February 17, 2022
The Ticking Time Bomb About To Explode And The 'Summoner Of Death' Vax Theory - CDC And 'Big Pharma' Drop Alarming Warnings Hinting 'Conspiracy Theorists' Were Right All Along

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While largely hidden behind the scenes and not seeing a peep of attention from the mainstream media, several recent 'public service announcements' from 'big pharma' and official US government agencies have gotten a little more attention, though not enough attention, from the 'independent media,' so that's what we have to do here now in this ANP story.
Because with the 'big tech tyrants' censoring anything that doesn't go along with their narrative, quite literally demonetizing numerous ANP stories that go against that 'narrative' (why your amazing donations are SO IMPORTANT to help keep ANP online), these 'public service announcements' made by the CDC and Pfizer basically confirm to the world what independent media has been reporting for quite some time now, the 'clot shot' is killing people.
With more and more stories confirming 'the vax' is destroying people's immune systems with VAERS now being overwhelmed with reports of 'vax-related' deaths and severe injuries, a recent story online titled "The Summoner of Death Covid Vax Theory"asked a great question that apparently more and more people have found relevant.:
"Did you notice this pattern with anyone that died shortly after 'the vax'?"
Then pointing out just how many people had died after receiving the vaccine FROM PRIOR OR 'HIDDEN' ILLNESSES that suddenly had gotten much, much worse after 'the vax', we'll take a look at that very concerning theory in the final section of this story below. Because as Mike Adams reports in these new Natural News stories, not only are people suffering from severe adverse effects and death following 'the vax' but immune systems are being destroyed.
Helping to explain why people are suddenly dying from other illnesses following getting 'vaxxed', why does Joe Biden continue to push the clot shot that doesn't work, now allegedly pushing an 'annual' vax to keep the revenue for the big pharma mafiaflowing in, at a time whenthe 'vaxxed' are still as likely, or MORE likely, to 'get covid' as the 'pure bloods'?
So while the CDC ended up deleting their tweet titled "Don't Let A Blood Clot Ruin Game Day", we had already saved it here at Archive.com as also seen in the screenshot below as is also reported upon in the 1st video at the bottom of this story. And as we'll explore in the next section of this story, it's not just the CDC putting out such warnings in February of 2022.
Leading to more and more evidence emerging we're witnessing nothing less than 'crimes against humanity' being carried out by the globalists according to Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who is going after the globalists for 'intentional, premeditated murder', it's likely the world is sitting on a ticking time bomb of vax related injuries as we'll be taking a look below and within parts II and III of this ANP series at Dr. Fuellmich's work and his promise: "We're going to get them."
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
In this February 14th story over at Big League Politics titled "Contact Your DoctorNo Time to Wait: Pfizer Issues Urgent Warning about Pulmonary Embolisms Caused by Blood Clots" they discuss a definite 'trend' that we never saw before the arrival of 'the vax', not only lots of people being struck down from blood clots, heart attacks and strokes following 'the vax'but the CDC and 'big pharma' warning about the potential of that happening, though of course they don't blame 'the vax'.
Happening often enough thatReuters was forced to put out this 'fact check story' claiming lots of sports figures HAD NOT been having heart attacks and collapsing on the field despite dozens of videos giving evidence to the contrary as seen in the final video at the bottom of this story, just check out this Big League Politics storywhich picks apart what's happening in a way that the msm will never tell us.
Pfizer has issued an ominous public warning about deep vein thrombosis, in what appears to confirm another so-called conspiracy theory that has been circulating for months.
Pfizer posted the warning on Twitter about deep vein thrombosis, the medical term for a blood clot in a deep vein, traveling to the lungs and causing a pulmonary embolism. They said if any individuals are having trouble breathing or experiencing chest pain, they should call a medical professional immediately.
Contact your doctor if experiencing symptomsthis is no time to wait, Pfizer stated.
Big League Politics has reported on how official propaganda organs like the CDC are trying to get ahead of the issue of blood clots being potentially caused by experimental COVID-19 vaccines:
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made an online post last Thursday announcing that anybody can get a blood clot, even if they are healthy and in peak physical condition. The post advised all Americans to watch out and defend themselves against life-threatening blood clots.
#DYK that anyone can develop a blood clot? wrote the CDC on Twitter. Whether youre an athlete or a fan, dont let a blood clot ruin the big game this weekend. Learn how to protect your health.
A small text entry featured on the CDCs post image claims that everyone is at a risk for blood clots, and that even the healthiest athletes get blood clots.
Yet before all of this, how often can you remember the CDC or the big pharma mafia issuing warnings of 'blood clots'? Exactly, we can't remember such a 'trend,' either, until very recently. And how often, before all this, do you remember so many sports figures collapsing on the field, or comedians collapsing and smashing their skulls open on stage soon after joking about 'the vax'? Things that make you go "hmmmm".
So before we conclude this story, let's take a look at that bizarre 'summoner of death vax theory'.:
The MRNA Covid Vaccines will summon your death. We all have a death that is waiting for us. We all have a death that is dormant, that is underlying and waiting to emerge at some point. What these vaccines do is remove whatever was holding them back, whatever was keeping them dormant. The strange thing is that there doesnt seem to be a connection and death can come in almost any form (cancer, mental health, organ failure, diseases, infections, etc.)
For example someone at age 55 takes the MRNA vax and shortly thereafter an unusually aggressive, mid to advanced stage cancer emerges all of a sudden. This person was eventually going to get this cancer in their mid to late 70s and was probably not going to die from it until age 80 or early 80s.
Another person in their 60s takes the MRNA vax. Shortly after taking the vax, all of a sudden a severe, steep mental/cognitive decline with all the signs of some kind of dementia or maybe even Alzheimers in just a matter of weeks or months. This person was eventually going to have these issues down the road in their 80s but the vax just unleashed it sooner.
A young person in their early to mid 30s takes the vax. Suddenly dies of a heart attack. They might have lived another 15 or 20 years and had that heart attack at age 50 but for some reason, the vax brought it on much sooner.
So if youre seeing lots of lethal blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, cancers, bad infections, shingles, embolisms etc. It is because the MRNA vax is just unleashing them inside the patient. And/or also disabling and weakening or completely eliminating whatever defenses the patient had that was holding back the disease or condition. (At least, according to this theory.)
Also, the people who apparently took the vax with no ill effects and who did not die shortly after taking it the explanation is that they would have lived a long, relatively trouble free life and would have died of natural causes in old age. However, according to this theory, their life span has been drastically reduced and it just remains to be seen how much it has been shortened. Time well tell in these cases (according to the theory).
And whether or not that theory is correct or not, and it wasn't our theory in the first place, its looking more and more like war crimes and genocide are being carried out by the globalists upon the people of America and the world, as we mentioned previously, we're going to be taking a deeper look in part II and part III of this ANP series at a story the mainstream media will never report upon, the crimes against humanity charges being levied by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich against Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci and more of the globalists, withDr. Reiner Fuellmich warning.:
"This is intentional, premeditated, mass murder. Theres absolutely no doubt about it because nothing else makes any sense. Were going to get them."
With truth activists now charging many of the worlds most powerful health people with genocide, and that group including former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon who has filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) on behalf of UK citizens against Boris Johnson and UK officials, Bill and Melinda Gates, chief executives of Big Pharma companies, World Economic Forum executive chairman Klaus Schwab, and others,we won't be holding our breaths waiting for those globalist criminals to meet their just desserts but will absolutely stay on top of this story.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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