June 28, 2022
While Our Prayers Were Answered With Dobbs v Jackson, The Battle For The Future Has Just Begun - The Left Will Keep Carrying Out Genocide And Destroying Life Until Americans Stop Them
By Justin O. Smith of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline
I do not view abortion as a choice and a right. I think its always a tragedy ~ Joe Biden in a 2006 interview with Texas Monthly
The Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade on June 24th, 2022 in a ruling that many of us were expecting, due to the leaked draft of Justice Samuel Alitos opinion on the matter as it pertained to Dobbs vs Jackson Womens Health Organization, which had many Americans rejoicing on the steps of the Court or wherever they stood when they heard the news. But as happy an occasion as this may seem to many, it was also a sad and tragic day that gave way to images of far too many extremely young women raging against the ruling and revealing just how deeply they had been proselytized by the demonic proponents of this sick and evil movement, that has convinced them their only path to true equality to men and achieving the fullest potential of their being is found deep in the unwritten words of the Constitution and an unfounded right to murder their unborn children.
It is the most abominable thing one will ever see. In a nation that was supposedly founded on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the Christian and Western principles that have long supported every aspect of life, including the rights of the unborn upon the quickening, we saw many of the most far-left, anti-family segment of the country crying out for a right to murder the unborn children of America.
The Courts ruling had just barely hit the national newswire before the battle-lines were drawn, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez grabbed a megaphone and stood outside the Supreme Court urging protesters to call the Court illegitimate as she also stated abortionists should go into the streets to fight for abortion in this generational fight, noting that people will die as a result of this historic ruling.
None of these anti-God, anti-Family heathens seem to understand that the unborn child is a separate human being from its mother and able to feel pain at around the twelve-week point of its development that the unborn child has the same Inalienable God-given Right to its own life as they do to theirs, and all that goes with it.
These abortionists are a sign of the times and a long-existing immoral underbelly of the nation filled by people who want to be just as promiscuous and irresponsible as they wish, refusing to take common-sense precautions and casting off their unborn children like so much garbage, murdering babies each time a seed is planted.
The feminists and other proponents of abortion disingenuously use womens rights and equality as their justification for abortion on demand, when in reality, they simply want to avoid the serious consequences of the sex act and take it as lightly as they may decide.
Looking at CDC abortion statistics from 43 states and New York City in 2019, one will find that twenty-four percent of those women were having their second abortion; for eleven percent, it was their third, and for eight percent it was their fourth abortion or more.
What in the world is wrong with these people? You dont want children? Dont lie down with one another unless youre wearing a condom and using the pill, or both.
More specifically, too often women are left with the consequences of their promiscuous fornication and playing fast and loose with their womanly charms like some femme fatale from a bad B movie because they are just as immoral and worthless as too many young men today who have bought into the Hollywood love em and leave em useless, ignorant pretty boy, playboy image of what men surely must be attempting to bed all the women they meet as some twisted status symbol unable to properly care for themselves, much less a newborn baby. Their shallow nature requires instant gratification and refuses any restraint or discipline that may include simply saying no to a meaningless sexual encounter void of any love or commitment to their sex partner for the day, the flavor of the day.
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These are the same attitudes that have so many Americans seeking get rich quick schemes or contenting themselves to ride the government dole, the welfare rolls, for life. These are the lessons theyve learned from leftist indoctrination in the public schools, along with entitlement propaganda blasting across the airways daily and many other detrimental teachings that harm their development towards becoming productive people in society.
Women could solve the problem by simply closing their legs and men could help by refraining from trying to bed every pretty young woman they see walking down the street. But so many do not seem to mind being the whores and whoremongers that they are murdering babies in service to the forces of evil, death, and Satan.
Exhibiting the depth of their fevered and paranoid delusions of persecution, the radicals of Janes Revenge have stated that if their abortion rights arent safe neither are pro-life people safe, and they engaged in gross exaggeration shortly after their May 8th attack in Wisconsin, when they sent a letter to Chris Rickert, a journalist at the Lincoln Journal Star that read in part:
This is not a mere difference of opinion as some have framed it. We are literally fighting for our lives. We will not sit still while we are killed and forced into servitude.
And in the meantime, we hear the shrill cries that women are going to die which is simply another lie. In this day and age of highly advanced medical technology and certain knowledge of when a young mothers life may be in real danger from her pregnancy, doctors almost always are able to save both the life of the mother-to-be and the unborn child. Those irresponsible women who still demand abortion will be able to get one; abortion hasnt been banned or outlawed by this June 24th Supreme Court ruling, and the question of abortions has simply been handed back to the states to decide for themselves.
As of this writing, abortion is illegal and banned, with emergency exceptions, in only five states Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky and South Dakota. Its legal to varying degrees in all the rest of the states, but with the new ruling, it could quite possibly soon become illegal in over a dozen states, as this war for the lives of unborn children rages on.
How ironic it was to hear some top Democrats call the Supreme Court Justices radicals because of their ruling that essentially overturns Roe vs Wade, especially as we saw the leftist attacks on pro-life centers and churches start in May from Texas to North Carolina and on to Wisconsin and Arizona and every state and major city in America. This from a party that is the most radical party America has ever seen in Her history, as the Democratic party now stands a party that fights for every anti-God, anti-American thing it can to subvert and destroy Americas founding, so much so it should rename itself the American Communist Party.
As the Court noted in its ruling:
We end this opinion where we began. Abortion represents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was well pleased by the ruling, and although she noted the battle to end abortion was far from over in later statements, she initially stated:
Our prayers were answered today at the Supreme Court. Were now one step closer to ending the mass genocide of abortion in America.
However one views Donald Trumps presidency, one cannot deny that fortune smiled on America through his three fairly solid conservative candidates for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. America still might have eventually arrived at this destination, but it happened sooner rather than later due to their appointment to the Court.
Now the Leftist activists are enraged and prepared to once again set America ablaze, as they sing their chants for more death over any preservation and respect for life, no longer caring if they have their demands met through any peaceful means or intimidation and violence. The pretense is gone and we all can see that they aim to make America bow to their demands by any means necessary.
The ideas underlying the abortion movement are so antithetical to each of our Inalienable God-given Rights each designed to protect and defend some aspect of life to an extreme degree that it is sheer fantasy to believe that they ever intended for it to be an unenumerated right hidden deep within the unstated words between the lines of the Fourteenth Amendment and in the imaginations of some future Justices. The very notion is belied by the fact that at the time of the passage of this amendment most of our states outright banned abortion.
One of the original dissenting voices on the Court in 1973 was Justice Byron White who referred to Roe vs Wade as an exercise in raw judicial power. And Roe vs Wade will eventually be seen in history as a bloody revolution imposed on our society by a high-handed, self-important ill-studied judicial elite.
For America to allow Roe vs Wade to persist as settled law for so long in our country is one of the darkest blots of all times in our history, for science has long explained that unborn children are little humans in the womb and not just a clump of cells; and, being human from the moment they come to being, they have a right to their lives and all those rights endowed to them by God, to see their way into the world and pursue their own path towards their vision of happiness. America Herself is founded on those exemplary principles and values that acknowledge our humanity owes everything to God who gave us life and made us free, founded upon the preservation of life and liberty rather than death and tyranny of the judiciary.
Today, millions of new babies will actually live and very possibly make it into adulthood to realize the full potential of their life and all God has given them, by way of a good mind and fine abilities. And rather than look to a failing federal government to provide assistance, for single mothers, perhaps the country can see to the upkeep of homes for unwed mothers and programs that help them learn to stand on their own two feet, as we also send what donations we can to our local crisis pregnancy centers.
Americans may send their profuse thank you to the Supreme Court Justices who didnt flinch and submit to the attempts to intimidate them into upholding Roe, but in our brief moment of celebration, we can ill-afford to relax one iota or become complacent in the misguided belief the forces of life and freedom have won. The fight is just now beginning, and all of the pro-life people will find it necessary to once again join in fights from state to state, fighting with all our might for new laws that defend and protect unborn babies. And an incredibly important part of this fight rests on our peoples determination to support pregnant women in a manner that gives them real choices for something other than abortion, when an unexpected illness, unemployment or economic uncertainty has them thinking its their only way out, as we help women who would welcome and love an alternative that enables them to bring their newborn babies into the world with the help of all America, rejecting the lie that abortion solves all their problems.
This story was originally published here. Hailing from the Great State of Tennessee, Justin O. Smith is a patriotic American and regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative whose work has been published by American Thinker and The Rutherford Reader. He can be found on GETTR, Gab, MeWe, and Clouthub.
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