November 21, 2024
While The World Economic Forum Has Attracted Some Of The Wealthiest And Most Powerful People Alive To Its Techno-Fascist Cause, The 'Useless Eaters' Sent Them A Trumpian Rebuke
J.B. Shurk andAll News Pipeline
In the background of everything I write is a recurring message: human freedom is invaluable, and we must fight for it daily.We are not biological programs or redundant machines, as the techno-fascists at the World Economic Forum would describe us.We are not useless eaters whose mere presence threatens the planet.We are unique individuals made in the image of God.We are meant to make choices, learn valuable lessons, struggle through hardship, overcome adversity, and persevere.We are meant to live, have children, protect our families, and pass what wisdom we gain to the next generation.
What I describe above is ancient knowledge.Yet many of todays leaders would deny these essential truths.They speak of saving the planet with great fervor but are silent when it comes to saving human life.In fact, their message is just the opposite: dont get married, dont have kids, celebrate abortion, and embrace euthanasia.To most leaders in the West, life is a burden.Or rather,yourlife is a burden.While they enjoy the perks and privileges of wealth and power, they see everyone beneath their social stratum as just another mouth to feed.How lowly and unimportant are we in the minds of those who wish to rule over us?Men such as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Al Gore, and John Kerry tell us bluntly that we should own nothing, obey our betters, and subsist on a diet of bugs.According to their dark worldview, this is the bleak future that we deserve.
No doubt Schwab, Gates, Gore, Kerry, and other WEF enthusiasts see themselves as visionaries.The editorial boards of many influential newspapers and the boardrooms of many influential corporations certainly hail them as such.Dont forget that prominent American and European businessmen once hailed Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler as visionaries, too.There is no shortage of opinion pieces from the snappiest writers of the first half of the twentieth century extolling the virtues of the very leaders we now almost universally denounce as monstrously totalitarian.When the World Economic Forum repackages the tenets of totalitarianism as a humanitarian form of global governance necessary for fighting climate change, disinformation, or COVID, the ideological descendants of last centurys totalitarians manage to make this centurys totalitarianism sound like philanthropy.
This is how the battle for human freedom goes.In every generation, new leaders rise whose dark ambition is to rob individuals of their liberty.In every generation, a gathering of people must see through the descending fog of fear and falsehood and draw those lost toward freedoms light.Sometimes freedom wins, and the tyrants lose.Sometimes we humans find ourselves trapped in darkness for quite some time.This, however, remains true: no matter how bad things get, there are always those who refuse to bend.Perhaps their parents bestowed them with enough wisdom to see through the fog, perhaps their faith in God gives them uncommon courage for dangerous times, or perhaps their thirst for liberty is more intense than most.But wherever tyranny grows, those with rebellious spirit fight back.Moses freed his people.Spartacus led an army of former slaves.Abolitionists built an Underground Railroad.Freedom-minded Europeans toppled the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain.Liberty always finds a way.
It is also true that whenever tyranny takes hold and the world goes dark, libertys light shines unusually bright.When you light a candle in broad daylight, few notice.When you light a candle under the darkest sky, everybody notices.This is a lesson we are meant to remember.Even in the worst of times, never give up.It is in the direst moments when our actions have the greatest effect.If you are the only one holding the light in a community surrounded by darkness, steel your resolve, for you are now a leader.
I am filled with joy that President Trump has won re-election.I believe he has endured ridicule and hardship these last eight years for a reason.That he has survived Deep State treachery, endless defamation, news media lies, Intelligence Communitycoups dtat, impeachments, indictments, judicial corruption, and even attempted assassinations, only to become stronger today than when he first began his mission to make America great again, should give his enemies pause.Even a non-believer facing President Trumps implausible resiliency might reconsider the weight of these words:no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed.
The source of my joy, however, concerns something much greater than the re-election of any one man.
For too many years, those of us who fight for human liberty have also suffered.We have witnessed the U.S. and other Western governments disparage important human rights (such as free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to defend ourselves from oppression) as unimportant privileges that can be infringed, and even extinguished, at any time.Governments that proclaim themselves bastions of democracy and enemies of authoritarianism have repeatedly proven themselves the opposite.During the Reign of COVID Terror, Westerners experienced firsthand how fragile their rights really are.So-called liberal governments were more than willing to destroy human liberty in the name of human health.And sinceeverythingcan be said to be a matter of human health, Western governments revealed that absolutelyanythingmight be used as an excuse to deprive citizens of their residual liberty.This is how freedom melts away.
The language police are gettingmore aggressivein the United Kingdom.German authorities are so hostile to dissent andfree expressionthat they are close to banning one of the countrys most popular political parties.John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and other notable Democrats in the United States have gone from quietly conspiring with social media companies to censor public speech to openly calling for restrictions on Americas First Amendment.In this stew of bubbling globalist tyranny, societys pot is boiling over.
In these uncertain times, a person can be forgiven for assuming that the end of freedom is near.After all, the World Economic Forum has attracted some of the wealthiest and most powerful people alive to its techno-fascist cause.How can any one person fight totalitarianism when this ugly philosophy has so many influential adherents?I will suggest to you that there aremany more of usthan there are of them and that we are capable of squashing this centurys re-emergent strain of totalitarianism at any time.Consequently, WEF tyrants engage in a kind of mass hypnosis in which they convince the public that any resistance to the new world orders suffocating globalism is futile.With a steady stream of propaganda coming from media companies that WEF supporters control, we are made to feel small, powerless, and alone.
When President Trump won re-election on November 5, his victory had the greater effect of shattering the illusion of globalist invincibility.For the first time in quite a while, we could see how many of us were actually holding up libertys light, and the light from all our flames was actually quite bright.President Trumps victory was freedoms triumph.
What I would ask of you is this: now that you have seen clearly how many of us there are, be bold and brave.Do not allow totalitarianisms foot soldiers to shame you into silence.Do not accept censorship without a fight.Do not allow government agents to make you feel small.People who value reason, truth, and freedom are more powerful than any totalitarian State.Use the strength that God has given you, and never lose your faith.Many rough roads still lie ahead, and we will have to cross them all.But we will do so together.We all follow the same light.And that light is getting brighter.
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