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May 9, 2024
Under The Radar: Hundreds Of U.S. Banks At Risk Of Failing - The Liberal Mainstream Media Is Hiding Multiple 'Bidenomics' News Stories That Could Negatively Affect Every American
With so much happening, nationally and internationally, sometimes things slip through the cracks. The MSM with billion dollar budgets, and hundreds if not thousands of employees, making it possible for them extensively cover everything under the sun (climate change hoax pun, intended), deliberately chooses to focus on stories that push their liberal agenda, rather than news that could negatively affect every American.
In many cases the MSM will mention a story, then immediately move on while downplaying it, and in others they will address a topic in a manner which allows them to spin the news in a manner that benefits Democrats. In some cases, news that affects the ordinary American can take lot of work, and multiple key words, to even find, after being buried by MSM activism stories, ad nauseam.
Hundreds of small and regional banks across the U.S. are feeling stressed.
You could see some banks either fail or at least, you know, dip below their minimum capital requirements, Christopher Wolfe, managing director and head of North American banks at Fitch Ratings, told CNBC.
Consulting firm Klaros Group analyzed about 4,000 U.S. banks and found 282 banks face the dual threat of commercial real estate loans and potential losses tied to higher interest rates.
The majority of those banks are smaller lenders with less than $10 billion in assets.
Doing a quick search for that story, we see local news covering it, such as NBC Connecticut, a website called Coldfax, another named Norada Real Estate Investments, and Forex Factory. The only MSM stories arefrom 2023 after the Silicon Valley Bank collapse.
Since Bing and Google, are the search engines used by the majority of Americans, I checked both, and the results were basically the same, and neither had any recent (from 2024) MSM coverage, other than the CNBC story, showing on the first page regarding this latest warning about how many banks are at risk of failure.
Bing and Google also prioritize MSM sources, CNN, NYT, Wapo, and others, and not one major news outlet covering that specific news, was found on the front page, other than stories from 2023.
Did they cover-then-bury-it, making it ranking low on search engines? Nope. Using the search function on individual MSM websites, beings up stories completely unrelated, but no coverage of the CNBC report, nor the information provided in the CNBC report.
The NYT search results found one similar story, from 2023, regarding the Silicon Valley Bank failure.
Ditto for the Washington Post search results. In fact the only related Wapo article, in 2024, is about Silicon Valley Bank trying to make a comeback.
One would imagine that hundreds of U.S. banks at risk of failure, would be something Americans should know, yet those that get their news from the MSM, have no idea.
A handy rule of thumb here would be to leave just enough money in the bank to pay your bills, and keep the rest in a safe at home, under your mattress, or buried in your yard. Wherever you feel your money would be safest.
If you want to know what Stormy Daniels said about having sex with Donald Trump, the MSM is your go-to. If you want to know pertinent information about the risk of bank failures, you better be an Independent Media reader.
This is why supporting Independent Media is so very important.
(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
Another example of the MSM hiding 'Bidenomics' news, in order to protect Democrats, specifically the Biden regime, in a presidential election year, comes from Business Insider on May 6, 2024, is "The US will see a recession by year-end that could spark a 30% drop in the stock market, legendary forecaster Gary Shilling says.'
Investors should be prepared for a recession with the potential to send the stock market plummeting this year, Gary Shilling, a top forecaster, says.
In an interview with Business Insider, the Wall Street vet who was among the investors in the mid-2000s to call the subprime-mortgage bubble said he saw a recession coming by the end of the year as the job market continued to weaken. That could be the final blow to the stock-market rally fueled by investor overconfidence, causing stocks to drop by as much as 30%, Shilling said.
Shilling believes companies have held onto more workers than needed because of the shortage of labor that slammed employers during the pandemic. He predicted layoffs would escalate later this year, with unemployment peaking at 5% to 7% as the economy weakened.
Once again, a search using the search engines utilized by the majority of Americans, Google (60%) and Bing (33%), we see multiple articles from Business Insider, but nothing, zilch, zip, nada, from the major MSM outlets.
Whether Shilling is right or not, when someone with his reputation and experience makes that kind of devastating prediction, Americans have the right to know.
Perhaps they are waiting until they can figure out how to blame Donald Trump before reporting on it, or at the very least, colluding on what spin to give the news, so they can all roll it out at the same time, all the while making it appear as if Bidenomics isn't responsible.
Whichever the case, this is news Americans deserve, and in many cases, need to know, yet they aren't being informed by the major MSM outlets.
While inflation is far lower than it's peak in 2022, it has risen for three straight months, and is expected to show a fourth month rise when the numbers are released on May 15, 2024. Since Biden first started occupying the White House, prices have risen more than 20%. Lower inflation doesn't mean prices have gone down, it simply means prices are rising less than they were in 2022, but they do continue to increase.
This means we can expect prices to begin rising yet again, on top of the amount prices have rose since the Biden regime took over.
The price increases already seen, with the upcoming increases, with the highly reported news about cattle inventory being the lowest in decades, and the Avian flu hitting not only chickens, but spreading to dairy cattle, and we can expect to see meat prices jump in 2024.
Right now, since many ANP readers have been sharing their progress with their vegetable gardens on our NO-POLITICSSmall Garden page, we'll stick to encouraging readers to increase their stocks of freeze dried meats, and dairy products.
While Joe Biden and company, which includes the MSM, continue to tell Americans how wonderful the economy is under his regime, overall prices are up 20%, food prices more than that, banks have collapsed and hundreds more are now at risk, recession is being predicted for 2024, and Biden is outright lying to Americans with demonstrably fake claims about inflation being 9% under Trump, when in reality it was 1.4% when Biden took office.
That interview is the first video below, and when CNN, of all outlets, calls Biden out on inflation, and his lousy polling numbers, he denies it. He is either being lied to by his staff, or he is deliberately lying.
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