against appearances of bias" and "how it tries to avoid and manage potential conflicts of interest arising from its investors and other influences," per the letter to the veteran news executives.

The two underlined phrases, emphasis mine, tells us exactly why NewsGuard is targeting conservative websites, as these so called "trained journalists" and "veteran news executives," are part of the MSM which is liberally biased to begin with.

Remember these are the people that pushed the Russian Collusion Hoax, the Jussie Smollett fake hate crime hoax, the hands up, don't shoot hoax, Covington "racist" kids hoax, along with another dozen or so examples, all listed at Breitbart.

It is like having the fox guard the henhouse!


While it often seems, and in most cases is, a waste of taxpayer money to fund these endless congressional investigations, we now see that some of them are offering documentation for state Attorneys General to use in cases against these groups that are part of the Censorship Industrial Complex.

One down, and hopefully NewsGuard will be next.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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