August 22, 2023
This 'Worst Case Scenario' Of America Under Tyranny Features Death Squads Carrying Out Midnight Massacres Of 'Dissidents' And Death Camps - Tyrants NEVER Voluntarily Give Up Power
- Why We Should Add The 1993 Waco Massacre To The 'Clinton Body Count'
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
With America rapidly heading towards a 'watershed moment' as was reported earlier today in this ANP story,as more and more Americans awaken to the fact that they've been lied to by those they trusted for their entire lives, leading to rapidly building anger nationwide as 'government' loses it's 'legitimacy' and what we've long known as 'the rule of law' is shattered, bent to completely favor 'the rich and powerful' while viciously aimed at their 'political enemies' or anyone who speaks out against them, we're going to take a look back to see one of the ways we got to this moment in time to the crucial time period of the early 1990's.
WithBill and Hillary Clinton moving into the White House in January of 1993, leading some on the anti-war left to believe that finally, years of needless death and wars would be coming to an end, instead a still-growing 'Clinton Body Count' began, with Clinton continuing the endless wars of administrations before him and, as we'll explore within this story, Clinton weaponized the 'Department of Justice' and its' enforcement arms against the American people.
And ANP proposes that we add the Waco, Texas Massacreto the Clinton body count. With April 19th of 1993 brutally bringing an end to the 51-day siege, with the fire and the reaction to the final attack within the group resulting in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians, including 25 children, and two pregnant women,as we hear in the final video at the bottom of this story, none other than Hillary Clinton was, not surprising, tied to the murders at Waco.
And with that 'siege' by the Clinton 'Justice Department' eventually leading to the deaths of four federal agents as well as 82 Branch Davidians, 28 who were children, it wouldn't be too far fetched to add those people who were murdered by Clinton's DOJ to the 'Clinton body count' that just keeps on growing and growing over the decades.
So following Susan Duclos and I watching the eye-opening TV show "Joe Pickett" these past few weeks, a show which featured good, humble, 'everyday Americans' fighting back against hugely corrupt politicians, 'elite' and members of law enforcement, so corrupt that they had no problems at all framing 'the innocent' for crimes that they themselves committed, the corrupt scum (despite their uniforms and positions) WERE finally held responsible for their actions, many of them paying for their crimes with their lives. So Susan and I were looking for a new show to watch when immediately, one of the other 'offerings' from the producers of "Joe Pickett" jumped out, "Waco."
With "Waco" produced for TV, like "Joe Pickett," by brothers Drew Dowdle and John Erick Dowdle, "Waco" tells the real-life story of the unforgiveable tragedy of what happened in Waco, Texas back in April of 1993 through the eyes of one of the FBI agents, hostage negotiator Gary Noesner, who wrote the book the TV show was based upon, "Stalling for Time: My Life as an FBI Hostage Negotiator," as well as through the eyes of one of the Waco survivors.
And with FBI agent Noesner quite surprisingly showing us the story of an FBI that was rapidly being 'militarized' and no longer in any interest at all with 'negotiations,' we also see what happened to Noesner for going against the tide in the FBI, being 'attacked' for claiming he didn't believe violence was the 'best option,' a warning long ago from someone on the inside that our own govt was increasingly waging war upon the American people. And look what we've gotten since Waco.
Also showing both the FBI and ATF 'needing a win' in the public eye following the disaster at Ruby Ridge, we're also shown both agencies 'coordinating' with the media to make sure that 'only the story they wanted the public to see' got out to the masses. Think about how true that is today.
And with what happened at Waco helping us just a little bit to understand just how the 'Police State' in America has evolved over the decades, and how a very real dictatorship is being established before the mostly blinded eyes of the public, ANP recently received an email from one of our readers that we'll take a look at in the next section of this story below that warns of something much worse than Waco in our futures if the American people don't put a stop to it.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

So when taking a look at where the future will bring us if we stay upon the current path we're now on, the US govt becoming more and more militarized against it's rightful masters, We the American People, quite literally using the United States military to wage war upon 'the People' as Mike Adams from Natural News and Steve Quayle discuss in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, ANP recently got an interesting email from a reader which we'll share below as it gives us one 'worst case scenario'.
Warning us that 'the fix is in' and that Joe Biden will be '(s)elected' again, and that Donald Trump will go to prison, and there's nothing that the American people will be able to do about it, this view of our near possible future here in America looks like a nation that has fully descended into full-scale tyranny.
The J6ers will never get out of prison. Most will die there.
The economy will collapse and the millions of illegals will form the reinforcements the feds and military will need to round up and crush the little resistance that appears.
In Illinois the feds are moving huge amounts of firearms and ammo to Chicago and Springfield to govt leased warehouses. The Illinois Air and Army National Guards are currently forming training teams to instruct the newly arrived illegals from Latin America in the art of war.
Same thing is ongoing in New York and California.
No training needed for the arriving Chinese males as most have simply changed one uniform for another.
The fires will spread and become more massive.
Effective conservative leaders will be targeted and shot to death by federal agents in hundreds of 3 a.m. raids.
Huge criminal gangs will continue to target corporations until they collapse under the weight of their losses.
Train derailments will increase.
Sorry to be so dramatic but I am trying to prepare you for what is coming.
People still don't realize America was taken in 2020 by Communist revolution masked under a stolen election. The left is fully in control and is preparing to fight to the death to keep their power. The right simply lacks the backbone and the willingness to sacrifice to regain their freedom.
With that emailer also warning us that personally, he believes that Trump was in on this entire thing from the get go, launching 'Operation Warp Speed' which brought in the 'death shot,' he tells us that Trump will likely get a very short prison sentence and then 'slip away into obscurity,' leaving this mess to follow.:
The truly hateful thing in all this is the horrible things about to befall all his true supporters.
The leftists have long memories and have used federal agencies like the ATF, DHS, FBI, and NSA to compile lists of millions they will eventually go after.
It would not be hard at all to do another nationwide lockdown. Most would meekly comply. That is the saddest thing of all. Sheeple go baa baa baa.
And sure enough without missing a beat, the globalists are getting ready for their next 'lockdowns' of society as summer comes to an end and fall and the cooler weather rush in, looking forward to once again imposing their will upon the 'masses,'most who will surely rush out to get their next 'kill shot,' still following the mainstream media talking heads who've been pushing genocide with nearly every word they speak, while the globalists begina genocidal rush to finish up the work they started.
With the eugenicists at the top levels of government sure to never admit to their crimes of 'depopulating' the planet because doing so would mean they're very well aware that they're carrying out mass murder, a crime for which they should all receive 'death penalties' themselves, take note that through history, dictatorships have used 'death squads' to carry out extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances of their 'political dissidents,' often carried out at 3 a.m. or the middle of the night.
And now as we read in this new story from Mike Adams over at Natural News as heard in the 1st video below featuring Steve Quayle, the US govt has turned its weapons of war upon the American people. This is what your taxpayer dollars have paid for.
The tyrannical US government now treats the American people the exact same way it has treated other nations for decades: Threats, coercion, force, pillaging and weaponization of everything. No American should be surprised that the same lawless tyrants who have traumatized the world have now turned their weapons inward, against the people.
What the government just did to #Lahaina in #Maui has been done already to Libya, Iraq, Panama, Afghanistan, Syria and a long list of other nations. The US government regime has long abandoned any intention to coexist with other nations -- or with its own people -- in a mutually beneficial balance. It no longer has any capacity for negotiation, compromise, compassion or humility.
Rather, the US regime characterizes the raw quest for power at any cost, no matter how many lives are destroyed or rules of law have to be violated. The "rules based order" means we order you to follow our rules, and we may change those rules at any time, for any reason, without explanation or justification. And the label "democracy," when uttered by these tyrants, means nothing more than kowtowing to their demands for total control over all the planet's resources: Energy, food, minerals, land, labor and more.
With that description of the current crop of criminals occupying the White House and Washington DC reminding us perfectly of what happened in Waco, Texas, where thugs who no longer had the capacity for 'negotiation, compromise, compassion or humility' brutally slaughtered over 80 Americans including far too many children, and with that brutality happening on the watch of Bill Clinton and Janet Reno and only months into his presidency, would you agree that those people brutally murdered in Waco should be added to the 'Clinton Body Count?'
Without a doubt, the 'government of wolves'that has continued to grow uncontrollably since Bill and Hillary were in office has left the American people in the predicament we are in now, with them lying to 'the masses' every day in attempting to hang onto their illegitimate power, having no problem at all carrying out in-our-faces, wide open genocide as we rush towards 2025.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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