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March 20, 2024
Thoughts On Coming Events, Including The Solar & Lunar Eclipses, The United States As Babylon, The War Of Gog & Magog, The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse & The End Of The Age
Oh boy where to start with this one. Perhaps by stating up front that the content of so many other columns, videos, debates, articles, speeches and more on the April 8theclipse are interesting, but so many are nothing more than trashy click bait. Just like you can tell if a web page or some supposed news is just click bait by whether or not they use certain phrasings such as break the internet or worst ever or OMG and other ridiculous absolutes in the title; if they use such easily negated ideas in speaking about the series of solar eclipses such as it passes over 7 cities named Nineveh or 7 named Salem they are factually false. Those headline phrases are designed as click bait because the writers wanted to create some income from the idea, not necessarily to tell any great truth. Within the path of the eclipse there are far fewer cities of those names in the area of totality, and many more that are just outside of the area of partial eclipse. There is not even a city named Salem in Wyoming. True, there is a graveyard named Salem a little ways south of the eclipse area, but no city named that.
Now that I have offended so many other writers and speakers, lets look into it all a bit further. The ring of fire eclipse of October 14thin 2023 when shown on the map of the USA makes a partially sideways A also known as the Hebrew letter Aleph and the letter T, or Tav is without that ring of fire eclipse. Perhaps there is something in all of that, but perhaps we should look at the Hebrew letterAfirst. It beganas the Egyptian style hieroglyph of an ox headand was written in the Phoenician aswith the ancient, or Paleo-Hebrew asSorry for the irregular spacing, but I just used the copy/paste from the Wiki examples and that is just their form. Aleph also denotes the number One (1) and in the modern font is written asא.Not quite the letterAbut is still the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
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The letter T, or Tav, also written as Taw, in the Hebrew alphabet (and that word comes from the Hebrew letters Aleph and Bet, the first and second letters of their alphabet.) is the 22ndletter and its numerical value is 400. In both the hieroglyphic and the Phoenician it is written aswhile the Paleo-Hebrew it is. Using Modern Hebrew it is nowתandis the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet while at the same time the number value of 400 is the largest number that can be written as a single image without using modifiers. Interesting, but only as an introduction to where I am going with this
Aleph and Tav. Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. I would also direct you to the verse just above this one; in 1:7 we read Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. Take this seriously, very seriously. The first video below is one I found that covers what I would like to say about all of this but in a much shorter, cleaner format. Although the final return in glory may be a number of years off, perhaps even as soon as a decade away, the events leading up to this is occurring so rapidly now that it is breathtaking. Which is, and which was means He has been since the beginning of time and still is. And which is to come is key to the kicker this is the time that HE is going to come again. Alpha and Omega, the absolute truth.
As far as using ancient calendars and astronomical data goes, a very good analysis of lunar eclipses (blood moons) shows that as we celebrate Easter which is the most holy of holidays Holy-Days we will find that His crucifixion was followed by a blood moon, and we can calculate that a blood moon occurred at Passover time on the date of Friday April 3rd in the year 33 AD. This would put His resurrection on Sunday April the 5th as the day of His Glories showing to mankind if this idea is correct. This coincides very close to the day that we celebrate Easter. In the Hebrew calendar that would be Nissan 15, and the Passover lamb would be slaughtered on Nissan14. On the third day can mean from Friday about noon when He died, then put in the crypt before the Sabbath on Saturday, and He rose again sometime in the very early hours of Sunday to be seen a short time later by Mary of Magdala just outside that tomb. That covers three days Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It does NOT cover three whole days in the tomb, and if we were to use that definition of three days rather than on the third day, then He would have arisen on a Monday.
Be that as it may, the point is that heavenly observations coincide with prophecy most of the time when you are serious enough to search the data. And so it will be, or rather, as we are now in the final end of times period as we await the Lord in Glory. So please keep in mind that there are many ideas that have to be considered together. First is what the Lord says through His prophets about things, and remember that he uses the heavens as guideposts, and that the Hebrew, especially the tribe of Judah, are His own peoples; and that the Hebrew calendar and the Hebrew days of Holy Feasts are to be considered in every calculation. When you can get all of these things to blend into one whole, then you are most likely on target. That is quite the trick to pull off and I am far from mastering much if any of it, but I keep trying regardless.
In scripture there are various seven year periods that are specified and I believe with enough research we can pin them down closer, and remember that one seven year period can begin in the midst of another. In other words; the time, times and a half, or the three and a half years or 1,270 or 1,280 days or 42 months or whatever overlap the seven year periods. I have read a number of peoples assemblages of these, and although I am not sure of any of them, although when coupled with the longer periods such as the days (thousand year periods) connected with historical dates and Biblical prophecies and the like, there seems to be a general consensus that we are indeed in the beginning of those end of times days. The surprising find is that so many of them using different methods of calculations come up with something in the order of 2033 or 2034 as the approximate time when He returns. It seems to matter not whether they are Catholic, Protestant or Born-Agains or even Mormon, so many of them come up with surprisingly similar numbers and calculations. It is also interesting that that makes for a period of almost exactly two thousand years between His Resurrection and His return, a most satisfying correlation. True enough, many others say hogwash for various reasons and claim that it is more like many decades or even centuries if they even accept that the end times are very real or even that the Lord will actually return in reality, but they do not seem to take into account the full spectrum of data available to use. I am not going to specify any particular one nor even approximate an average, do you own research. I do have my ideas and they are based on the research of others and I still come up with that approximate time period.
So lets look at the letter Tav and how it correlates with some solar eclipses we are in the midst of witnessing. Four tavs at the End of the Age is how one site puts it. There are a series of 4 pairs of solar eclipses which began in 1999. Each pair paints an ancient Paleo HebrewXTav, or End Mark on a particular region of the earth. The series of 4 eclipse pairs ends in the year 2034. These Tavs were placed on the earth by the Creator at the time of the creation of the heavens and the earth.
In each of the 4 Tavs the first eclipse in each pair occurs in the month of August. Each August eclipse suddenly reveals the King star Regulus, signifying Israels King the Messiah, and the constellation Leo signifying the Lion of Judah, to the observers in the path of eclipse totality.
The second eclipse in each pair occurs exactly 2422 days later, and marks the precise beginning of the first Hebrew month, Aviv 1, in each case.
Heres a list of the eclipse pairs and the regions marked by the eclipses:
1. 8/11/1999 3/29/2006 Turkey,Ezekiel 38 & 39
2. 8/01/2008 3/20/2015 Russia, The Extreme North
3. 8/21/2017 4/08/2024 United States, Babylon the Great
4. 8/02/2027 3/20/2034 Islam, The Beast
And there is that date in 2034 yet again. If you may remember I wrote about Islam and the colors of its flag how it directly correlates to the four horsemen of the apocalypse with colors of red, black, white and green (that is what the word translated as pale means). So the four horsemen are the description of total war, and it is presented by Islam which is the force of the Beast, and the anti-Christ is of that kind as well.
So in summation, when thinking about all of these things, please keep in mind that we must consider many different things to see how they all fit together. Things like the Bible timing hints, including the Hebrew calendar and especially their High Holy Days and at minimum, their seven Feasts of the Lord which all show that Christ is King and our Creator. We must consider how those fit within our histories, even back as far as pre-flood, and how they are counting forward to the end when He returns. We must also consider recent events such as the preparation for the third Temple to be built in Jerusalem. They have the alter ready, they have the pure Red Calves ready, they have the Priests ready, they have the plans to sacrifice it during the next few weeks, likely right after the April eclipse. All of these things are coming together seemingly all at once and the results will be spectacular. All of the major events in Israels brief modern history falls within those parameters and the upcoming ones do as well. Lets look at the October 7th attack by Hamas (Palestine and is mentioned in ancient scripture) as well as the upcoming major offensive actions of Hezbollah (Assyria) and the eventual final war. The impetus seems to be, other than the stated objectives of just pure satanic hate of Gods Chosen, to stop the impending sacrifice of that red calf that will allow the priests to purify themselves with its ashes ready to build the Temple. This is of the most significance in this war and cannot be overlooked by intelligent peoples.
The fear of the Muslims is that they are intending to build the Temple now on the currently Islamic owned Temple Mount. And that is just what will happen and why they will try to kill off Israel totally. It is going to be very interesting and I hope I can live through it long enough to see how it goes. These next few weeks seem to be a central nexus of prophecy and fulfillments.
This column is plenty long now so I will forgo listing some highlights of the coming years, but stay tuned.
And God Bless
An excellent overview of the Solar eclipses and the ramifications and much deeper analysis of what is actually going on is in the first video below. Please note the linkages with Israel and the very near war of Gog and Magog that is being set up. Also note that those who fight against Israel will be eliminated and what God has said about those that hate Israel and support the Palestinians (Hamas) and Assyrians (Hezbollah) in our current conflicts over there. You may need to watch this a few times to understand it.
God's Urgent Warning To America: Prophetic Meaning of Eclipse Revealed!
Secret of the Hebrew letter Alef
Secret of the Hebrew letter Tav
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